In the quiet, timeless town of Chenxi, Lin Yue, a young woman in her twenties, leads a peaceful life working at the local library. Surrounded by the warmth of the sun and the tranquility of the small town, Lin Yue finds solace in books and enjoys the slow, simple rhythm of life. Her days are filled with organizing books, reading in the library's cozy corners, and exchanging smiles with the friendly townspeople.
However, Lin Yue's ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when she receives a mysterious letter, inviting her on a magical journey. Filled with curiosity and doubts, she wrestles with the decision to attend, not knowing what to expect. As night falls and she ventures to the town's central square, Lin Yue is suddenly pulled into a strange vortex, thrust into an unknown world.
From this moment, Lin Yue's journey transforms into an extraordinary adventure. The story blends the serenity of small-town life with the excitement of fantasy and mystery, as Lin Yue faces unknown challenges and embarks on a path that could change her life forever. The novel weaves themes of self-discovery, courage, and the allure of the unknown, showing how one unexpected event can awaken a deeper calling.