The air was heavy with tension as they rode through the forest. Kaelen sat behind Seraphina on Ember's back, the dragon flying low over the treetops. He still wasn't used to the feeling of flying—every dip and rise of the dragon's wings made his stomach flip, but he held on tight. His thoughts wandered, mostly to what lay ahead. Seraphina had spoken of dangerous lands, but it wasn't the monsters or Black Legion that worried him the most. It was the unknown path in front of him.

As they flew over a clearing, Seraphina suddenly slowed Ember, guiding her down to land in a small, hidden grove. The trees here were taller and thicker, their branches forming a canopy that filtered the sunlight. It was quiet, too quiet.

Kaelen glanced around, his hand resting on the hilt of the dagger he'd taken from one of the soldiers. "Why are we stopping?"

Seraphina dismounted gracefully, her sharp eyes scanning the area. "We're being followed."

Kaelen felt his heart quicken. "By who?"

"Lord Thorne's men," she replied, her voice steady but serious. "They've been tracking us since we left the village."

Just as she finished speaking, there was a rustle in the bushes behind them. Kaelen spun around, his instincts kicking in, but before he could react, three men stepped out of the shadows. They were dressed in black, their faces partially hidden by hoods, but Kaelen recognized the insignia on their armor—Lord Thorne's crest.

"You've got nowhere to run," the lead man said, his voice cold and harsh. He pointed a sword at them, the steel gleaming in the filtered sunlight. "Give up the boy, and we'll let you go."

Seraphina didn't flinch. "You're outnumbered, and you won't survive if you fight us."

The man sneered. "We don't need to survive. We just need to take him."

Kaelen's mind raced. His hand tightened around his dagger, but he knew it wasn't enough. These men were trained killers, and he had no chance in a fight.

"Stay behind me," Seraphina said under her breath as she took a step forward, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword.

But before she could draw her weapon, the man lunged at her. In an instant, Seraphina dodged and swung her blade, blocking his attack with ease. The sound of clashing steel echoed through the grove as the fight broke out. Seraphina moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, parrying blows and striking back with deadly precision.

Kaelen felt a surge of panic as the other two men charged at him. He raised his dagger, but it felt useless against their swords. One of the men swung at him, and Kaelen barely managed to dodge, stumbling backward.

Just as the second man raised his sword to strike, something inside Kaelen snapped. Time seemed to slow, and he felt a strange warmth spread through his body. His vision blurred, and before he knew it, his hand shot out instinctively.

A bright, golden light erupted from his palm, blasting the man off his feet and sending him crashing into a tree. The force of it shook the ground, and Kaelen stood there, stunned, his hand still glowing with energy.

The remaining man froze, his eyes wide with shock. "W-What is that?"

Kaelen didn't know. His heart was pounding, his mind reeling. He had no idea how he'd done that. But the power, the raw force that had surged through him—it felt both terrifying and exhilarating.

The leader of the group, now visibly shaken, glanced at his fallen companion before turning his gaze back to Kaelen. "This isn't over," he hissed, backing away slowly. "Lord Thorne will hear of this."

With that, he disappeared into the forest, leaving his injured men behind.

Seraphina stood there, her sword still raised, her expression unreadable. Slowly, she lowered her weapon and turned to Kaelen. "What... what was that?"

Kaelen shook his head, his hand still trembling. "I don't know. I didn't mean to—"

"You just used magic," Seraphina said, her voice softer now, almost in disbelief.

Kaelen looked down at his hand, the glow fading as quickly as it had come. "I've never done anything like that before. I don't even know how I did it."

Seraphina took a step closer, her gaze intense. "Magic isn't something you just accidentally use. It's a force, a power that comes from within. And what you did back there... that's not something most people can do."

Kaelen felt a wave of fear wash over him. He had always known something was different about him, but he had never imagined this. Magic was rare, dangerous even, and those who wielded it were often hunted.

"We need to move," Seraphina said, breaking the silence. "If they tell Lord Thorne about what you can do, he'll stop at nothing to get his hands on you."

Kaelen nodded, still dazed by what had just happened. As they prepared to leave, a figure appeared at the edge of the clearing. It was Elysia, her silver hair catching the light as she stepped out from the shadows.

"I see you've discovered your gift," she said, her voice calm but knowing.

Kaelen stared at her, confused. "You... you knew?"

Elysia nodded, her piercing blue eyes meeting his. "I've known since the moment I saw you. The power inside you—it's old, ancient even. But it's not something to fear, Kaelen. It's something to embrace."

Seraphina looked between them, her brow furrowed. "Who are you?"

"I'm here to help," Elysia replied simply. "And if we're going to survive what's coming, you're going to need to learn how to control that power."

Kaelen's mind raced as Elysia's words sank in. He didn't know whether to trust her, but something about her calm presence reassured him. The light from his hand had faded, but the tingling sensation still lingered in his body, like a storm waiting to be unleashed again. He was terrified by what he had done, but part of him felt a strange sense of freedom like a door had been opened to something larger than himself.

Seraphina, however, wasn't as convinced. "And why should we trust you? You've been following us since we left the village."

Elysia didn't flinch. "Because I've been protecting him long before you came along. You've seen what he can do—Lord Thorne will stop at nothing to capture him now. But I know how to keep him safe. You don't."

Seraphina's eyes narrowed, but she didn't argue. Kaelen could sense the tension between them, but Elysia didn't seem bothered. She stepped closer to him, her gaze softening.

"You're more powerful than you realize, Kaelen. But power without control can be just as dangerous. I can help you. Let me teach you."

Kaelen swallowed hard, torn between fear and the pull of something far greater.