Chapter 6: He is the wanted criminal Wolverine!

Logan sat outside the water tower, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, looking at the sunset on the horizon.

In the end, he took out his mobile phone and the business card and dialed the number on the business card.

"It's me, James."

When the call was connected, Logan spoke first.

Chris Lawrence on the other end of the phone was obviously taken aback, and then his tone became cheerful again.

"Dude, I knew you would definitely call. How about it? Have you considered it? Working with me will definitely have a better future than being an Uber driver."

"I need a decent paycheck."

Logan didn't greet him too much.

"As long as it's not too outrageous, I can accept it. I think you also know the strength of our Lawrence family. Money is only a small issue."

Chris is obviously very satisfied with logan's strength and he likes Rogan's style of doing things.

"What do you need me to do?"

Logan took a puff of cigarette and spoke indifferently.

"It's hard to talk on the phone. Are you free tomorrow? How about we meet at the construction company at 11 o'clock in the morning?"


Logan hung up the phone and stuck the cigarette butt into the soil.

In the past, he didn't like to have too much contact with these wealthy families, but now he has to deal with them.

In this world, it's hard to move without money. Even if he is Wolverine, he can't make gold out of thin air.

Whether it was the original plan to sell the boat and go into seclusion, or to leave San Antonio to find a shelter where mutants gathered, a lot of money would be needed.

With his current job as an Uber driver, he was unable to collect that much money. If he wanted money, he could only choose to cooperate with Chris.

Although such cooperation may greatly increase his risk of being discovered, he has no choice.

Moreover, after working as an Uber driver for so many years, receiving countless passengers, and wandering around San Antonio for so long without being recognized, perhaps the world has long forgotten about him.

Being discovered by someone should only be a small probability event.

Logan stood up, dusted himself off, and went back to his room to rest, waiting for his first meeting with the Lawrence family tomorrow.

Santa Fe City can only be regarded as a regular city, but it has hundreds of years of history. Due to its geographical location, it is a desert all year round and is mainly based on agriculture. Before the Civil War, slavery was prevalent here. Santa Fe City Many wealthy businessmen today got their start from the dividends of slavery. The same is true for the Lawrence family. They were former farmers and occupied a lot of the means of production in Santa Fe City. Together with several big families, they made a lot of money in Santa Fe City. rise.

Later, due to the defeat of the Civil War, the policy changed. Coupled with the development of the Industrial Revolution, the changes of the times accelerated. In just a few decades, this land underwent earth-shaking changes. Railroads and roads connected the entire United States. Together, nearby towns gradually merged, and the current city of Santa Fe was established on the wasteland.

After the abolition of slavery, several major families turned to other businesses and relied on investing in emerging industries to continue the family to this day.

The same is true for the Lawrence family. They seized on the loopholes in the U.S. prohibition law and made a fortune by running a bootlegging business, and even became the largest family in Santa Fe.

Speaking of which, perhaps due to genetic reasons, the Lawrence family also made Logan feel somewhat familiar. After all, he was also a farmer before. Before the family changes, he was the heir to the farm.

After the reform of the prohibition law, the bootlegging business suffered a major blow. Fortunately, the ancestors of the Lawrence family made wise choices and successfully transformed into coal mining by relying on the large wealth earned from running bootleg liquor.

Today, most of the coal mining business in Santa Fe City is owned by the Lawrence family. Coupled with the logistics industry they have developed in recent years, the Lawrence family has absolute say that no one can shake.

"James, I'm happy for your arrival. You made the right decision."

Chris smiled and led Logan into a solemn office.

The luxuriously decorated office is like a palace.

There was already a middle-aged man in a black suit waiting on the leather seat behind the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Let me introduce you, this is my father, Mr. Lawrence."

Chris introduced Logan with a smile.

Sitting on the leather sofa with a Monte cigar in his hand, the whole room was filled with a strong smell of cigars.

When Mr. Lawrence saw Logan, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Lawrence."

Logan greeted him politely.

"It seems my son is right, Mr. James, you look like a ferocious tiger."

Lawrence stared at Logan, smiled and pointed to the table and chair in front of him, "Please sit down."

"What do you need me to do?" Logan sat on the sofa and asked straight to the point. Lawrence put his cigar on the ashtray and stared at Logan, "Mr. James, can I trust you?"


Logan nodded in response, "And I believe you have already investigated me, otherwise I would not be allowed to set foot here."

He knew that these wealthy businessmen were very cautious and would not let anyone enter their lair without investigation.

Fortunately, Logan also believed in his ability to disguise. No one in the entire Santa Fe city knew his true identity except the professor and Caliban.

So far, he has not been recognized.


Lawrence smiled, "We have a batch of goods that will leave in three days. The delivery time may take about ten days. The goods are valuable and very special. There are many people who covet them. Our current security team lacks a capable person. An outstanding leader, I wonder if Mr. James has that much time?"


Logan spoke calmly. He cared more about money than danger now.

Lawrence raised two fingers and said, "Twenty thousand dollars, I believe this is a reasonable offer."

Logan lowered his head and thought for a moment.

Earning $20,000 in ten days does sound like a very attractive price, comparable to his three-month salary as an Uber driver.

However, behind this high quotation, the risk factor may not be small.

After thinking for a moment, Logan nodded: "Deal."

This high offer made Logan willing to take such a risk.

With just one more order, he would have earned enough to leave.

"Wise choice."

Lawrence squinted his eyes and smiled, picked up the cigar again and took a puff, "Come here in three days, and I will give you detailed arrangements."

Logan nodded, said nothing more, stood up, closed the door and left.

As the door clicked, the originally calm Lawrence suddenly fell down. He stared at Chris and asked in a deep voice: "Where did you find him?"

"You mean James?"

Chris looked at his father who suddenly changed his color and seemed to notice something was wrong. He quickly said: "I bumped into him accidentally on the road. He saved my life. He is a very crazy guy, but he is also a good fighter. He is safer than us. Everyone in the team must be strong."

Chris paused and then added: "I checked his file. He came to Santa Fe a few years ago and has been an Uber driver. Apart from alcoholism and drunk driving, he has no problems."


Lawrence shook his head, rummaged through the cabinet, and finally found a stack of old newspapers on the bottom.

"He's Wolverine, Logan!"

Lawrence slapped the buns on the table and pointed to a photo above.

It was a headline news article 20 years ago. The reporter interviewed Xavier Academy for Geniuses. The most eye-catching position in the photo was the young Wolverine.

And Wolverine's face just matches James who came in just now.


Chris looked down at the photo and frowned: "It's really him!"

"Although he is much older now than he was more than 20 years ago, I am sure that they are the same person. The disgusting smell on his body is just as bad as other mutants. They are all a bunch of despicable things!"

Lawrence's eyes were cold and he pinched out the cigar in his hand, "Let the servants clean the office again later."

Chris nodded, but still didn't understand. "Don't this guy know that he is a wanted criminal? How dare he work as an Uber driver without worrying about being recognized?"

"The most dangerous jobs are usually the safest."

"No one would have imagined that the former Wolverine would become an Uber driver," Lawrence said.

"Then we need to replace him now?"

Chris asked.

Nowadays, the government's attitude towards mutants is very obvious. It is not a wise choice for a mutant to cooperate at this juncture. Once he is discovered by the government, it may have a big impact on the entire Lawrence family.

"No, we need just such guys. Although they are all inferiors, when it comes to fighting, they are indeed a group of guys who are not afraid of death."

Lawrence shook his head, stared at the office door, and sneered: "Since this guy took the risk, he must have concerns, especially since he is still a wanted criminal wanted by the government. As long as we have a handle on him, he will be at our mercy!"