Two weeks passed after Layla tried to seduce Ace. It became like an obsession for her, everyday and night she thought of him, he was in her head.
She was observing him through the window of her chamber, how he was working in the garden.
"If you're not mine then you will be to no one else" she murmured .
Ace was there, working robotically. He sometimes thinks of his past life with the privileges that he had but it was a far souvenir. He had bruises on his body, his hairs became longer and disheveled.
He was here but at the same time he wasn't there. Far away he looked, suddenly he saw a silhouette, due to the high sun he couldn't see perfectly but then he saw Amber-ruby.
"Amber-ruby?" He called , a smile on his face.
He threw the cutlass and approached but the more he came closer the more she seems to be far.
"Amber-ruby! Wait!" He called trying to catch her.
Then suddenly a worker tapped his shoulder.
"It's a mirage, due to the high sun" he said
And all the hopes of Ace were gone. He thought that she was alive , since one year it was the first time that he had a bare hope but unfortunately it wasn't.
In the evening, Layla was in her bed sobbing. Her husband entered and saw her.
"What's wrong my dearest wife?" He asked with concern.
She stood up still sobbing.
"My husband" she called like a baby still sobbing and hugging him.
"What's the matter?" He asked again.
"I'm searching one of jewelry, you know the sapphire stone that you bought for our mariage" she explained
"Yes" he nodded
"I'm not seeing it anymore, someone stole it" she confirmed
"Who can do it? Non of our servant will have the courage to do that" the governor said
"Yes none of them but that new servant, Ace. I don't trust him" she said.
Effectively they was having the jewelry of Layla in his chamber.
They called all the servants in their chamber including Ace.
"Do you recognize this" he lifted the jewelry.
They all shook their head indicating No, the only person that didn't reply was Ace.
"This is the jewelry of my wife. My wife told me that it is Ace that stole it" the governor said.
They all turned to Ace that was expressing no expression on his face.
Layla smirked discretely .
"But it can't be possible because he was with me all the journey" the governor explained
"What?!" Layla was surprised
"He accompanied me in my farm, he gave advices to me" he stood up with a bright smile.
"You know what Layla, it's my first time to see a Slave that's so educated" he put his hand on Ace shoulder, having a bright smile.
He then turned to the others slaves.
"It then means that this jewelry was stolen by someone else here not him" he narrowed his eyes
"Speak now!"
They were all worried, looking at each other.
"You will be beaten then. Now get out!" He ordered.
They all went.
The plan of Layla hasn't work, she was furious.
Layla couldn't sleep, she was tossing and turning on the bed. She was just thinking of him, Ace.
She stood up slowly from the bed for her husband not to wake up , she then dive in the room of Ace.
She saw him sleeping. At the moment she wanted to caress his face, he grabbed her hand making her to startled and blenched .
"What do you want?" He asked.
"You" she said softly.
"Get out" he threw her on the floor then stood up.
"I wouldn't" she stood up and jumped onto Ace and forcefully kissed him. He tried to remove her from him but she was stuck like a leech.
"F**k me right now , Ace" she pleaded.
Now, Ace was on top of her struggling to get out from her grip.
Then suddenly she saw her husband standing infront of the door in shocked . She was surprised she didn't expect him to be here, now, she has to do everything to save her life.
"Stop, Ace! Don't rape me!" She pretended.
Looking at the scene, the governor became red of furious, he removed his dagger with rage and run toward Ace shouting to stabbed him.
Ace stood up rapidly , like a reflex he punch him and the governor fainted.
"What have you done to him?!" Layla panicked.
"Oups" he shrugged not really caring
The governor was furious when he regain his consciousness, his nose was broken due to the punch of Ace.
"I want him to die! He wanted to rape my wife and he humiliated me"
He said to the nkumkuma, Layla was pretending to cry.
"He didn't miss you, that's true" a young man mocked at him.
"Well, as you wish. Tomorrow morning, Khir will manage it." The nkumkuma said.
"Okay father" the khir in question replied.
Ace was now in prison waiting for him to be kill. He left from a slave to a prisoner. His desire of been kill will now be realize, Tomorrow morning he will not exist anymore.
"I will come and meet you, father…. Amber-ruby" he murmured.
Early in the morning, the prisoners that had to be killed were woke up.
"Prince Khir!" One guard said.
The guards make that every prisoners should come out of their cell. They were placed horizontally.
Prince Khir scanned them, as if he was looking for something on them. Then he started to choose.
Almost all the prisoners was on the left hand side except Ace and four others men.
"Those on the left are going to be kill" Khir said with no expression and sternly.
"No! No!" They all pleaded.
"The other people, You are going to the ARENA" he smirked.
In the crown room. The governor was furious.
"Why have you preferred to send him into the Arena" he asked.
Khir had his legs crossed and he replied.
"Why are you complaining? In the two case he is still going to die" the young man beside Khir smirked.