We were there together

It's time for me to go back to school. With my little vacation over it's time for me to truly understand what happened to me. And by that I mean what it was I went through in the school.

Crazy things always occur in DavyJones but to be honest you normally only hear about it. Ive never actually experienced it myself. It's like a haunted house. It sounds exciting until you go through it yourself.

Though I have a feeling it'll persist. I prefer not to let it just happen again like it did last week. So ill have to educate myself on certain rumors going around that could have something to do with this situation. Like if anyone has ever been unnaturally stuck in dark corridors or if they've heard things like what I heard. I still can't exactly explain it but I'm sure I'll come across something.

You're probably wondering if I feel terrified of being the school weirdo. Well no. I don't have to. If anything I'm a silent celebrity now. For instance. I now enter the school and I get some looks. Not the looks you expect. More looks that popular students get. It's like I said earlier. You'd love to go into a haunted house. It's only until you get in one that you regret it. But until then you're kinda envious.

Class is like it always is. Boring but informative. After the teacher welcomes me back we get to it as usual. After attending class I decide the first place I should go is the last place I was when that haunting of sorts took place. The library. No ones really there. But I do see one familiar face. Helen. She's reading. I decide to sit next to her. Once she looks up at me her eyes widen in surprise but quickly turns to delight.

"DeaJuan!" She says in a hushed whisper. "I've been wondering how you were after what happened last week, are you okay?"

I nod and she closes her book.

"Hey Helen so…" before I can finish she's already talking again.

"I know what you're gonna ask. You want to know if I have any info right?" I hope she means on the incident last week.

"Well after you suddenly bugged out I thought 'I don't think he's a weirdo so maybe something crazy happeneded'." She began. I just let her talk. "So I did some digging and bam!" after rummaging through her bag she slaps papers on the table. "Apparently something crazy like that happened to someone here a long time ago. Another student by the name of Kennedy Logan. Everyone thought he had a mental breakdown and he was admitted to the Psychiatric Hospital in Chicago. But before then, he claimed to have lost his sense of hearing and witnessed something terrifying. He said he was "shrouded in darkness'" After hearing that I realized it might have been exactly what I went through. Though the idea of being thrown into a psych ward gave me chills.

"I'm guessing he never got out…" I scratched the back of my head.

"I'll tell ya another time." She winked.

"That's just heartless." I laughed lightly

"Says the one with a black heart" she laughs with me.

We chat normally till 1st period roles around. As we're about to go our seperate ways I noticed a chill from beyond the door. Something feels wrong. Very wrong. I grasp Helen's arm and pull her away from the door and it swings open and a wave a black mist floods into the library. There's a chill that comes with it. We both hear a howling screech. We look up and see something inhuman. The look of a woman or a man shrouded in a black robe. Eyes glowing a blood red. What looks like flowing hair gathers around its face like a mask as if to hide it's identity from us. The only thing I can think is "holy shit!"…wait I didn't think that.

I look to Helen but she only smiles like she's in a movie what the hell?

"Helen!" I shake her

"Yeah?" She smiles at me

"Run!" I run off.

"Okay!" She follows and it does as well knocking everything in its way to the side. I can hear it. The destruction behind us is evident or at least I think is. Though it feels like I'm getting slower. I feel fear but I also feel hopelessness. I feel despair. I need to stop and just rest for a bit. As I slow I hear Helen's breath catch. I look and see her being dragged backwards. Something grabs her by the leg. A ghostly tentacle. I fall against the wall. I see the…thing wrap its tentacles around her throat its hands reaches towards her throat as if coaxing something out and I see a light rising from her throat. Her eyes begin to glaze over. Something tells me to get up but I can't. It's no use. I'm tired. Tired of fighting. I'm just tired of everything…but…something tells me I need to get up. Something real. Something that's scary. It terrifies. Almost as much as this thing that's definitely killing Helen but it's scaring me. And that's all I need. Fear.

I begin to rise. It hurts, everything in my body is telling me to just let it happen. Let Helen fall into eternal slumber. But this feeling. This warm feeling…it's telling me to…rise. It's life. It's something stronger than fear. It's a fire. Deep in me.

