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Chapter 1: The Omnipotent Writer and the Hero of Heroes

The void stretched out infinitely in every direction, a place where time and space meant nothing, where existence itself seemed to blur into a dream. It was within this vast nothingness that Sage Blank sat, his shimmering white form almost translucent against the black expanse. His body, tall and slender, glowed faintly, with a single question mark on his face, the only indication of his attention. He floated idly, boredom etched into his posture as he flicked his quill, creating small sparks of energy that flickered and disappeared.

"Time," he mused, his voice a soft, distorted echo that vibrated through the fabric of the void. "Endless possibilities. Endless outcomes. But still, none that entertain me."

He had seen it all, universes bending, battles fought across realms, powerful entities rising and falling. Yet nothing satisfied him. It was all so predictable. His powers were absolute; the omniverse itself bent to his whim. He could shape worlds, erase history, or create something from nothing, and yet none of it provided the challenge he sought.

"What if..." Sage Blank whispered, the question mark on his face glowing faintly as an idea began to form, "...I take the most random beings from across the multiverse... and pit them against each other?" His quill flashed with a vibrant light, and the space around him rippled as his plan unfolded. "No rules. Just chaos. That should entertain me."

With a casual motion, Sage slashed the air with his quill, and a tear in the fabric of the omniverse appeared before him. His glowing gaze settled on his first target: Ben Tennyson.


Ben Tennyson, now in his twenties, stood at the center of an alien battlefield, the last remnants of Vilgax's fleet smoldering around him. His Omnitrix hummed faintly on his wrist, the symbol glowing with a familiar green light as he surveyed the damage. Ben had grown a lot since his teenage days, his frame now taller, more muscular, and his face more seasoned by years of battles across the universe. He no longer needed to rely on instinct alone; experience had honed him into a formidable protector of the Earth.

"Took down your ship, Vilgax," Ben muttered, a smirk playing on his lips. "And now you're next."

Vilgax, wounded and enraged, glared at Ben from across the battlefield. His monstrous form, towering and scarred, was a shadow of his former self. "You may have won this time, Tennyson, but-"

Before Vilgax could finish his threat, the air around them grew unnaturally still. The fires burning from the wreckage of Vilgax's fleet froze mid-flame, the embers hanging in the air as if suspended in time. Ben's smirk faded instantly, his senses going on high alert as the sudden shift in reality set in.

"What the…?" Ben muttered, glancing around.

The stillness deepened, and from the shadows of the wreckage stepped Sage. His body seemed to glow with an ethereal light, and the very air around him bent and rippled as if reality itself struggled to contain his presence.

Ben's eyes narrowed. He had faced countless powerful beings over the years, but there was something about this figure that set him on edge. The Omnitrix flashed briefly on his wrist, sensing the vast energy radiating from Sage Blank.

"You're Ben Tennyson," Sage Blank said, his voice calm and otherworldly. "Wielder of the Omnitrix. Protector of Earth. You have faced many foes, so... i decided you're a good choice."

Ben raised an eyebrow, his hand instinctively hovering over the Omnitrix. "Yeah? And who exactly are you?"

"I am Sage Blank," the figure replied, his form glowing brighter. "And I am here to test you."

Ben smirked, tapping the Omnitrix. "Test me, huh? Well, you're in for a surprise." With a flick of his wrist, the Omnitrix's Master Control activated, allowing him to rapidly access all of his alien transformations. Without hesitation, Ben selected XLR8, the Kineceleran speedster.

In a flash of green light, Ben transformed, his form shifting into the sleek, blue-and-black body of XLR8. The ground beneath him barely had time to settle before Ben dashed forward at blinding speed, his body becoming a blur as he aimed to land the first strike.

But Sage didn't move. With a simple wave of his quill, the space around XLR8 distorted, slowing the speedster's movements to a crawl. Ben gritted his teeth as his body struggled against the warping of space, his legs moving with effort but unable to break free.

"What the...?!" Ben growled, his voice distorted by the slow motion.

Sage Blank tilted his head, observing Ben's struggle with calm detachment. "Speed alone won't save you."

But Ben wasn't done. In an instant, he cycled through his transformations, shifting from XLR8 to Diamondhead. His crystalline form shimmered in the frozen light as he willed his body to break free from Sage's control. With a roar, Ben slammed his fists into the ground, sending jagged crystal shards flying toward Sage Blank.

Sage flicked his quill again, and the crystals dissolved into harmless dust before they could even reach him.

Ben growled in frustration, switching aliens once more. This time, he shifted into Heatblast, the Pyronite with control over intense fire. His body ignited with blazing flames, and with a furious shout, Ben unleashed a torrent of fire in Sage Blank's direction. The flames roared through the battlefield, the heat so intense that it warped the very air around them.

But again, Sage was unaffected. The flames dissipated before they could even touch him, as though swallowed by the void that surrounded him.

Ben's frustration was mounting. With the Master Control active, he had access to every alien in the Omnitrix, but nothing seemed to be working. He cycled quickly through his forms, becoming Four Arms, Cannonbolt, and Swampfire, each transformation launching a new assault. Four Arms tried brute strength, smashing the ground and sending shockwaves toward Sage, but the attacks were nullified effortlessly. Cannonbolt rolled at high speeds, attempting to crush Sage under his weight, only to be flung backward by an invisible force. Swampfire summoned massive vines to entangle Sage, but they withered before even reaching him.

Panting heavily, Ben switched back to his human form for a brief moment, his mind racing as he strategized his next move. Sage Blank remained in place, calm and unreadable.

"This guy's unreal," Ben muttered to himself. "None of my aliens are landing a hit."

Sage's voice echoed through the battlefield, soft but commanding. "You are powerful, Ben Tennyson. But not enough. Not yet."

Ben's eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah? Let's see if you can handle this."

With a determined tap on the Omnitrix, Ben selected one of his most dangerous and powerful forms, Way Big. His body expanded rapidly, growing to towering heights as he transformed into the massive, red-and-white alien. The ground shook under Way Big's immense weight, and his shadow loomed over Sage Blank like a giant.

"Try dodging this!" Way Big's deep voice thundered as he raised his massive arm, preparing to bring it down with the force of a collapsing building.

The air itself seemed to tremble as Way Big's colossal fist descended toward Sage Blank. The sheer size and power of the attack created a gust of wind that tore through the battlefield.

But Sage remained still, his quill raised slightly. Just as Way Big's fist was about to connect, Sage slashed the air with his quill, and the space around Way Big warped. The giant alien's body froze mid-motion, his arm suspended in the air as if caught in a time loop.

Ben grunted, trying to force Way Big's arm to move, but it was no use. The space around him had been bent, trapping him in place.

"Enough," Sage said calmly.

With a flick of his quill, Sage Blank released the warped space, sending Way Big flying backward. The giant alien crashed into the ground with a deafening roar, creating a massive crater in the earth.

Ben, now back in his human form, stood at the edge of the crater, breathing heavily. His body ached from the repeated transformations, but he wasn't about to give up.

"There's only one way left," Ben muttered, his hand hovering over the Omnitrix once more.

Sage Blank tilted his head slightly, as though curious. "What will you do now, Ben Tennyson?"

Ben's eyes blazed with determination. "You want power? You got it."

With a deep breath, Ben activated the Omnitrix, selecting his most powerful form, Alien X. As the Omnitrix's green light enveloped him, Ben's body began to shift, his form becoming ethereal and black as the transformation took hold. His eyes glowed with a cosmic light, and three voices began to speak in unison, echoing across the battlefield.

"I am Alien X. The universe itself bends to my will."


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