

I felt a surge of emotions as I looked at Jerry. The kid was traumatized, and I could see the fear and helplessness in his eyes. I knew I had to be strong for him, for Suzana.

I got up from my chair and walked over to Jerry. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly. "It's okay, Jerry," I whispered. "You're safe now. Just rest, okay?"

Jerry nodded, his body shaking with sobs. I held him for a few more moments, trying to comfort him.

Finally, I gently pulled back and looked at Jerry. "I'll find Suzana, Jerry. I promise. Just rest, okay?"

Jerry nodded again, and I could see the exhaustion in his eyes. I helped him to the couch and covered him with a blanket.

Then, I turned and headed out of the house once again, determined to find Suzana. I would leave no stone unturned, I would search every corner of the city until I found her.