That Shadow in My Rear

Sad– very, very sad what the boy ended his life as a murderer. Yet, the sheer of what sickening morbid he created. As this high school boy would likely to said, it was that shadow in my rear who did the crime. Whisper n' whispering there without a clue, by looking closely, of how this boy of his; gone insanely mad within. By the fact it was– here he gossips and gossip there of what he blabbers was a personal matter of... A misconducted passion. But this tale of his– was no ordinary crime.

The boy, Adrian, was solely a man that could barely comprehend a thing or two but what he implicit to be– that love he sued to be a sentiment of his dearly soul within. He dears Mary after their implicit date at the city. Merely to apprehend himself that the girl doesn't heart him over those vehement and aggressive behavioural he have. Conversely, the boy– hadn't give up easily. At frequently, he ardours to give her gifts such teddy bears and roses. Nevertheless, the girl unheeded him. Utmost, he has this eccentrically disturbance by those stared; those stares he couldn't bare within.

"I couldn't bare what she looks at me!" he said. "That snub– and haunting looks of hers! Rudely as if! And they were eyes that blaze at my dearest sentiments. I mustn't bare those stares or I'll deed the crime by that shadow he declared!" Said by the mad young boy.

The boy plea to me, "I must buried her body at the rocks where no other gallant will e'er to touch her. It was mine after, where all longed I just bitten and pouted my soul! Here is! I begged! I'm no insane or deprave! She was mine!" The boy was no more in his mind than truly gone within. Obsess or not, he did the crime with before the weeks of their graduation. He was planning to do it, by the fact he rejects her rebuff; the boy explained he was envious that she supplanted her with a girl. Thinking she might be trailing her mind too. But no syllable of evidences will provide that the girl was either a flower-eater or something. Surely was, he was desirous.

I barely talked to the girl, her best friend Mae. Their last talked was her plan to transfer out a reason that she couldn't take how much the boy nuisances her, demurring a thought that he's impractical for love. Forsaken for his aid and peace, she said to her that, "I don't like him at all. Surely not that he wasn't a good looking man or kind. Nonetheless, at the least he was nice in a sense when we first met and realize that he was starting to fell in love. But no, I reject him." Worried with the boy's mental health, so she reasoned that she snob her out of fear and safety– which, the boy misunderstood. But, the last five days; those days that the girl would be still standing in this world.

Day 1, her friend evoked "We were on a meeting, all peace and no hesitation. When we heard this sharp and ear-irritating sound at the wall. Our peace was distressed when he entered the room covered in blood and wounded, we deduce those wound where by blades. Our classmate asked if he was okay– but at the precise moment– he took the kitchen knife and licked it. And he shouted, 'God be praise, hail Ordog!' Subsequently, he gaits away. No one got hurt or something, but my friend was disturbed. She cried and was worried if he's hurt. She blames herself and we tried to handle the situation. Afterwards, he talked to the guard and our room teacher if we could still save it. But he went missing."

Her story continues and she acclaims, "At the cafeteria, me and her when to eat, we brought goods (a soup and cans), when suddenly, the school bell rang out of no reason at all, and the speakers were once buzzing out of no particular explanation. And we heard, a man shouting, 'Somebody help me, somebody help me…' by the little voice we heard, little by little, it grown out of terror! The voice bellowed, 'Help me!' and the trepidation was added by the pounded and beating of the man, we can heard him, poorly executed. He continued to shout, 'Help me, hel-help me! Please somebody!' But at that juncture, the moment was covered by the rage of sullen. And a voice that we can recognize was spoken... 'Ic hete ge' and it repeat… 'Ic hete ge' we then came to help the man, we arrived in horror, for what we saw... Blood everywhere. But the man was safe, indeed– he was naked and his body was carved by the words of: You abandoned me..."

 I distinguish that the boy has a keen for books and necromancy, but harkening the word 'Ordog' made me believe that his optimism of enlightenment where his plan. He believe in something that I couldn't get it within. In probable, life after illumination. Seemly, people said he was gifted of a skills but his devotion for her made him ruminate that he could be that the One. Saying, "He was whispering at me, I didn't not deed the crime alone! Here was! here this I bygone that words! I never harmed her at all... I simply love her! No insane I am, I merely love the maiden!!"

 His friend Jack continued the conversation, "At noon break, I talked and came for Mary for some last projects be held for tomorrow when he arrived staring at her. He smiled as if– he was truly insane. But no expectation that his smiled will be as affright when he scrape his own face and eat it. His mouth was drooling blood; for somehow, he muttered a word that we couldn't overheard. Mary and I just ran away thinking he could do something bad."

 And that last shine of the sunset, he said "We should been gone home, cleaning was never hassle at all. We went to the classroom, suddenly, we stood there in mortal dismay. The walls were written in a language we couldn't understand. But most of all, was the burned image of an inverted cross."

His imagination of grotesques was fascinating for someone who knew little. Her mother also perceive his mood swings and some episode of an undistinguished behavioural. At night, her mother reported, "He usually wakes up at night. I took a look because I was concerned at my son's sleeping hours when at utmost of unexpected. He was speaking this poem, repeating. Ending with the quote 'Nevermore'. I was troubled about that son is hurting himself, successively we visited the doctor and he said he must have frequent medication as soon as possible."

I say he must under be stimulus of what he personally believes as his fantasy. Eagerly I realize that most of his acts where by affection of the world.

Day 2, he came to school as if he was okay. Her teacher, Samuel said he was doing well. "He seems to be as fine like in first year. But one of the things he usually do is skipping school. He expounded that he needs time, so at the interval I give it to him. At the moment when I was going to Mary's room– I saw him with blade marks and he was sitting there and nothing more. He keeps shouting 'Impure, impure, impure! Crying in grief, as his second father and a worried friend of his, I helped and asked why he was doing this... Then he replied, 'Nevertheless.'

