The Soldier's Shadow

Now, as she was standing a few feet away from Dagomarus, that cold, lonely feeling started to creep into her bones. She felt dread seeping into her thoughts, and underneath it, his concern for her. She realized that even though Dagomarus was somewhere else in his mind, he was thinking of her. She tried to concentrate on what she felt coming from Dagomarus. She started shivering, feeling a chill so deep that she thought her insides would freeze solid.

Dagomarus felt a caress in his mind and immediately knew that she was pushing at him, trying to get in without realizing what she was really doing. He pulled back from his ruminations and clamped down hard on his thoughts, shutting out everything. The effect was immediate; her head snapped back as if she had been slapped. She looked at him in shock and just a touch of fear.

"What was that?"