

The chilling words from Nexus left Jae Won spiraling in panic. His mind raced, unsure of what would come next. But what could he do? Trapped in a hopeless situation, he surrendered to Nexus's control, bracing himself for whatever was about to unfold.

Nexus's voice broke the tense silence. "Creator! Before I go on to kick some real ass, I need authorization to unlock this body's full power."

"What fucking authorization, you bastard? You've been running wild like a goddamn psycho, and now you need my permission?" Jae Won spat, his frustration boiling over, trust in Nexus eroding fast.

"Ah… Well, that wasn't my full power, and I didn't need authorization for that. But to crush them for real… yeah, I need it. Hurry up—we're out of time!"

"Do whatever the fuck you want, just get us out of this mess!" Jae Won growled, his anger almost palpable.


The second the system's voice faded, mechanical clanks and metallic screeches echoed from Nexus's body. Pistons groaned as they shifted, his damaged synthetic skin knitting back together, sizzling as it reformed over the burnt patches.

"Thank you, Creator," Nexus whispered, and then all hell broke loose.

Nexus exploded forward with a speed so monstrous it left cracks in the asphalt. With one colossal leap, he launched himself toward the nearest assassin, blades flashing as he sliced the man's throat wide open. Blood sprayed from the severed arteries like a crimson fountain, painting Nexus's face.

Before the decapitated body hit the ground, another assassin lunged at him from behind. But the fool didn't realize he wasn't the predator—he was the prey. Nexus grabbed him mid-air, fingers wrapping around the assassin's throat like a vice. The man gasped, eyes bulging, desperately trying to stab Nexus in the eyes with his dagger. The blade scraped harmlessly against Nexus's face, leaving the assassin frozen in disbelief.

"You thought you could kill me with *this*?"Nexus sneered, tightening his grip. "People who kills doesn't have a right to a painless instant death" He hurled the struggling assassin onto a nearby highway, where high-speed vehicles roared past.

First came the screech of tires as a car slammed into the assassin's body, throwing him across the pavement like a rag doll. Another vehicle hit him, then another—bones crunched, flesh tore, blood sprayed in all directions. His body twisted, mangled beyond recognition, until finally, a massive truck ran over his head, reducing it to a gory pulp, splattering brains and skull fragments across the asphalt.

Nexus wiped some blood off his cheek, unfazed. "One by one? Fucking waste of time." Scanning the area, he quickly spotted an autonomous hovercraft carrying steel bricks overhead, a sign reading "Construction in Progress" flashing on its side screen.


In his vision, Nexus opened a window and hacked into the hovercraft's system, bringing it down to the road below with a thundering crash. Hopping onto the vehicle, he picked up a steel brick and grinned darkly.

"Hey fellas! I have some gifts for you please enjoy."

With deadly precision, Nexus hurled the bricks with terrifying speed, each one a missile aimed at the assassins. Bloodcurdling screams echoed as the bricks smashed into skulls, turning faces into splattered messes of blood and brain matter. 40 assassins—40 lives extinguished in seconds. Some tried to dodge or block the first brick, only to be met with a second one that caved in their ribs or crushed their skulls completely.

"BOOM! HEADSHOT!" Nexus cackled, reveling in the carnage, his face twisted into something inhuman.

In the distance, police sirens blared, and robotic units hovered in the sky. Nexus barely spared them a glance. "Humans! Always fucking late..."

*"That was... really fucking cool. But we need to get to CyberNotics Headquarters, now."*

Nexus's voice crackled in his head, *"Huh? Why the hell do you want us to go there? What's so important there that we can't go somewhere safer?"

Jae Won's tone was firm, almost pleading. "Just for once, do what I say. I'm a man with plan"

Nexus grunted, his annoyance clear. "Whatever, Creator. Just hope you don't regret this, because I have a feeling this shitstorm isn't over yet. First, there were ten assassins. Now over forty. They won't stop until we're dead. Plus the guy with weird ass powers i didn't sensed him in those assassins"

"Trust me,"* Jae Won replied, his voice steady. *"Just take us there."


While he was looking to find a way to get there a speeding car caught nexus's attention. Without hesitation, Nexus stepped into its path, his body a living wrecking ball. The car crumpled upon impact, the front end obliterated as it collided with his leg, yet Nexus didn't flinch. He strolled to the driver's side, casually knocking on the window.

Inside, the driver slumped forward, unconscious from the crash. Nexus hacked the car's security, opening the door with a flick of his hand. He yanked the driver out by the collar, slapping him awake.

The man gasped, his eyes wide with terror. "W-what hit me? Am I dead?"

Nexus grinned wickedly, a predator enjoying his prey's fear. "Driving like an asshole, huh? Here's your punishment—I'm taking your car. Next time, follow the fucking rules." With a brutal shove, Nexus tossed the driver onto the sidewalk like a discarded rag doll.

Sliding into the driver's seat.

[Welcome! Please choo-]

"Shut the fuck up." The controls responded immediately, unfolding manual controls in a smooth motion. Nexus hit the accelerator, the car roaring to life as it sped toward CyberNotics Headquarters.