Bart, one of his pale disclose he really change in a worst way. In an interview, "Adrian wanted to be loved by her girl, he said once to me that he was affected when he heard (to the girl perhaps) that she quoted, 'I will never going marry a man like you.' Truly dishearten, that day after their date; he just started to be an uneasy and unreasonable. Saying, 'I once saw an omen of her– I saw her! Truly we're meant to be! And I'll kill her if doesn't'"

One time, Bart said "That time I visited him at his house, he was weeping in tears. But he never talked to me what it is. Instead he flees me away at violence and frustration. I said to myself he wasn't the friend I used to stand and care at all times. And that on, he was a recluse at his own home. Jailed for somehow."

Adrian was left in house at that noon, all in his mind was wasting in blood. Thinking, 'Will I be love by that maiden?' Loud shouting were overheard at their house claim by their neighbouring. By that then he engraved a yarn of murder, frustration, revenge, rejection, sadness and love. All in that second day was spend at writing and writing. He made stories that could be classic, but he made his fate to be divulged by insanity– and that's what made him to plucked out a plan he just sketched from his head. 'Vengeance! I tamed from my heart!– And shall be it someday...'

Day 3, Mae came to see Mary. She said, "I was on my way, when I saw Adrian at that obscure shadowed shed, he was talking to somebody. When I went to witness that person; I didn't saw any living being at there. I intermittent his business to ask him, but all he did was to shush me and explained, 'Hi there, I'm talking to Marinette my girlfriend.' Furthermore, I mocked silently and no jest or something. Just a simple mocked."

That day, he declared he had a girlfriend called Marinette. Knowing that he never entered a relationship before. Most of his friend got that belief that he started to lie for some illusion of love. Mae remember what Mary told her, "He is not that kind of a person who would lie for something that's a misbelief. He's honest I know. May as insane– but not a liar."

Despite his change, his abnormal behavioural declined and flown as normal. They thought...

At exactly 11 AM, his classmate assumed his in the right mind; when– he locked himself, chained the door and watch them in begging. For what they don't assume, he took the knife and almost slash his pulse. That's until– they were aided by the guards and Adrian was called to the principal's office. However, people understood him that he's a maniac. But this would be the last time he will deed a crime.

The principal talked to him, and she noticed how mentally disturbed Adrian is. She said, "Adrian was a special boy, a kind and gentle one. I was surprised that he could do something to himself and to his beloved classmate all of because he was rejected. He said to me that 'murder is the choice to relief my pain' and that alarmed me a lot. He wasn't that person that I used to greet. Adrian could be our honour student if wasn't for that– he's mentally disturb... So, I suggests that he will be on home for today, rest I said. So, you could relief your pain of that rebuff."

The essence of human kindness was a weak interpretation of justice he was said, neither he will be expelled or being departed to the girl he loved. So, it must be probable that he rather to choose to be sulk of her rejection and move to accept the they are not meant to be.

He went home with his mother and sleep, the peace was solitary. When– once the sullen was covered by paranoia saying that he dreamed about something that he murdered Mary on their graduation day. Right at where he stands and stabs her in the front of the people in the stage. Her mother ask why; then he said: It was that shadow in my rear who did the crime.

Perhaps trying to make him calm was wrong. But conceivably he was fervent for a crime he will do at last, but the next day... People didn't saw a madman or insane, but rather a boy who simply wanted loved. He said to me that, "I'll confront her and say what I feel. It might still have a chance for me at all."

It was early in the morning, where he waited Mary in their door. Seeing he was recovered but his eternal regret made him a decision for where all doom may wait. Here his, he saw her. Then, she was stationary and Adrian made a wave for her. She stood there, wondering what made this boy smiled at last. He wanted to talk more about their plans for the future and finally, he said that he loves her. But, but the least of time that the girl rejected him. She said, "Adrian, I'm sorry. But I don't like you. I hope you understand it someday."

The boy just smiled, and walks away like it never happened. He was shattered in piece, we thought that he could just recover in a curative way or other so he will stop this madness. But, they were wrong. Mary did the wrong point, she was wrong on saying those blunt words. He said to me that, "I'll kill her, I'll kill her for good! I'll kill her that wicked witch; for she shall be the price of the pain of my refusal and rebuff! I'll kill them all!

Day 5, graduation day. Mary's happiness was never could be topped by any gifts and honour when her mother came to see her. For she was on the high honouree, she was on the middle of the speech when– Adrian meddle and disturbed the occasion, he was drunk; out of his mind. He said, "Aren't you're having fun, huh Mary? While you made me suffer like this. Isn't it– that this is what you actually wanted in the first place? I was leading for you! I– love you more than any women in the whole of this freaking world! But you! –You made suffer like hell! Now, look at me... Look at me! Do I look the man you befriend with!?"

"Adrian, I'm–"

"I don't need any apology from you, you damn bastard! Because I cursed your soul in hell! To damn all of this damnation of my soul! But from now, I will never-ever going to love any women like you– because at this day I point! I'll burned your soul... In HELL!

Then, he took the knife and stabbed Mary multiple time. Everybody watched her die in pain, in suffering! Like what the boy endured over the years. And yet, he is still on pain, in mortal agony and grief; for he shall will never ever gonna loved a maiden, forevermore.

I watched him every time– and as if– his torture would never end. For those shadow in his rear, shall formed that man he proclaim. May that devil of his will beguiled his lost demented soul, and his soul shall be lifted, in this damnation he blamed for. For those he censured of the devil who deed the crime: It was that shadow in my rear…