Didn’t feel right

Reinforcements arrived and within a few moments, Lenora started whispering to her wand like she just found her long lost elementary school best friend. She kept at it so much that Drifus thought the lady had gone insane for a minute. But then he started questioning his eyes.

The massive army instantly lost their formation and started moving haphazardly. Soldiers ran, others panicked, some just fell on the ground, unmoving.

What was going on?

"It's working!" Lenora yelled. "Take that!"

She actually did it. Drifus thought. When Lenora said she had a plan, he doubted that she was going to do something foolish again. But it actually worked!

Moments later, the elves retreated and Drifus nearly screamed in delight. And he would have too if Lenora hadn't just fell down before his very eyes. Drifus jumped to catch her and while he couldn't catch her, he did make a good cushion.


He almost instinctively blurted out how heavy she felt but then stopped himself when he considered just how angry she'd be.

"A-are you alright?" Drifus mumbled.

But Lenora said nothing. She was out cold.

"I guess not," he mumbled and gradually picked her up in a bridal carry. He felt nothing for humans. And he probably didn't feel anything for the girl either. Yet, yet he couldn't look away.

There was nothing that impressive about the girl. She wasn't an absurd beauty and she didn't speak like those scholars or high-born types. Yet, for some reason, the way she carried herself left an impression on his mind. He couldn't say if he liked her but he could say he was interested to see what she could bring next.

She stood up to that demon lord, and she stood her ground. She said she would stop the war, and she stopped the war. Some of the things she'd done were questionable and honestly it frightened her to some extent when he considered just how much the woman knew. Yet, he found interest.

Honestly, the Drifus had never seen a woman like that-

No. He had. And the moment he thought about the other lady, the empress, his heart sunk. A longing arose. As did sorrow, guilt, and pain.

She'd betrayed him, used him, abused him, and yet he wanted to go back to her. Was this love? No, it wasn't. It was infatuation and he knew it. No matter how she acted, no matter how she treated Drifus, he liked her. Perhaps the feelings weren't his, but he couldn't deny them just like Lenora had said so. Did she really curse me?

He shook his head. Now was not that time to be thinking about her. "My lord, would it be alright if we retired for the night?"

Monsor glanced back, shook his head with great delight and smirked. "Yes, you deserved it. Go have some fun."

Drifus let out an awkward chuckle. "Thank you."

That said, he carried the lady towards the living quarters. People had come out to the streets and were celebrating. Late night but the whole city was alive and awake. It took some effort to go through the crowd and find an inn, but Drifus found one sooner than later.

Small room with a twin bed and some furniture. Barely livable.

He wanted to head back to the mansion and offer her a better bed but for now this had to do. The lady was tired and it really didn't matter what sort of bed she got to sleep on, as long as she got something to sleep on.

Drifus laid down the lady on one bed and sat down next to her. He watched her sleeping face, brushed loose strands of hair away from her face and whispered. "Good night."

"Mmmhh." Faint. Very faint sound.

Drifus felt something. He wasn't sure what, but he felt something and to not feel that way, he quickly ran out of the room. Once outside, he noticed someone.

A soldier. The very same one who'd led them to the mansion.

"I knew from the first second you two were lying," he said.

"Then why didn't you stop us?"

They walked around. Drifus didn't want to leave Lenora alone, so he walked back and forth without leaving.

Muffled cheers and chatter could be heard even here.

"I'd heard rumors about a possible allegiance between Zabruza and Elfrieda."

"But no one believed you."

"No, I didn't have the courage to bring it up to my lord," he said. "He hasn't been his usual self. He wasn't like this you know."

"I don't know," Drifus said.

"He was a good man. But then one day that man showed up, and then the lord changed. Women flocked around him and everyone in the mansion started being miserable. My lord started alienating himself and constantly flirting with the women… he began to-"

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested," Drifus said. "Besides-" He paused. "Wait what man? Who came to visit?"

"He called himself Silverion," the soldier paused. "Arc mage Silverion."

Drifus's eyes opened wide but he remained calm. "I've never heard of such a man, err, elf."

In fact, he was the only arc mage. But perhaps a new one popped out right after him. And this person was able to change a benevolent kind Viscount to a man without morals?

Did such magic even exist?

"What was he like?" Drifus asked.

"Like you," he said. "Just with black hair."

A black-haired elf? But no elf had black hair. Some lower-class ones were born with Brown hair but never black.

And even if someone were to be born with black hair, they would be persecuted and exiled and… and yet this elf had managed to become an Arc mage?

Something didn't feel right.

Something just… didn't feel right.

"I was hoping," the soldier continued. "You and the lady could reverse the effects. Save my lord… save the viscounty."

"I do not know of any ways to change someone's mind. But I will ask her once she awakens tomorrow."

The soldier nodded. "Thank you." And left.

Meanwhile, Drifus stood there, almost shivering with anxiety. A dark elf….