
A new achievement that was supposed to be hers had immediately been stolen on the fifth day since the opening of the Biennial Dimension. Zarael's eyes widened as she stared at the sky where the notification was displayed.

[First mission completion: Vonn.]

Seeing the rankings and realizing she had fallen behind with a great disparity, being only the second best in this batch, she hissed in fuming rage.

"That was supposed to be mine! I should have gotten it!"

The unexplainable level of rage in her heart consumed her, and she couldn't stop the thought of killing whoever Vonn was. This wasn't a simple case of rivalry—Vonn had to be stopped. If not, years of her efforts would be wasted.

Shaking her head as she refocused on her mission, she began playing out different scenarios in her mind on how to kill Vonn. Although she didn't know who he was, she was certain she would be able to take him down.