
Lenora thought it'd be a boring journey. And to some extent, she was right.

Green fields full of bugs and mosquitoes. Hares and foxes chasing each other. Random trees walking about. Nothing out of the ordinary….

"You've been really quiet," a woman said. She'd sat next to Lenora.

The row on the other side were occupied by males. All were elves. The woman, too.

"I don't see a point in talking or making small talk. Besides, don't you consider me beneath you?"

"Hmm…" the elven lady examined Lenora. There were some marks on her face. Some age lines. But elves were supposed to be young in appearance for hundreds of years. So that was odd, at least to Lenora. "I suppose the young ones these days have brought our image down to that level."

"No," one of the elves from the other side said. "We've only raised our image. If the other races cannot keep up with us and are thus beneath us, that is not our problem."