

"Good. Let's keep it that way, shall we?"

Casey turned and walked back to her truck. She drove off down the street smiling. She still couldn't really believe that she had done that. Two weeks ago, and she wouldn't have dared, but now she was more assertive. She knew that some of it had come from her new condition but after seeing Faith's face and her reaction; Casey didn't mind the change so much.

She considered who else needed a stern talking to, and figured that if she was going to lose her job anyway, she might as well go out with a bang instead of a whimper. She drove over to Steve's house and went into to their driveway. She thought about using the same tactics with Wendy, but then she remembered the kids, and changed her mind. The kids. Damn.

She thought about Steve's daughters and how much fun Lena would have being around them, teaching them things and playing soccer with them on Sundays. Then it clicked. The girls.