"Let her GOOOO!!!" I jump and throw a right hook towards it. I leap harder than I ever have. And it looks to me. Immediately she's released and I take her place. That's just messed up am I right? And the next thing I know I'm back in that corridor around the corner.

My breath catches and I look around. I can barely breath. Panic rises from within. I turn around seeing the library. I run towards it but the faster I run the further away I am. Hopelessly I fall to despair. And just then I hear something that stops me.

"Raaaaa!!" Battle cries erupts around the corner. That same corner that holds my future.

"Redbird!!" "Why didn't you do something?!" "Please help me" "I don't want to die!" Voices of men and woman I've never met and yet people that hold significance in my coming life. It's not something you experience it's something you simply know to be true. A truth everyone hides from. What lies beyond? "Hahahahaha!!" "You failed again!"

These were echoes of the unknown the lie in the night that can only be described as the abyss.

"Let's go buddy" "their blood are on your hands" "volunteers club huh" "sing me a lullaby?"

Tears spring from my eyes. Fear, pain, guilt. So many feelings. So much responsibility. I don't want this. "I don't want this!"

My body moves on its own towards the corner and the voices get louder. Closer. I cry. I scream. And just as I'm being forced to face my future…a hand grabs onto the back of my shoulder. The feelings cease and I turn to see three young woman. They're smiling at me. Smiles of joy and understanding. One with short red hair, the taller one will long black hair and the last one with brown hair.

"Yknow" I hear a man's voice from the direction of the corner I turn slightly seeing someone who…looks like me. But older. He's smirking at me.

I feel…the light. I feel hope. I feel balanced.

"It's not all bad." He walks towards me. I look up at him, I'm scared.

"I don't…" he smiles proudly and yet a stray tear falls from his eye. "Yknow, it's gonna hurt a lot. And you're gonna feel like…death is the only way out. But if you keep going…you're gonna be just fine. So…don't keep me waiting" he winks at me and with that he turns and walks into the light.

I blink and I'm in a destroyed library. I fall to my knees. Looking around I find that Helen is on the ground. She's covered in cuts. And from the pain I feel so am I. But I no longer see the ghostly creature. Instead my vision blurs and I pass out. Drifting into darkness. A darkness i can live with. A true slumber.

Waking from what feels like the best sleep I've had in ages I open my eyes silently without making any movement. I don't feel depressed or drained. Rather, I feel more comfortable and relaxed. Though I do feel pain. I look around without getting up. I'm sore. Observing my body I see I'm wrapped in bandages. I can feel cuts around me. Must've happened during the attack. I see Helen lying on the other bed. She's sound asleep. Covered in bandages. Same as me. We're in a hospital room. I breath in and out. The air has never been so…relaxing than it is now.

"I see you're awake" I hear my brother's voice. I look and behold. Right next to me sits my elder brother in a chair next to the bed. He's wearing a suit and a loosen tie. His badge in his hip.

"Trouble always seems to find you doesn't it…"

"I swear I'm not crazy." I speak up.

"I know" he leans forward. "Just relax. I'm not here to judge you." I lean back in my bed. "Besides. The library was blown to hell"

That made me jump out of bed. But I immediately got light headed. Sean tries to steady me but I simply sit straight in bed.

"What happened?" I asked once I got my composure. But it wasn't my brother who answered.

"There was a bright light and it was gone." Helen's voice sounded dreamy like she was still asleep. I turn to look at her. She looked straight into my eyes.

"And no one thinks you're crazy. Remember…this is DavyJones. Besides, this time we were there together." And with that she reached over and squeezed my hand. We look at each other with understanding. We shared that experience together. I don't know what Helen saw. As a matter of fact I barely remember what I heard around that corner that was my future. It's fading like a bad dream. But what I do know is it's over. Somehow in all that chaos I found…balance.

And as the room fell silent Kaleb burst into the room and hugs me tightly.

And that ends a mysterious Adventure in DavyJones.