Taking brothers advice I created a discord channel.

join this channel to have chat with me and to know updates. I would like to create images and scenes for you but I got low end PC and I have work right now, very work pressure so...sorry. Thank you for bearing with me. 

I will upload chapters but there will be delay, as i am woking on a project, right now. Delay is like one day. I will upload as soon as I have time. 


Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke all three met again for dinner in the Tazuna's house.

Dinner was tense. Naruto ate his food as usual with calm, completely unaware of the piercing glare Sasuke keeping at him. 

Sasuke broke the silence. He turned to Sakura, "What did Sensei teach you today? Tell me."

Sakura eyes blinked for surprise of the sudden question. Before she could respond, Naruto interrupted.

"Sensei didn't teach us anything, He just told us to figure it out ourselves. Said it's similar to tree walking."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, dissatisfied with the answer.

At that moment, Kakashi appeared looking at his team " Are you done eating, you three?" looking at Tazuna " tomorrow onwards, we need to aid in bridge building" he said.

The group nodded, but as soon as the sasuke completed his dinner, he stood abruptly and walked out without another word.

"Where's he going now?" Sakura asked.

Naruto with mockery. "Probably to drift somewhere. Typical Sasuke."

Here, Sasuke had no intention of roaming aimlessly. He headed straight to the stream and began practicing water walking.

Naruto, Sakura and others goes to sleep while Sasuke is practicing. Sasuke practiced and practiced till morning 6, mastering it. sasuke looking exhausted comes to the house, and collapses into bed .

Morning arrived, and Kakashi, now walking without the help of a stick, gathers the team. "We need to speed up the bridge-building process," he announced. "Tazuna, Naruto, Sakura, let's move. Sasuke can rest for a bit, he looks exhausted"

They left the house and headed straight to the bridge. The air and atmosphere was calm. The four members entered the bridge. As they went to some distance, sudden mist formed. mist is getting denser with each passing moment.

Visibility dropped to near zero.

Naruto: "Looks like the guests have arrived," 

Kakashi stepping forward. "You two, protect Tazuna. I'll handle Zabuza," he said, disappearing into the mist.

Due to the thick mist, Naruto and Sakura could not process, where the enemy is and what is happening,

A masked figure, Who's name is Haku, emerged from the fog, stepping infront of Naruto and Sakura.

4 goons from Geto company, are heading towards Tazuna's house.

Naruto stepped in front of Sakura and Tazuna. "Stay back. I'll take care of him,

"But I can help!" Sakura protested.

"No," Naruto interrupted. "This one's strong. He may not be stronger than Zabuza but he is stronger. I can feel it. If you try to help me and comes, it will be difficult to protect you 

"So, Be a good girl and stay here. Protect Tazuna from any small fries attacking him."

Sakura frowned, muttering to herself, ' CHA. Good girl? What does he think I am, a child?'

Sakura hesitated but eventually nodded. Good girl? she thought bitterly.

Naruto stepped forward, looking at the masked figure. "Alright, let's see what you've got."

As Naruto turned to assess the situation he is in, Haku's reflection appeared in each mirror. Before he could react, needles rained down from all directions, embedding themselves into his body.

Naruto got angrier as he is unable to catch this little rat. Naruto is trying to pinpoint Haku's real location, but the speed and precision of the attacks left him overwhelmed.

Naruto grunted as the needles pierced his skin. "You're avoiding my vital spots on purpose," Naruto says, clenching his. "One or two could be luck, but this... you're mocking me."

Haku from inside a mirror. "I won't kill you. This fight doesn't need to end in unnecessary bloodshed."

Naruto got even more angrier hearing this.

A loud growl escaped Naruto's throat as " AHHHHHHHH"

Haku thrown a needle aiming at Naruto....But.

An intense red chakra began to seep around Naruto's body. The temperature around him rose sharply, melting the frost beneath his feet. The chakra swirled violently, forming a visible tornado of energy around him. 

The shear force of the demonic energy shattered the mirrors into shards that rained down like broken glass pieces. The red aura coiled around Naruto. Naruto's Body has visible cracks but blood is not coming out. but needle still running towards him

 Naruto catches the needle aimed at him and breaks it into two with his fist looking directly at Haku. "ARE YOU UNDERESTIMATING ME?!"
