Chapter 30 - Two Pawns in One Strike

"I'm going to fill you with cum." Alphonse shouted.

He came inside Celeste while she trembled with pleasure.

"What will the princess say when she finds out you're pregnant?" He asked, but the girl had no reaction left.

Celeste was moaning and trying to recover; however, she didn't expect the boy to be ready for another round. As soon as she hit the floor, he had already pulled her legs apart and penetrated her again.

"How are you going to explain it to her? Are you going to tell her that you knew me for two days and knew I was supposed to be your master or that you got pregnant to defend her?"

Alphonse didn't stop. As long as there was a little light in the room, he continued to fuck Celeste. The girl stank of sex and dried cum.

Neither knew how long they had been there, but when the lights finally went out, it was time to go back upstairs.



The second floor was a bit easier, although some opponents had appeared this time. They were simple Slimes—bigger than the ones on the first floor, but still simple creatures with no intelligence.

All Alphonse had to do was roast them, and they died, leaving only a little of their slime behind.

Celeste served as a guide throughout the journey, especially on this floor where her wind blades weren't as helpful. When you cut a Slime, you form two new ones. The only way to destroy them was by crushing or burning them.

The progress was slow, but not because of the opponents. Celeste tried not to speed up too much since she was chafed and needed to find a water source.

'I need to get rid of this smell before reaching the portal,' She planned.

Because of this, the two took a longer detour until they reached a vast lake on the second floor.

"Is it safe to drink this water?" Alphonse asked.

"Yes," Celeste explained. "For some reason, nothing inside the Dungeon is capable of causing infections or diseases. They are poisons, but only through a creature."

The boy was still wary of the water, drinking only enough to last the rest of the journey.

However, Celeste didn't wait. She quickly removed her clothes and cleaned herself in the lake. Any modesty she might have had in the past with the boy was gone.

'Please. Please clean up.' She threw herself into the water that came up to her waist while, with one hand, she washed her lower parts, trying to remove the remains of sex. 'I can't get pregnant!'

Celeste didn't take long to finish washing herself and put her dress back on so they could leave.

"Are we far from the next boss?" Alphonse asked.

"Not far. Just a few more minutes." She explained.

The boy noticed some changes in the place's architecture. The dark stones had been replaced by lighter ones, and the number of Slimes had reduced significantly. After a few minutes of walking through the corridors, they found a gigantic white stone door.

"Have we arrived?" Alphonse wanted to confirm.

"Yes," Celeste nodded.

"What can we expect this time?" the boy asked.

"It's usually some kind of Slime. Beware of Purple or Green Slimes; they're often poisonous," she explained.

"Alright. Let's go." Alphonse leaned on the door, forcing it open.

Unlike the previous boss room, this one was well-lit, with large arches covering almost the entire room. The stones were a mix of white and yellow, simultaneously giving an air of majesty and tranquility.

There were dozens of pillars throughout the room, some with markings and engraved runes. Others were destroyed, either by time or by battles that occurred there.

But there was something even more important than the place—the inhabitant—a massive blue slime nestled in the room's center like it was the room's owner. Its glossy surface cast rippling reflections across the worn white floor.

You could feel the ground shake each time the creature jumped or moved.

"What is that?" Alphonse asked.

"Fuck it. A King Slime," Celeste commented. "It's like a normal Slime but more resilient and aggressive."

"Got it," the boy confirmed.

As soon as the creature spotted its opponents, it moved and jumped toward them.

Alphonse didn't wait for the creature to get close before starting to shoot his flames; however, as soon as they hit the monster's surface, they were extinguished.

'I'll need more power or to be closer,' the boy thought.

Celeste took the opportunity to distance herself so she could cast her [Sky Blade]. However, her magic had little effect on the creature; each blade created a cut on the creature's gelatinous surface but was quickly regenerated.

Seeing Celeste and her attacks, the creature recoiled.

'Maybe it's scared?' they both thought.

However, it was far from that. The creature quickly made a long leap toward the girl. Before Celeste could anticipate it, the Slime used part of its body like an arm and struck her squarely, throwing her against one of the walls.

