
As I was faced with the purifying white light of the saint, I could not help a chagrined smile surfacing from the depths of my soul. In the end… I had only exacerbated the suffering. The very mortals I was sent to save…I had twisted into undying vessels of torment, spreading evil and sickness across the land. My only solace was to be found in the Heroes that finally stopped me.

My hands going limp as I was faced with oblivion, I remembered Eldred. That wonderful man, my blessed Hero, had the most reassuring smile. With that same smile, he had managed to rid the land of so much suffering, taking me on adventure after adventure.

Until we met that beast, that unstoppable dragon. The hulking Behemoth that walked the land had proven too strong a foe, sparing none of our allies. As my beloved Hero was torn apart before me, I was swallowed up in that villain's poison, as if being tainted by malevolence itself.

Frenzied, I walked the lands, sowing the seeds of malice across the great plains as the mortals unknowingly cultivated them into buds. Before they could flower, what remained of Eldred's comrades had beaten me down, sealing me in the forest neighboring a kingdom, where I slept for untold centuries.

Awoken by a King too ambitious for his means I was toyed with, my malice tested and tempered until tragedy struck once again. The seeds of my malevolence nourished by the King, a velvet flower bloomed over his Kingdom. As I watched the unknowing denizens of his land turn into Blighted undead, I could only weep.

As I looked back on my mistakes I saw in the saint before me a piece of my beloved Hero, her peaceful expression guiding me into eternal sleep. As the light overwhelmed my vision I closed my eyes, thankful for my long awaited respite.


As his room at the Twilight Manor materialized in his vision, Shay thought about the Spirits that had been involved with the Blight.

Calivia's tale was of tragedy, the failure of a mother to protect who she loved.

Mansia's was of transformation, from the failures of the past to a resolve for the future.

Medea's was a tale of revenge, that of a neglected son upon his father and upon the world itself.

The last, Aura, was the origin. Malevolence born of tragedy, corrupting the soul and propagating forwards.

All these stories from the past, in some sense, had told Shay what he already knew from the start of his journey. Running through the core of this world was a pillar of unavoidable tragedy. But, it was the Spirit that had given him her everything that had also provided the answer he'd been searching for.


A tale started by malevolence. Sealed away, she was forced to watch a crooked history unfold. And, after that torment, she awoke to yet another betrayal.

If there was anyone with the right to despise this world, it was her.


In the King's response to the betrayal, she found a noble courage. She watched my father entrust the future to me, and with that act as proof she chose to believe in it. In that moment, she entrusted her wishes to me. She made the same decision as many Spirits before her.

She chose to create a Hero.

One bearing the burden of his ancestry, the fruits of malevolence, and the mortal realm's wishes for the future.

I'll carry this forward.

Shay knew his duty better than anyone. As the midday sun shone in through his open window, he made a promise to his Spirit, and his ancestors.

I'll finish this story.

It's got a bad start, and a tragic middle, but I can set it right.

I'll find the crowning achievement, the climax of this Oratoria.

After all, a story is only as good as its end.

And, once our story has reached its peak, I'll set things right.

Then, I'll be back for Eluria.


—knock! knock!

Hearing the familiar tapping on his door, Shay responded casually.

"Hey, come in."

Opening the door with a creak, Chloe stepped inside of the spacious room, around halfway up the men's living tower. Since he was one of the more powerful executives, and due to him holding sway over the Freya converted part of Loki familia, he had the spacious room to himself. Sitting at his desk, Shay closed the report from Hermes familia he'd been going over. Sitting down on the bed as he turned to face her, Chloe began casually.

"Hey, meow. Did you get your Status updated yet?"

"Yeah. I've actually got the sheet right here."

Handing her the high quality parchment, Shay smiled about his new Level. Level Five had been by far the most chaotic yet, and he had no doubt that any one of his harrowing experiences could've been enough for ascension to Level Six. This Level had begun almost a year ago with a Corrupted Spirit, and he thought it must've been fate that he'd surpassed it in the conclusion to the Spirits' saga.


