Chapter 13: Whispers of Treachery

The atmosphere inside the temple felt heavy as Luis and Kuroka hurried back from their encounter with Shin. The threat of betrayal loomed larger than ever, casting a shadow over their plans. As they entered the gathering room, the other exorcists were already assembled, their faces reflecting the tension of their upcoming mission.

"You're back!" Suzaku exclaimed, her eyes scanning them for any signs of trouble. "What did you find out?"

Luis exchanged a glance with Kuroka before stepping forward. "We have crucial intel on Diodora's defenses. He's planning to move a significant portion of his forces soon, and if we strike first, we might have the upper hand."

The room buzzed with excitement at the news, but Luis could sense an undercurrent of uncertainty. He needed to share the other piece of information—the potential traitor—but he hesitated, weighing the implications.

"But there's more," he continued, his voice steady. "There are rumors of a traitor among Diodora's ranks."

The mood shifted instantly, the tension crackling like static in the air. Haruto narrowed his eyes. "A traitor? How do we know this isn't a trap?"

"We don't," Luis admitted, his gaze flicking to Kuroka. "But we have to consider the possibility. If we can find this person, they might help us from within."

"Or lead us into a trap," Suzaku replied, her tone cautious.

Luis's jaw clenched. "I know it's risky, but if we're going to take down Diodora, we can't ignore this lead. We need to divide our focus—one team to gather more intel and another to prepare for our attack."

Kuroka nodded, stepping in. "I can take a group to scout for the traitor. We'll need to be discreet and careful."

"I'll go with you," Haruto volunteered, determination in his voice. "If we find this traitor, we need to know whether we can trust them."

Luis felt a surge of gratitude for their willingness to work together, even in the face of uncertainty. "Then it's settled. We'll move at dawn. Time is of the essence."

As night enveloped the temple, Luis struggled to sleep, his mind racing with possibilities. He felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, knowing that their success hinged on his decisions. The specter of betrayal lurked in the corners of his mind, taunting him with doubts about who he could trust.

At dawn, the group assembled, ready for action. Luis watched as Kuroka and Haruto prepared to set out on their mission. He felt a flicker of unease but pushed it aside, determined to stay focused on their goals.

"Remember," he warned them, "stay vigilant. Diodora's spies could be anywhere. Don't let your guard down."

Kuroka gave him a reassuring smile. "We'll be careful. Just keep your head in the game."

As they departed, Luis turned to Suzaku and the remaining exorcists. "We need to gather our forces and prepare for the assault. We can't waste any time."

The hours passed, and as the sun reached its zenith, tension filled the air. Luis led the remaining exorcists in strategizing their attack, going over maps and coordinating their approach. He felt the adrenaline coursing through him, fueling his determination.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Kuroka and Haruto rushed in, their expressions grim. Luis's heart dropped.

"What happened?" he demanded, fearing the worst.

"We found the traitor," Kuroka said, her voice tense. "But it's worse than we thought."

Luis narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

Haruto stepped forward, his face pale. "The traitor is someone close to us—one of the exorcists."

The room fell silent, disbelief washing over them. "Which one?" Suzaku asked, her voice low.

Kuroka took a deep breath. "We couldn't confirm the identity, but we overheard a conversation that suggests someone is feeding Diodora information."

Luis felt a cold chill run down his spine. "How do we know it's not one of us?"

"That's exactly why we need to act quickly," Haruto said, urgency lacing his words. "We can't let Diodora know that we're onto him."

Luis's mind raced, calculating their next moves. "We need to confront the potential traitor without causing panic among the others. If we reveal what we know, it could jeopardize everything."

"But how do we figure out who it is?" Suzaku asked, frustration creeping into her voice.

"We'll need to observe everyone closely," Luis replied, determination hardening his resolve. "We can set a trap—a false lead to see who reacts. If we put out information about our attack and see who leaks it, we'll find our mole."

As they devised their plan, the tension in the room grew. Luis could feel the weight of suspicion hanging over them, a dark cloud that threatened to shatter their fragile alliance.

"We need to be careful," he warned. "If we're wrong, it could cost us dearly."

The others nodded, understanding the stakes. They began discussing how to implement the trap while remaining cautious of their surroundings. Luis could feel the eyes of fate upon him, reminding him that betrayal could strike at any moment.

As night fell once more, they prepared for their deception. Luis steeled himself, ready to face whatever darkness awaited them. They would find the traitor before Diodora could exploit their weaknesses, and when they did, he would ensure they paid for their treachery.