Najjad's Unseen Potential

 In addition to his sculpted physique and striking curls, further personal changes became apparent. His posture, once slouched and unassuming, now exuded confidence. The shy smile he used to wear had transformed into a self-assured grin, and his eyes sparkled with newfound determination. Torn between concern and fascination, Sunaina reached out to touch her son's transformed hair. "It's like you've stepped into your strength," she remarked, her fingers tracing the silky strands.

As she touched his skin, she noticed a newfound warmth and vitality. Feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation, Najjad decided to explore the extent of his newfound self. "I don't understand it myself, but there's something extraordinary happening. Maybe this is a chance for me to embrace a different, stronger version of myself," he mused, contemplating the possibilities that lay ahead. As Najjad's family gathered around, taking in the remarkable changes in him, Eijaz, the eagle, emerged from a room, drawn by the echoes of the earlier commotion. The bird circled overhead, its keen eyes observing the transformed Najjad. Eijaz let out a majestic cry as if acknowledging the extraordinary event. Confusion ensued when, again, a shout echoed through the hall. When questioned, Zunera denied being the source of the disturbance, pointing out that it was their mother, Sunaina. Her face, however, showed an angry expression, leaving everyone bewildered. Amidst the perplexity, Sunaina redirected her attention by asking Najjad about a girl in his room. Shocked, the family turned to look at Najjad, only to find him seemingly returned to his previous self.

Attempting to lighten the situation, Ahmed commented, "What's a girl doing in your room, Najjad?" Zunera, with a sly smile, added fuel to the fire, suggesting, "Maybe it's his girlfriend." The revelation left everyone stunned. Receiving a telepathic message, Najjad subtly responded, "Master, she is Android 0.1, a jibot from the Jinn world." A wave of relief washed over him as he realized that the android's presence wouldn't be a cause for concern. To dispel the confusion, Najjad decided to reveal the truth. "She's a robot," he declared, leading the family to scrutinize the mysterious girl more closely. Zunera, still skeptical, questioned when Najjad had created her, expressing surprise at never having seen her before. Najjad, seizing the opportunity, looked at Sunaina, who nodded in understanding. He explained, "I made her recently, and I've been working on her on the farm at night. I wanted to surprise you all." The tension in the room eased as the family accepted Najjad's explanation, realizing that the unexpected transformation was just part of a larger plan. Sunaina, with a knowing look, approached Najjad and whispered, "You have a lot of explaining to do, young man. But for now, let's let everyone freshen up. We'll discuss everything later." As the family dispersed to get freshened up, Najjad couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and anticipation. The events of the morning had taken unexpected turns, but the mysteries surrounding him were far from over.

After everyone freshened up, they were surprised to find the dining table adorned with an array of new and different dishes. Assuming Sunaina had prepared the feast, they were about to express their gratitude when a voice from behind questioned who made the food. Turning around, they were astonished to find Sunaina standing there, and when Najjad refused to prepare the meal, a collective realization hit them.

Curiosity led them to the kitchen, where they discovered Android 0.1 diligently washing the dishes. The revelation left everyone in awe, and they couldn't help but admire the efficiency of the Jibot. Sunaina, taking Najjad aside, urged him to explain everything. As Najjad revealed that the android was from another world, a being that was half-jinn and half-robot, Sunaina listened intently, absorbing the fantastical details.

Returning to the dining room, they found everyone seated and already indulging in the mysterious dishes. Joining the table, Najjad ordered the Jibot to join him in his room. As they reached Najjad's room, he called his mother in, ensuring that the android would follow her orders as well. He emphasized that no magic should be used in the presence of everyone.

Once the instructions were given, the trio returned to the dining room, and the family continued their meal. It became apparent that the introduction of Android 0.1 had added an intriguing dynamic to their household. As the meal concluded, Najjad announced that he would be heading to university. The room buzzed with activity as preparations for departure began. Before leaving, Najjad observed Eijaz, now transformed into a sparrow, playfully interacting with Zunera.

With a determined resolve, Najjad got ready, expressing his departure to the family. As Najjad stepped out of his home, he couldn't help but notice the intrigued gazes of his neighbors fixed upon him. The revelation that the transformed newcomer was none other than Najjad left them all in shock. The murmurs and whispers echoed through the neighborhood. Hearing the commotion outside, Najjad's family members joined him. Witnessing the attention their son was receiving due to his newfound personality, joy radiated through their faces. Zunera, ever mischievous, suggested to her mother to glance at the opposite side of the house. To their amusement, a group of girls from the nearby hostel were approaching Najjad, bombarding him with inquiries about a possible girlfriend. Laughter erupted from Najjad's family as they witnessed the playful banter. Najjad, quick on his feet, skillfully maneuvered through the inquisitive crowd of girls, managing to evade their questions. With a grin, he made a swift escape, heading towards his university. The disappointed girls, realizing the chase was futile, returned to their hostel.