Chapter 4:

When Lin Fan entered the room, the scent of medicine filled the air. He saw the fourth elder, Yu Kuan, lying on his bed, clearly showing the marks of defeat. His face was pale, and his eyes burned with suppressed anger. How could it be otherwise? He was a man once considered a pillar of strength in the Yu family, and now he sat before the one who had humiliated him in a battle that had not lasted long.

Yu Kuan stared at Lin Fan with a gaze full of hatred and despair. He saw in Lin Fan's eyes that arrogant smile that had not left his face since the moment he had fallen to the ground, helpless.

"I didn't expect you to come see me again after all this," Yu Kuan said coldly, trying to suppress his anger. "Or are you not satisfied yet with what you did?"

Lin Fan smiled slightly and replied calmly, "You are still alive, Yu Kuan. That alone is a blessing. But I didn't come here to talk about the past. I came to offer you an opportunity."

Yu Kuan laughed mockingly, but his laughter was filled with bitterness. "An opportunity? After everything that happened? You humiliated me in front of everyone, and now you offer me an opportunity? I want nothing more than to fight you again!"

Lin Fan rolled the pill between his fingers, making it glimmer in the soft light of the room. "This pill will heal you completely. It will restore all your strength. But there's something else... I will also give you fifth-grade cultivation and combat techniques; you will become much stronger than you were before I defeated you."

Yu Kuan paused for a moment, staring at the pill. The energy of the pill was evident, shining to an undeniable degree. But he couldn't hide his growing anger. How could this young man speak to him with such confidence after crushing him in that way?

"And you expect me to accept such a deal?" Yu Kuan said through clenched teeth, his eyes narrowing. "After you made me look like a fool in front of everyone?"

Lin Fan took slow steps toward the bed and said coldly, "You are smart, Yu Kuan. I know you are angry, and that is natural. But think for a moment... in your current situation, you don't have many options. Without this pill, you will die slowly. If you take it, you will regain your strength, and even more. But, of course, there is a condition."

Yu Kuan's hand stopped trembling, but he continued to glare at Lin Fan with anger. "You have backed me into an unavoidable corner," Yu Kuan said in a low voice, but the hatred was clear in his tone. "I have no choice, do I?"

Lin Fan replied with a cold smile, "You always have a choice, Yu Kuan. The choice here is between life and death. To remain strong, even if that is under my will."

After a long moment of silence, Yu Kuan hesitantly extended his hand toward the pill. When he picked it up, he couldn't prevent himself from feeling defeated once more. However, he swallowed the pill anyway.

Yu Kuan felt the flow of energy coursing through his body instantly. His wounds healed, and his old strength surged back into his veins, even stronger than it had been before his defeat. He slowly stood on his feet, astonished by the speed at which he had regained his power.

"You have kept your promise," Yu Kuan said in a quiet voice, but it was not free of bitterness and suppressed anger.

But before he could think more, Lin Fan grabbed his arm and gently pushed him toward the ground. "Where is your respect, Yu Kuan?" Lin Fan said, smiling defiantly. "Remember that you are in my presence now. I want you to kneel."

Lin Fan forced Yu Kuan to kneel, his eyes blazing with contempt. "Be more respectful. This is how you should treat your master."

A feeling of humiliation washed over Yu Kuan as he knelt, but deep down, he was plotting his revenge. Still, he knew that the moment for revenge would come later.

"Remember, Yu Kuan. One betrayal from you, and this pill will be the last thing you ever taste," Lin Fan said in a calm tone, but with an unmistakable threat.

"I understand... my lord," Yu Kuan replied coldly, but he harbored mixed feelings of anger and humiliation in his heart.

Lin Fan smirked arrogantly before leaving the room. He had gotten what he wanted, but he knew that Yu Kuan was not one to easily give up, and that was something he understood well.

. . .

Inside Lin Fan's Room:

Xiao Mi sat on her bed, feeling the weight of the events that had transpired that day. She could think of nothing but Lin Fan. Every time she remembered those moments when she had confronted him, the pain in her heart intensified. Just the mention of his name made her body tremble with fear.

She had suffered unbearable pain when she challenged him. Every time she opposed him, she endured a full minute of agony, as if every part of her body was being burned. Those moments made her realize that she was nothing more than a puppet in his hands. She was terrified of his power, but more importantly, of his ability to inflict harm.

"Why did I insist on resisting?" she wondered to herself, afraid of making the same mistake again. "I had no chance of surviving his torment."

She felt a sense of surrender taking over her. Deep down, she had decided to obey his orders, no matter what. "There is no point in resisting," she thought. "Things will only get worse." This surrender served as her protection, a way to shield herself from further pain.

She feared that experience would repeat itself and that Lin Fan would return to make her suffer again. She thought about the moment when she had begged him for mercy, and how humiliating it had been. That moment was a turning point in her life, where she realized she needed to walk the path of obedience if she wanted to survive.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Lin Fan entered the room. He walked with confidence, his eyes shining with a harsh glimmer. Xiao Mi looked at him with a mix of fear and respect, trying to keep her emotions in check.

"Xiao Mi," Lin Fan said in a calm voice, but there was something in his tone that made her heart race. He stepped closer, gently grasping her chin, tilting his head slightly to examine her face. "Are you thinking of something?"

Xiao Mi froze, unable to answer. Fear overwhelmed her, but at the same time, she knew she had no choice but to submit to his authority.

"You know what you must do," Lin Fan continued, gently patting her head as one would with a pet. "If you are obedient, you will avoid pain. But if you have other thoughts, you will regret it."

Xiao Mi felt a mixture of fear and astonishment. She couldn't help but feel weak under his gaze. "I understand that, young master," she replied softly, lowering her eyes in respect.

"Good," Lin Fan said, smiling arrogantly as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. "Always remember, your obedience is the only way to survive."

"I am here to please you, young master," Xiao Mi continued, trying to show her complete submission. "I will never oppose you again as long as I live."

At that moment, Xiao Mi realized she was no longer the person she once was. She had fully surrendered and decided to accept her fate under Lin Fan's mercy. She knew that every moment of her obedience would make her life easier, and that her resistance would only lead to pain.

"Well done," Lin Fan said, gently patting her head. "Keep it up, and you will find that life will be much easier."

As he looked at her, an unspoken idea sparkled in his eyes, as he prepared to indulge in pleasure once again, enjoying his obedient first pet.