Your Wish Is My Command

Sunny Tuesday morning, and all Sirena wanted was to go back to the siren university. She was tired. She didn't get out of bed and even missed breakfast. She didn't want Dalia to behave so awkwardly around her that it would become noticeable by others.

While still in her state of rebellion, her mother knocked on the door and walked in to sit by her bedside.

She was dressed in a robe and her hair fell on loose curls on top of her shoulders.

"Sweetie, you didn't say anything about Ryan. Don't you like him? I think he's good for you."

She asked, trying to make conversation but Sirena could see past her bullshit. Well at least she knew that something was up. Her mother was some sort of pretender that always peddled fake love around.

"Mum, if you're here to tell me about how wonderful he is and how lucky I am, then I don't want to hear it. I didn't even get a choice, a chance to pick my partner."