The ice cream dripped from Lumian's spoon, pooling onto the white ceramic below.
His eyes remained fixed on the man before him.
Broad shoulders. Sharp, unreadable eyes. A face that belonged on propaganda posters—the kind that inspired both fear and admiration. The kind that made people believe in something bigger than themselves.
And Lumian knew exactly who he was.
Reinhardt Vale.
One of the heroes of the 'Vanguard', the Leader of the Vanguard to be precise.
The highest echelon of heroes. The ones who operated beyond government oversight, stepping in only when the world teetered on the edge of catastrophe.
And right now, Lumian was sitting across from the one man in the world who had the authority to erase him with a single command.
Yet, Reinhardt wasn't making a move.
He wasn't even tense.