Level 6

Str 0 I End 0 I Dex 0 I Agl 0 I Mag 0 I

•Immunity E •Magic Control D •Spirit Healing E •Lightning Flash G



lightning enchantment, Swift chant


controllable water magic, Short chant


Transportation magic, l chant


[Arbiter Spirit]

Greatly increases the user's potential


Improves dexterity when using throwing weapons


Massively enhances perception speed at the cost of mind

[Sprite Serenade]

Reduces mind consumption of magic with repeated casts

-[Aero Mana]

Increases attack power with speed


Looking up from the paper with a huge smile, Chloe gave her congratulations.

"That's awesome, meow! It was kind of a shame that right after the wargame Ottarl got Level Eight and stole meowr spotlight, but now that you're Level Six, you might be able to take it back!"

With a chuckle, Shay put the pen he'd been twirling down.

"You must be insane. I'm not fighting him if I don't have to. I know it's hard to tell sometimes, but I actually value my limbs."

"Well, I guess that's fair…Oh, yeah! Did you see the Spirit's memories yet, meow?"

"Yeah, I just finished a bit ago. They're really, uh… never happy."

"...yeah, I noticed that."

After some time discussing the Spirits, they got to talking about other things.

"Hey, when we retire, what do you think about living in Eluria?"

Giving him a quizzical look, Chloe responded with an air of surprise.

"Mew still want to go back?"

"Well, I think I probably should. Hermes familia's been investigating a little, and it seems like there's still some pretty shady stuff going on back home. Anyway, retirement's still a long way out, but It's just something I've been considering."

After a moment of thought, Chloe prodded a little.

"I don't really mind meow, I just want somewhere we can settle down and make a home. But…it sounds like there's meowre to this than just that."

With a soft smile, Shay answered.

"Well…yeah, there is. It's my home, and I want to help it if I can. As you know, my real name's been public for some time. The Elurian leadership knows about me, and they know I'm basically untouchable at this point. I have it on good authority that that's the reason they've been so tame recently."

"And, so what, meow? You want to stay close to purressure them?"

"Basically. I at least don't think I should just let them be forever, you know?"

After some time talking through the current regime's issues, Shay eventually posed a more involved solution.

"...Actually, you know what…? Chloe, what do you think about becoming royalty?"


"They've probably been preparing for something like that for a while, and they'd have no choice but to accept us, at least into the court. The people love us because of our exploits, and most of them understand the coup even if they're not allowed to speak of it—"

As he was about to continue, The door flew open to reveal a wide-eyed Van. Startled, Chloe scolded him before he was able to start.

"Ah! What's your problem, stupid purrum! You knew it was just us two in here, what if we were in the middle of—!?"

"Shut up, dumb cat! This is more important!"

"Huh!? What's more important than—!?"

"The third Great Calamity is on the move! That massive dragon is headed South!"

"Calamity...? You mean…!"

"Yes. There are reports of it moving through the mountains, towards the hinterlands. The One Eyed Black Dragon."


The One Eyed Black Dragon had been a scourge upon the land since Ancient Times, destroying nations and defeating countless Heroes who had either been brave or foolish enough to stand in its way. This was the beast that had destroyed the Zeus and Hera familias, leading Orario into its Dark age where the lawless ran rampant.

After the defeat of the final Corrupted Spirit, the dragon stirred, causing panicked reports to rush in from the Northern reaches of the continent. As the most promising Heroes of this generation, a large band of adventurers was called upon to finally complete the last of the Three Great Quests.

This large party made their way through Orario's Eastern gates to the cheers of its citizens. The sun was rising slowly, the twilight surrounding this generation's band of Heroes as they left to fight the foe that had terrorized their predecessors.

Their Gods and Goddesses were there to see them off, to sear into their eternal memories what may be their last moments with these legendary children. As one of the chosen looked back at his Goddess, a soprano voice graced the air between them.

