Court Order

She waited for him to get over his embarrassment and let her decide what she was willing to do about it. She was still mortified that she had been seen like that, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Just hope for the best and see what Mark was going to do.

"I can't even begin to understand why you are doing that, but it's just not in my personality to judge you for it. I can see why Scott did what he did afterwards, though. I'm used to narrow-minded people and the things they will say or do because of it."

He stopped for a minute, thinking a little more, and decided to finish his train of thought.

"I'm not comfortable with you perjuring yourself in front of the judge, but I don't see how we can change your story to fit the facts any differently without coming outright and telling the judge what you are doing. I honestly don't think it's anyone else's business knowing what you are doing."

He gave her a sardonic grin and shook his head.