"Celeste!?" Alphonse shouted.

But there was nothing he could do immediately. The girl had fallen to the ground unconscious.

"She seems to have just fainted from the impact. Let's hope for that," he theorized. "At least with her like this, I can use my full power."

[Demon Skin]

The boy could feel his skin heating up, slowly turning red, and two horns growing on his forehead. He could feel his strength and stamina improving every second.

While he was preparing, the Slime was already approaching. Trying to perform the same move it did on Celeste, the monster swung part of its jelly-like fist to hit the boy.

However, Alphonse didn't try to dodge. As the jelly swung, he used both arms to grab the monster, preventing it from escaping.

[Fire Spark]

[Fire Spark]

[Fire Spark]

[Fire Spark]

The boy concentrated all his mana on burning the Slime. Even though the flames were extinguished, he was damaging the creature, which tried to flee but couldn't move with the boy clinging to its surface.

[Fire Spark]

[Fire Spark]

Alphonse could feel the Slime becoming slower, moving less and less.


The monster exploded like a water balloon, splattering goo everywhere.

"How disgusting," the boy spat out the slime goo that had hit his face.

Once he deactivated his magic, he walked over to Celeste. The girl seemed to have hit her head on the wall, but except for the bruise, she appeared to be okay.

He chose not to force her to wake up, sitting beside her as they rested.



"Ah!" Celeste woke up screaming, still with the adrenaline from fighting a boss.

However, there was nothing else in the room except Alphonse, who had been sleeping until he was alerted by the noise.

"What happened?" the boy asked.

"N-nothing," she said, embarrassed. "Is it over? I mean, the fight."

"Yes. As soon as you were attacked, it gave me an opening to hit it from behind," he explained, clearly lying to her.

The girl ran a hand over her forehead; her head felt like it was splitting with pain. She could feel the bruise from the hit she had received. Celeste leaned against the wall until she stood up.

"Shall we go?" she asked.

"Are you able to walk?" the boy questioned.

"I think so," Celeste replied, walking around the room.

Seeing that she wanted to continue, he also stood up. They both advanced to the next floor—finally on the first floor.

"What are the chances of others finding us?" Alphonse asked.

"Hmmm, if they've noticed that we went to the wrong floor, it's high. They might have called the Imperial Guard to descend the levels," Celeste explained.

"But only if they've noticed. Besides, how could we have ended up on the wrong floor?" the boy asked.

"I can't say," she replied thoughtfully. "It could have been some error in the portal's configuration."

"Or sabotage," he commented.

"Sabotage?" Celeste said incredulously.

"Is it possible you think it wouldn't happen, especially with the battle among the imperial family heating up," Alphonse remarked.

"B-but who would do that? Hugo wouldn't have anything to gain from something like this," she said.

"Hugo? Hmm. Although he's a jerk, he's extremely talented. I don't think he'd let his 'honor' be tarnished by a 'low blow,'" Alphonse explained.

"Then... that leaves Victorie," Celeste said.

"Ding ding ding! Correct answer!" the boy said as if he were on a talk show.

"B-but why? What does she gain by eliminating you?" the girl asked.

"Me? No, no. Would you have survived if I weren't here?" he asked.

Celeste thought for a moment. 'Maybe if I had stayed on the second floor. But only if Goblins didn't find me and if the Guard arrived in time.'

"Maybe, but most likely not," she said sadly.

"Exactly. She wanted to eliminate you, placing Princess Elise in a tough spot and leaving the dispute between herself and Hugo," the boy commented. "I was just a tool. She thought I was too weak and would be a burden to you."

Alphonse smiled openly, pleased to see the princess's scheme unraveling.

Celeste didn't know what to say. She remembered that Victorie had selected the groups and that she studied Arcane Systems, so she could easily alter the portal.

The boy gave a final order as they walked on the first floor. "When you're alone with Elise, tell her about this hypothesis and that I performed perfectly. That she urgently needs me by her side. Raise my value in her eyes. That's an order," he spoke seriously.

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