Midnight Mirror follows Liang Wei, a high school student obsessed with ghost stories, who stumbles upon an ancient mirror at an antique shop. When a drop of her blood activates the mirror’s strange power, she’s pulled into a terrifying, alternate version of Beijing—a world where everything is familiar but twisted, filled with rotting corpses and monstrous creatures.
As the nightmare world begins to bleed into reality, Liang Wei must uncover the mirror’s secrets and use her newfound powers to survive. But as the two worlds threaten to collide, she may be the key to stopping—or unleashing—an unimaginable horror.
I actually love this book I love the vibes that it’s giving, from a horror book you’d expect for the main character to be the most dummest person alive but this girl is a girlboss she at so bad and I can’t wait for the next chapters (10/10 love it) hopes up! [img=Loving it]