Secrets Revealed and New Beginnings

Najjad's heart pounded in his chest, the shock rendering him momentarily speechless. Eijaz and the android both lowered their heads, resuming their tasks in silence. The scene before him felt surreal, a stark contrast to the life he thought he knew.

"Mother," Najjad said, his voice shaky but resolute, "what is happening? Why are they working like this?"

Sunaina's expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. "Najjad, there are things you don't understand. Things you are better off not knowing."

"But Eijaz is my friend, not a servant," Najjad insisted, his confusion giving way to anger. "And the android, why is it here?"

Sunaina sighed, wiping her flour-dusted hands on her apron. "Najjad, some truths are too painful to face. You must trust me. I am doing what is best for you."

Najjad shook his head, stepping closer to Eijaz. "No, I won't accept that. Eijaz, tell me the truth."

Eijaz hesitated, glancing nervously at Sunaina, but remained silent. The android, too, continued its work, mechanical and unfeeling.

Sunaina's gaze hardened. "Najjad, this conversation is over. Leave the kitchen and let them work."

Najjad stood his ground, his mind racing with questions and doubts. "Mother, if you don't tell me, I'll find out on my own."

Sunaina's eyes flashed with a mix of fear and frustration. "Very well, Najjad. But remember this: Some doors, once opened, can never be closed."

With that, she turned back to her dough, effectively ending the conversation. Najjad, his resolve hardening, left the kitchen, his mind churning with possibilities. The revelation that his trusted friend Eijaz and the mysterious android were being treated as servants by his mother was more than he could comprehend. Determined to uncover the truth, Najjad knew he couldn't let this go. But for now, he had to get to school.

Upon arriving at school, Najjad could feel the whispers and stares following him. His friends were still buzzing about the news of him and Seema. He tried to ignore it, heading straight for his locker. As he gathered his books, he noticed his ex-girlfriend, Alia, glaring in his direction. Her expression was a mix of anger and hurt.

Curious, Najjad approached his friend Habib. "What's going on with Alia? She looks furious."

Habib leaned in, lowering his voice. "She and her boyfriend had a big fight this morning."

"Why?" Najjad asked, genuinely concerned despite their complicated history.

"She caught Iqbal with another girl," Habib explained. "It's a mess. Everyone's talking about it."

Najjad nodded, feeling a pang of sympathy for Alia. Before he could say more, the bell rang, and they hurried to class.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the next class. Najjad and his friend Habib hurried into the room, still buzzing from their earlier conversation.

"Can you believe Alia caught Iqbal with another girl?" Habib whispered as they took their seats.

Najjad shook his head. "It's a mess. I feel bad for her, even after everything."

Before Habib could respond, the classroom door swung open. Ms. Seema entered her presence instantly commanding attention. Today, she looked different—more striking than usual. Her hair was styled perfectly, and her outfit was chic and sophisticated. It was as if she had walked straight off a fashion runway.

A collective murmur spread through the room as the boys gawked at her in awe. Najjad couldn't help but notice how all the boys' eyes were fixed on her, almost as if she were Miss Universe.

"Wow, Ms. Seema looks amazing today," Habib muttered under his breath.

Najjad nodded in agreement, trying to remain focused. However, the girls in the class were less impressed. Those whose boyfriends were ogling Ms. Seema started glaring at them with fury. One by one, they began whacking their boyfriends with their heels, causing a series of yelps and muttered apologies to ripple through the classroom.

Ms. Seema, seemingly oblivious to the commotion, placed her books on the desk and turned to address the class. "Good morning, everyone," she said with a warm smile. "Before we begin, I need to take attendance."

She started calling out names, her voice calm and measured. As she went through the list, the students gradually settled down, though a few boys were still nursing bruises from their girlfriends' heels.

"Najjad?" Ms. Seema called.

"Here," Najjad responded, snapping back to attention.


"Present," Habib replied, still grinning from the earlier chaos.

After finishing the attendance, Ms. Seema looked up at the class with a twinkle in her eye. "We have some exciting news today. There has been a sudden transfer of a student to our college. Let's all give her a warm welcome."

The classroom buzzed with curiosity as a new student walked in. She had a quiet confidence about her, with long dark hair and an air of mystery. Najjad felt a strange sense of familiarity, but he couldn't place where he had seen her before.

When he saw her full face, he was shocked. Habib and Alia also looked stunned.

The classroom buzzed with anticipation as Najjad and Habib exchanged puzzled glances. Anaya, Najjad's cousin, stood at the doorway with an air of confidence, her presence commanding attention just like Ms. Seema's had earlier.

"Wow, Anaya looks stunning today," Habib whispered to Najjad.

Najjad nodded in agreement, a hint of pride in his voice. "She's always had that fairy-like quality about her."

As Anaya entered the classroom, the boys' eyes followed her every move, reminiscent of their reaction to Ms. Seema. Najjad couldn't help but notice the familiar stir among his classmates.

Anaya walked confidently to the front of the class, her gaze sweeping across the room before she spoke. "Good morning, everyone. My name is Anaya, and I'm Najjad's girlfriend."

The declaration hung in the air, catching everyone off guard. Najjad's heart skipped a beat as he tried to process her words. Alia's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing in disbelief. Ms. Seema, standing nearby, raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the sudden revelation.

Najjad hesitated for a moment, the weight of Anaya's words sinking in. "Um, yes," he finally managed, his voice steadying. "We've been dating for the past six months."

Alia's reaction was immediate. Rising from her seat, she slammed her hands on the desk. "That's a lie!" she exclaimed, her voice sharp with accusation. "Najjad and I were together until just a few weeks ago. There's no way he's been seeing Anaya!"

The classroom erupted into murmurs and whispers as Najjad struggled to respond. He glanced at Anaya, who met his gaze with a mix of determination and concern. Ms. Seema stepped forward, her presence calming the chaotic atmosphere.

"Now, now, let's all settle down," Ms. Seema interjected, her voice cutting through the tension. "Najjad, Anaya, can we please clarify this calmly?"

Anaya spoke first, her tone measured yet resolute. "We've been keeping our relationship private, but it's true. Najjad and I have been together for six months."

Najjad nodded in agreement, steeling himself against the skepticism in Alia's eyes and the disbelief from his classmates. "I understand this might come as a surprise," he began, addressing the class, "but it's the truth."

Alia shook her head, her voice trembling with emotion. "I can't believe this," she muttered, her eyes welling up with tears. "I thought we had something real, Najjad."

Najjad took a step towards her, his expression earnest. "Alia, I never meant to hurt you," he said softly. "But things changed, and I found myself drawn to Anaya."

Anaya placed a comforting hand on Najjad's arm, her eyes conveying empathy towards Alia. "I'm sorry, Alia," she said sincerely. "I didn't want to cause any pain."

Ms. Seema nodded thoughtfully, taking in the scene before her. "Relationships can be complicated," she remarked gently. "But honesty and respect are crucial."

The classroom fell silent, the tension easing slightly as Najjad and Anaya's revelation settled among their peers. Alia, still visibly shaken, sank back into her seat, her gaze fixed on Najjad with a mix of hurt and confusion.

As the bell rang for the next class, Najjad exchanged a glance with Anaya, silently acknowledging the challenges ahead. The truth was out, and their relationship had been laid bare for all to see.