Dark Magic

In the silence of a world that seemed to hold secrets in every shadow, survival was not just about skill or bravery—it was about outlasting the darkness that crept closer with every heartbeat. For Kaelen, Seraphina, and Elysia, every step forward felt like walking deeper into a trap, a place where the line between life and death blurred, and where the real danger was not the blades of their enemies but the dark magic hunting them.

The sun dipped behind the mountains, casting long shadows over the forest as the trio pressed on, moving through the thick woods that offered little comfort. Kaelen could feel the weight of the magic coursing through him, a power he didn't fully understand and could barely control. It had saved them once, but would it be enough the next time?

Seraphina, her fiery red hair catching the last traces of sunlight, moved ahead of them, her sharp eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. She hadn't said much since the attack, but Kaelen could see the determination in her every movement. The dragon rider was fearless, but even she seemed wary of what lay ahead.

"Do you feel it?" Elysia whispered, her voice soft but tense. She walked beside Kaelen, her pale face illuminated in the dim light. "There's something… wrong with this place."

Kaelen nodded. He didn't need to be told. The air itself felt different—thicker, darker as if it was alive with something sinister. They were close to Lord Thorne's territory, and his presence seemed to cling to the land like poison.

Suddenly, a chill ran down Kaelen's spine, and before he could say anything, Seraphina halted in her tracks, her hand raised to signal them to stop. The sound of branches snapping echoed around them, but no footsteps followed. It was as if the forest itself was trying to warn them.

"Stay close," Seraphina whispered, her voice low but commanding. She slowly reached for the hilt of her sword, her gaze never leaving the shadows ahead.

Without warning, the ground beneath them seemed to shift. A dark fog began to creep through the trees, swirling around their feet. Kaelen's heart pounded in his chest as a low, guttural laugh echoed from the darkness.

"You've wandered too far," a voice hissed, sending a shiver through Kaelen's body. From the mist emerged a figure cloaked in black, his eyes glowing with an unnatural light. His hands crackled with dark magic, twisting the very air around him.

Lord Thorne's men had found them.

Seraphina drew her sword, the sound slicing through the eerie silence. "Get ready," she muttered to Kaelen and Elysia, her body tense and ready for the fight. But Kaelen knew this wasn't like the battles they had faced before. The man in front of them wasn't just a soldier—he was a sorcerer, a wielder of magic that Kaelen could feel was older and far darker than anything he had encountered.

As the sorcerer moved closer, Kaelen's hands began to tingle with the same strange energy that had saved them in the last battle. He could feel the power stirring inside him again, rising like a storm. But this time, it wasn't just fear or desperation that fueled it—it was something deeper, something more dangerous.

"You can't win," the sorcerer sneered, lifting his hand as the dark magic swirled around his fingertips. "Lord Thorne's shadow reaches further than you can imagine."

Kaelen didn't have time to think. The sorcerer's magic lashed out, a bolt of darkness aimed directly at them. Instinctively, Kaelen raised his hands, and before he knew it, a shield of shimmering light formed in front of him, blocking the attack. The impact of the dark magic collided with his shield, sending a shockwave through the air.

The sorcerer's eyes widened in shock for just a moment before narrowing in anger. "You…," he growled, recognizing the power in Kaelen. "You're not like the others."

Kaelen didn't respond. His heart raced, and the energy flowing through him felt wild and unpredictable, but there was no time to hesitate. He glanced at Seraphina, who was already moving, her blade slicing through the air as she charged at the sorcerer.

In the chaos of the battle, Elysia stood close to Kaelen, her hands glowing with her magic, ready to defend them if needed. But Kaelen knew they couldn't just survive this—they had to win. Lord Thorne's men were relentless, and this was just the beginning of the dark magic they would face.

The sorcerer dodged Seraphina's strikes with unnatural speed, his laughter echoing through the trees. "You think you can stop me?" he taunted, raising his hand to send another wave of dark magic their way.

But Kaelen was ready. This time, he didn't wait for the attack. With a surge of energy, he pushed his power forward, his hands glowing brighter as he sent a blast of light toward the sorcerer. The impact was immediate—the sorcerer's spell faltered, and he stumbled back, a look of disbelief crossing his face.

"You…," he muttered again, but before he could finish, Seraphina struck, her sword finding its mark.

The sorcerer crumpled to the ground, his body dissolving into the same dark mist that had surrounded them moments before. The air grew still again, the unnatural fog lifting as quickly as it had appeared.

Kaelen stood there, breathing heavily, his hands still glowing faintly with the magic that had saved them once again. But this time, he didn't feel relief. The darkness was still out there, and Lord Thorne wouldn't stop until he had them in his grasp.

Seraphina sheathed her sword, her gaze lingering on Kaelen. "You're going to need to control that power, Kaelen," she said quietly. "Because this was just a warning. The real danger is coming."

Kaelen nodded, his heart heavy with the truth of her words. The road ahead would only grow more dangerous, and he had no choice but to face it—whatever dark magic lay in their path.