Runkandel's Superstion

And 100 days passed just like that during which I tried to familarize myself with my new body. I have to say reading and experiencing with your own eyes is a completely different feeling. I could feel the raw strength coursing through my body equal to an average adult even though I am just a child all because of the blessed body of the Runkandels which are gifted to walk the path of knights even more so because of my direct lineage. In the novel it was said that Runkandels of the main line never used to wear armours because their body was more durable and could tank attacks better than any high level armour. One day when no one was looking, I crawled my way to the mirror in my room, and not to be boastful but I am really gonna be a lady killer in the future. Jet black hair with Ruby Red eyes and a chubby face is what I saw as my reflection. Perfect. In this world there are beautiful and powerful women who I want to seduce and make my own. And this help will be a big helping factor for that.

Moving on, today is my first birthday and I am being prepared for my sword selection ceremony. Yes you heard it right. In Runkandel when a child has his first birthday he is carried to what is called as "Garden Of Swords". Garden Of Swords is a large garden in our main estate in which swords of legendary and famous Runkandels have been planted who have contributed for the growth of Runkandels. When the child is brought to the garden he will be left alone in front of these swords and the child will crawl and select their swords. It is said that the sword that the child will select will shape thir destiny which I consider pretty stupid because a child doesn't have that that much brain and generally the children just select the sword that are in front of them.

While I was daydreaming, a certain woman entered my room. The mistress of the house and my mother Rosa Runkandel. She had ebony hair and a sharp gaze decorating her straight, pointy nose. Despite her alluring charm she appeared quit shrewd and overpowering, which earned her the name "Black Panther" from others. But to me she was just my mother. In the novel she doesn't consider most of her children worthy of her time but here from my birth I have only seen care and love in her eyes towards me. Today she has come here to pick me up herself and carry me to the garden of swords.

"Ah, how cute you look my dear child." She said. I extended my hands towards her from my cradle gestering for her to pick me up while saying "Mama.." looking in her eyes. She giggled and swooned over me saying how cute I looked and picked me up in my arms. She then carried me to the garden of swords.

When we reached garden of words, I was truly awestruck by the various swords planted in the garden with both sides of the garden being covered by various guardian knights and elders of the house. In front of the garden was my father in all his glory being flanked by black knights along with my elder sister who upon seeing me quickly broke into a bright smile. In my house two people dote on me the most, first my mother and then my elder sister(Luna Runkandel). I have only seen my father once and that was when I was just born. As soon as I reached in front of the garden, my mother put me down to start the ceremony. I heard my sister from my back say "Good luck ,my sweet brother". After that instead of just choosing the first sword I saw like other children I started crawling towards one particular sword in the middle of the garden. There were quite a few number of swords so I had zig zag my way through them. I could hear my surroundings getting noisier as I made by way to that one particular sword as if they could not believe what was happening. Finally I reached the sword that I am gonna select. As soon as I touched the sword the surroundings became quiet in disbelief. And the reason for their astonishment was because the sword I chose was not any sword but the sword of the patriarch also called as "Barisada". The number of people who selected this sword in history can be counted in one hand and they all had one thing in common that was that they went on to become the patriarch of the house. The first one being the founder of the house himself "Temar Runkandel". Barisada and Bradmante are legendary twin swords which were created by God of Smith himself thousands of years ago for the founder of the house when "Soldret" used to be our guardian god.

When I turned around, I could see the astonishment on the faces of the elders. Some of them were smiling, some were scowling obviously with envy and jealousy.

My father and mother were showing proudful expression on their faces and my sister was jumping around in joy shouting my name. This is my first step towards becoming the strongest man as well as the leader of the Runkandel family.
