The Hidden Lab

The sun had barely crested the horizon as Jill, Dr. Park, Dr. Grant, and Henry prepared to leave the safe house. The air was thick with tension as each one of them found himself burdened by the weight of the unknown. They were about to be taken to a place that could prove their greatest asset, or a trap that would lead to their sure death. Jill checked that his weapons were loaded and SEA-Z was at optimum capacity before they set out.

Are you positive that this lab is off Nexus's radar?" Jill asked Dr. Grant as they walked toward the unmarked SUV parked outside.

Dr. Grant nodded, at least his head did, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. "I'm as certain as I can be. It was set up under an alias and doesn't have any attachments to any file. It was a precaution I took in case my research became too valuable to keep in one place."

Let's hope your precautions were good enough," Henry muttered, checking his equipment. "If they've got any inkling we're headed there, we'll be walking right into another ambush."

Jill shot Henry a warning glance. "Let's stay positive. We can't afford to second-guess ourselves. This might be our best chance to get the upper hand on Nexus.

Piling into the SUV, SEA-Z booted the GPS on, tracing the route across Jill's dashboard. "Host, the coordinates for Dr. Grant's hidden lab are uploaded. Travel time with the current traffic conditions will take approximately forty-five minutes. I shall be scanning continuously to see if there is a tail or any form of interference.

"Good," Jill said, turning the key in the ignition. The big engine of the 4Runner roared to life, and they pulled away from the safe house, leaving the residential neighborhood behind them. The streets were just starting to stir with the early morning rush, but for the time being the road ahead was clear of traffic.

The group drove in near silence, with each person lost in their thoughts. Scenarios after scenarios ran through Jill's mind as he wondered what Nexus had planned if they were targeting scientists such as Dr. Park and Dr. Grant. Pieces of the jigsaw puzzle were missing, but this hidden lab contained any useful data that could finally give them some well-desired answers.

The cityscape fell away to abandoned industrial estates and scrubby fields as they approached the outer rim of the city. Jill followed the directions SEA-Z gave him, turning off  a small gravel track flanked on either side by heavy undergrowth. In front, there was an old army base-a reminder of times past, partially submerged in a tangle of rust and ivy.

There it is, Dr. Grant said, pointing out the window. The main entrance should still be functional, but there's also a back way in through the maintenance tunnels.

Let's keep our approach quiet, Jill advised pulling the SUV to a stop behind a line of trees. We'll go in through the maintenance tunnels. If Nexus somehow got here first, we don't want to give them the advantage.

They got out of the car and moved swiftly to a maintenance hatch overgrown with thick underbrush. Jill did the honors of pushing the underbush aside as the metal cover came into view. He turned the latch and pulled it open; down below lay a narrow ladder dropping into blackness.

Henry peered into the shaft. "Lovely. Nothing like a pitch-black tunnel to start the day.

Stay focused," Jill muttered as he began his descent. The ladder groaned beneath his weight, its resonance traveling upward in the shaft as he climbed down into the darkness. The others followed close behind, one by one, their movements deliberate and cautious. Reaching the bottom, Jill clicked on his flashlight, sweeping the beam into the corridor ahead.

SEA-Z, flash up a schematic of the facility," Jill whispered, trying to keep his voice low despite the apparent vacancy of the tunnel. The system overlaid his vision with their location and the quickest path towards the main control room of the laboratory.

"The tunnels open into a collection of storage spaces," SEA-Z replied. "There should be a hatch there that links directly to the primary lab. Proceed with caution, Host.

Jill led the way, his senses alert for any signs of danger. The deeper in they ventured, the colder the air grew, holding within it the faint scents of rust and mildew. The air was claustrophobic as the walls seemed to press down on them with their lines of old piping and dimly flickering lights. 

They could hear, ever so faintly, a low hum in the background-machinery that was still running deep within the facility.

Dr. Grant, how old is this place?" Henry asked, his voice muffled against the enclosed space.

"Built during the Cold War," Dr. Grant replied. "It was abandoned for years before I converted it into a lab. There are still some systems that function, though they're a bit… outdated.

Jill arrived at the hatch that SEA-Z had indicated on the map and gave the handle a try. It was locked, but a few seconds of work with his lockpicking tool made it click open. He pulled the hatch wide to show another ladder leading up into a larger chamber.

Popping up into what appeared to be a maintenance bay of sorts, complete with old workbenches hosting an array of tools and equipment, Jill noticed that most every available surface was covered in dust-a surefire indication that the room hadn't seen any action in quite a while. He motioned for the others to follow him, his ears open for any unusual sounds.

"We're close," Dr. Grant said, looking around. "The entrance to the lab should be just beyond that door." He indicated a heavy steel door at the far side of the room, partially obscured by a pile of crates.

Jill's instincts prickled with a sense of unease as they approached the door. He signaled to stop. "Wait. Something feels off. SEA-Z, run a scan for any electronic signatures or active surveillance equipment."

"Scanning…," he replied. "Detecting an active signal ahead. Possibly, security measures have been activated."

Jill's jaw tightened. "Grant, I thought you said this place was off the grid?

"It should be," Dr. Grant replied, a note of alarm seeping into his voice. "No one else should have access to the systems here."

Henry swore under his breath. "Looks like someone does. If they've got eyes on us, we could be walking right into another trap."

Jill thought over the options. "We'll go in, but stay ready. If there's anyone inside, we'll deal with them." He unholstered his weapon and moved to the door, pushing it open with a slow, steady motion.

Beyond lay the lab: a great, circular room filled with equipment, computers, and glass partitions partitioning off different workstations. The soft glow of the monitor screens bathed the room in pale blue light, casting long shadows across the floor. But it wasn't the equipment, or the machinery, that drew Jill's attention; it was the figure standing at the far end of the room, silhouetted against one of the computer terminals.

Who's there?" Jill called out, the sound of his voice carrying in the space.

The figure slowly turned to them, a man in a lab coat with a cool expression on his face. "Ah, Dr. Grant. I was wondering when you'd arrive," he said, a thread of humor lacing his tone.

Jill's grip on his weapon tightened. "And who am I speaking to?

The man smiled-a cold, calculated expression. "Let's just say… I'm a friend of Nexus.".