Chapter 15: Echoes of Deceit

The dawn light crept through the temple, casting long shadows across the training yard. Luis woke with a sense of urgency that thrummed in his veins. The events of the previous night replayed in his mind like a haunting melody—Ren's frantic behavior, the ominous crash, and the lingering feeling that the young exorcist was hiding something significant.

Luis quickly dressed and headed to the gathering room, where the others were already assembling. As he entered, he found Kuroka deep in conversation with Haruto and Suzaku, their expressions serious.

"Luis!" Kuroka called, her voice cutting through the tension. "We need to discuss our next steps."

Luis nodded, taking a seat at the table. "Did Ren say anything more after the incident?"

"He was adamant that he saw something, but I'm not convinced," Suzaku replied, crossing her arms. "His reactions felt rehearsed, like he was trying to sell us a story."

"I agree," Haruto added, leaning forward. "We need to watch him closely, but we can't let him know that we're suspicious."

Luis felt a surge of determination. "We need to draw him out, make him think everything is normal while we investigate." He paused, letting his words hang in the air. "If he's the traitor, he'll slip up. We just need to be patient."

The group spent the morning strategizing, preparing for their impending confrontation with Diodora while keeping a wary eye on Ren. They decided to send small teams on reconnaissance missions to gather intel on Diodora's movements, but Luis knew that their most pressing concern lay within their own ranks.

As the sun reached its zenith, the training yard was filled with the sound of sparring exorcists. Luis watched the group intently, his gaze lingering on Ren, who seemed more jittery than usual. The young exorcist was sparring with another member, but he kept glancing over his shoulder, as if expecting someone to emerge from the shadows.

Luis exchanged glances with Kuroka and Haruto, who were observing Ren as well. "We need to find a way to confront him without drawing too much attention," he whispered.

"What if we stage a scenario?" Kuroka suggested, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Create a situation where he might feel pressured to reveal himself."

Luis's mind raced with possibilities. "What do you have in mind?"

"A fake supply run," Kuroka proposed. "We'll spread word that we're low on resources and need to gather them from a nearby town. If Ren is indeed working with Diodora, he might try to sabotage us or warn his allies."

Haruto nodded. "That could work. It will give us a chance to catch him in the act if he makes any moves."

"Let's do it," Luis agreed, feeling a surge of adrenaline. "We'll set the plan in motion at dusk."

As twilight fell, the group dispersed, spreading the word about their upcoming supply run. Luis felt a mix of excitement and trepidation as they prepared for what was to come. He knew this could be their opportunity to expose the traitor, but there was always the chance that things could go awry.

When dusk arrived, the exorcists gathered, their energy palpable with anticipation. Luis led the way, flanked by Kuroka, Suzaku, and Haruto. They moved stealthily through the forest, heading toward the nearby town.

"Stay alert," Luis warned as they approached the outskirts. "If Ren is onto us, he could try to warn someone."

The town was quiet, the streets deserted as they made their way to the market. Luis could feel the tension building, a simmering storm waiting to break.

As they reached the market square, they began gathering supplies. Luis kept his eyes peeled for any sign of Ren or unusual activity. Moments stretched into minutes, and he felt the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows—Ren. He approached with a forced smile, but Luis could see the tension in his posture.

"What are you doing here?" Luis asked, trying to mask his suspicion.

"Just checking in," Ren replied, his voice too casual. "I heard you were in town for supplies."

Luis exchanged a glance with Kuroka, who remained on high alert. "Yeah, we are. Everything alright?"

"Of course!" Ren said a little too quickly, a flicker of panic flashing in his eyes. "I just thought I'd see if you needed help."

Luis couldn't shake the feeling that Ren was fishing for information. "We've got it covered. Why don't you head back? We'll be fine."

As Ren hesitated, a sudden rustle in the nearby alleyway caught Luis's attention. Instinctively, he turned, and a moment later, a group of shadowy figures burst forth, their intentions clear. Luis's heart raced as he recognized them as Diodora's men, drawn to the town by the very rumors they had spread.

"It's a trap!" Luis shouted, instinctively reaching for his weapons.

Chaos erupted as the Diodora's men charged, and Luis's instincts kicked in. He fought fiercely alongside his allies, but amidst the chaos, he kept an eye on Ren, who seemed frozen in place, panic written across his face.

Luis's gaze locked onto Ren as he finally moved, not toward the fight, but toward the shadows, clearly trying to escape.

"Ren, stop!" Luis shouted, but the young exorcist dashed away, his intentions clear.

Kuroka caught sight of Ren too. "He's running!"

Luis's heart sank. This was their chance to catch the traitor, but they couldn't lose him in the chaos. "Haruto! Suzaku! Cover me!" he yelled, sprinting after Ren.

Luis pursued Ren through the winding alleys of the town, adrenaline surging through his veins. He could hear the sounds of battle fading behind him as he closed the distance between them.

"Ren!" he shouted, desperation in his voice. "You can't run from this!"

But Ren only glanced back, fear and determination etched on his face. Luis could see it clearly now—the young exorcist was not merely panicking; he was terrified of being discovered.

They burst into a narrow alley, and Luis pressed harder, determination fueling his every step. "You're only making this worse for yourself!" he called out.

As they turned a corner, Ren skidded to a halt, cornered. The alley was a dead end, high walls rising on either side, trapping him.

"What are you going to do, Luis?" Ren challenged, his voice trembling. "You think you can just accuse me? What if I'm innocent?"

Luis took a step closer, his heart pounding. "Innocent or not, you've put us all at risk. You've been acting strange, and I know you're hiding something."

"I'm just trying to help!" Ren cried out, desperation evident in his voice. "You don't understand the pressure!"

Luis's resolve hardened. "I understand enough. You're working for Diodora, aren't you? You've been feeding him information!"

A flicker of panic crossed Ren's face before he quickly masked it with anger. "You don't know anything! You're just a pawn in this game, just like the rest of them!"

Luis advanced, feeling the weight of his accusations. "If you're innocent, prove it. But if you're the traitor, you won't get away."

Just then, the sounds of battle echoed from the entrance of the alley. Diodora's men were closing in, and Luis knew they had little time left.

"This isn't over, Ren," Luis warned, his voice low. "I'll find out the truth, one way or another."

As he turned to rejoin his allies, Luis felt the shadows shifting behind him. Ren was cornered, but the desperation in his eyes hinted at something deeper—fear, regret, or perhaps a glimmer of redemption.

Luis had made his choice; he would confront the truth, even if it meant facing his former ally. With a final glance back at Ren, he plunged back into the chaos of the battle, prepared to confront not only Diodora but the darkness lurking within their ranks.