"I love you, Ottarl, Allen. Go forth, and bring me victory."

First was the capricious, arrogant Goddess of Beauty with a love like the wind. As she saw her followers off, her voice was laced with a newfound humility, truly cherishing the children she'd watched develop into warriors.

Nodding as he spotted his idiot sister in the crowd, the city's fastest turned away. After his comrade's response, and with an almost unnoticeable smile, the city's strongest responded appreciatively.


Meeting Shay's gaze, Freya gave a wink as her eyes wandered past him. As she looked to Bell and his Goddess, a resigned smile played on her features.

"Wow! Who'da thought my cute little Bell would grow up to be such a dashing hero!"

"G-Goddess…that's a bit much…"

As the boy sheepishly took the compliment, the jubilant Goddess continued to say her goodbyes.

"Just like you wanted, right? Ah, I can't believe you're all grown up now!"

Getting somewhat teary as she continued for a minute or so, Hestia's tone eventually shifted to something more serious.


Looking down at Hestia, the boy who'd united the Heroes of the age waited for her words.

"I'm proud of you."

After a moment of pause, the boy responded with a smile befitting a Hero.

"...Thank you, Hestia. I'm off."

As Bell turned to join the rest of the crew, Shay noticed Hestia's gaze shifting towards Aiz.

'…I'm trusting him to you.'

The meaning in her eyes clear, Hestia watched as Loki said her goodbyes.

"You're finally doin' it, eh Finn? Yer name's sure ta' go down in the history books now!"

"Please don't say that yet. You know it's bad luck."

"My Finn talkin' superstitious? Gareth, ya might need ta' slap some sense into 'em. You too, Riveria, make sure he keeps his head out there."

"Aye, we'll see."

"That won't be necessary."

"...Well, ya' got bigger problems than that, I guess. Speakin' of! Aizuu!"

Leaping towards the Level Seven swordswoman, the vermillion haired Goddess smothered her with a hug.

"Yer gonna be trouble ain'tcha? Maybe I should just keep ya' here with me, instead! Gotta keep ya' away from that nasty hooligan wolf, right? Whaddaya say?"

Brushing her off gently, Aiz spoke with a small smile.

"I'm going. I have to."

Relaxing her grip after a while as she backed off, Loki's features were uncharacteristically reflective.

"You've really mellowed out, yaknow? Try not ta' lose that."

After a moment and with a smile, Aiz responded.

"I won't."

As the group turned to join their companions, Loki's eyes turned to Bell, telling a similar story to those of Hestia.

'...She's yours now, kiddo.'

Walking up to a waiting Takémikazuchi familia as the sun crested the horizon, Shay smiled.

"Watch the city while I'm gone, alright?"

As he looked over his former pupil, the God of War smiled proudly.

"Leave it to us. I'm not a First Tier, but I can handle a potato stand like you wouldn't believe."

Smiling at the well humored remark, Shay remembered the time Také familia had spent in poverty. Také was still working at the stand, probably for something approximating a God's pride, whatever that meant. Breaking him out of his reminiscence, Ouka chimed in.

"The city's safe with us. We'll stop anything that comes our way. Well, us and the Xenos. And most of Freya familia, too. Anyway, don't worry about Orario while you're gone."

Since most of the Gods and Goddesses were staying in the city and the Dungeon had been quaking a concerning amount, the city had elected to hold some of the weaker forces back. This was an age of quality over quantity, after all. Past a certain point, more adventurers would actually become a hindrance. After allowing the group some time to reminisce, Finn made the announcement for the party to depart. As Shay turned to join his comrades, Také got one last word in.

"Shay. You've done really, really well. I'm proud to call you a child of mine… You'd better win this, alright? For the sake of Eluria, like you wanted."

Turning back to his former God, Shay smiled about his old ambitions.

"Thank you for teaching me, and I will. And as for Eluria, well… it's more than just that now."

Squinting at the sunrise, Shay turned his back, joining this generation's band of Heroes.