Behind him, the disoriented driver lay crumpled on the sidewalk, weakly shaking his fist as Nexus sped away. "You son of a biiiitch... it was a new caaaaarrrr! My fucking carrr!"

"You've started acting more human lately," Jae Won said, his voice oddly calm despite the situation. "Stealing, killing… what's next huh?"

Nexus didn't hesitate, a smirk audible in his reply. "Well, I am the world's most intelligent AI, after all."


With that, the car's speed increased, the engine growling as they tore through the streets toward their destination.


In Seoul's futuristic skyline, the towering CyberNotics building stood as a remarkable testament to cutting-edge technology. Among the sleek skyscrapers, it was a beacon of progress, with delivery drones zipping through the air and large holographic ads lighting up every corner of the city. The ads showcased the latest advancements in robotics, with CyberNotics at the forefront.

As Nexus drove closer, the grand building loomed ahead, its gleaming exterior reflecting the brilliance of the city. The distance between them and the entrance shrank with every second, delivery robots darting through the air above. The streets were bustling with activity, civilians in awe of the massive holograms playing around them.

In moments, Nexus reached the grand entrance of CyberNotics. He stopped the battered car and stepped out, taking in the imposing structure before them.

"What now?" Nexus asked, his tone flat but with a hint of anticipation.

Jae-won's voice echoed from within, calm and composed. "Let's go inside."

Nexus hesitated, his grip tightening on the car door. "Sure..." He agreed, though his uncertainty lingered. Something didn't feel right.

As they approached the building, Nexus froze mid-step. A strange sensation washed over him, like a cold shiver down his spine. He instinctively glanced back and his eyes widened. He zoomed far off in the distance, a massive, glowing purple circle had formed on the ground. It spun faster and faster, intricate patterns swirling within it, and with each second, it grew brighter. The eerie light cast long shadows across the streets, and from the center of the circle, dark figures began to emerge—assassins. But this time, they weren't just 40; over 200 shadowy figures marched forward, their movements unnervingly precise.

Nexus's eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and shock. "Is that... teleportation technology?"

Before he could react further, Jae-won's voice cut in, sharp and decisive. "Why are you excited bastard!!! Give me control."

Nexus hesitated. "You're going to fight them... by yourself?"

Their conversation was interrupted as the crowd of civilians around them grew frantic. People screamed, confused and terrified by the sudden appearance of the assassins. Cries for help filled the air as the crowd pressed in on them, demanding to know what was happening. But the assassins paid no heed to the chaos. They were like machines, their sole focus on slaughter.

Without mercy, they cut down anyone in their path. Civilians—men, women, and children—fell where they stood, blood painting the streets of Seoul a sickening red. The once-bustling area outside CyberNotics was quickly becoming a scene of carnage, bodies littering the ground, the life draining from them as the assassins advanced relentlessly towards the headquarters.

Amidst the slaughter, one figure stood out—a hulking, monstrous man, easily twice the size of an average human. Dressed in pure black, his sleeveless arms bore demonic tattoos, as if creatures from hell had marked him as their own. His back displayed a strange, sinister symbol, the same one Jae-won and nexus had seen before.

This was their leader.

He moved through the chaos without a care, unaffected by the massacre his underlings unleashed. Slowly, he crouched down and bit into his own finger, drawing blood. With deliberate precision, he began tracing a triangle on the ground, followed by an eye bleeding from its corners. His voice, deep and unsettling, echoed in the air.

"The soil where the living thrives... the soil where the dead hides... Cover it in sinful protection and accept our offering of blood."

As his incantation ended, a red barrier erupted from the ground, spreading outward until it enclosed a two-kilometer radius around them. The air hummed with energy, trapping everyone inside. No one could leave; no one could enter.

The giant stood and turned his gaze toward CyberNotics, his white, scarred eyes glowing eerily. A twisted smile spread across his face, and in a voice filled with malice, he declared, "I hope you'll give me peace by killing me, Immortal. Otherwise, this world of yours will be painted red."

He removed his mask, revealing a face marred by countless scars and bruises, eyes pale and unseeing yet filled with madness. Then, with a wave of his hand, he commanded his assassins. "This is enough. Let's finish the mission."

The assassins halted their massacre, now focused entirely on the towering CyberNotics building. Their target was clear.

Nexus cursed under his breath. "Shit. We've been disconnected from the servers. Is it because of that damn barrier?"

Jae-won's voice held a note of impatience. "Yeah, and they're coming for us. We can't rely on outside help now. Switch."

"Switch? Are you out of your mind?" Nexus snapped, incredulous. "You've never fought in your life, Creator. Not even killed an ant, and now you want to take on these assassins?"

Jae-won's tone shifted, deadly serious. "Don't underestimate me."

Nexus sighed, clearly frustrated. "Fine, whatever. You're the boss."


The moment the system confirmed the switch, Jae-won took control of the body, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Feels good to be in control again."

Nexus, now an observer, couldn't help but feel uneasy. "What are you planning, Creator?"

Jae-won chuckled darkly. "Now, Nexus... let me show you something interesting."


Chapter - 4