
In the heart of an opulent mansion, a young boy named Joshua awoke in a lavish room adorned with gold accents and exquisite furniture. The sunlight filtered through sheer curtains, casting delicate patterns on the marble floor. He blinked, taking in the vastness around him—an ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling, and paintings of ancestors lined the walls, their gazes seemingly watching him.

Joshua pushed himself up from a massive four-poster bed, its silk sheets slipping around him. Confusion flooded his mind. Just moments ago, he was a middle-aged man, burdened by a lifetime of regrets and failures. Now, he was here, in a world that felt both foreign and tantalizingly familiar.

All of a sudden memories started filling his mind. His name was Joshua Runkandel, the second child of Rosa Runkandel and Cyron Runkandel. His father was the current patriarch of one of the two strongest families in the world and the strongest knight of the generation. He also had an elder sister named Luna Runkandel.

Now he recognised which world he was in.A fantasy world where magic and swordsmanship is possible. In his previous life of struggles and hardships, his only respite was watching anime, reading manhwas and novels. This world was also the novel which he read and loved in his past life "Swordmaster's Youngest Son". A novel in which a boy name Jin Runkandel is reborn and is given a second life who would go on to become the strongest man in the world. And I am currently inhabiting the body of the elder brother of that boy.

My name is Joshua Runkandel.Currently I am eleven months old. There are two families who control the world . One half is ruled by the family Zipple and the other half is ruled by the Runkandel family which I am currently reincarnated in. In the novel, I am also a minor villain who causes the trouble for

the main character by first locking his talents through a curse placed with the help of 9 star magician because of which in the protagonist's first life he is humiliated and neglected leading to grow his resentment for his own family. In the second life protagonist goes on to break the curse by contracting with the god of shadows(Soldret).

Now, the problem is that I am right now feeling the same contract the main character had with the god of shadows(Soldret). I can feel the spiritual power of shadows flowing in me.

In the original novel I was also a very talented genius but was never able to receive any kind of recognition from my father due to which I was never able to read my full potential. Even ther I reached the level of 9 star knight at the age of 20. Now but I can confidently say that I can even leave my father and sister who are said to be the most talented behind.