A Game Of Words

Chapter 106: A Game of Words

Callian leaned against the sleek black car parked at the edge of the quiet street. 

The air around him felt unusually still, like the calm before a storm. 

His watch glinted under the dim streetlight as he checked the time. He was early, but that didn't matter.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence.

He turned, catching a man walking toward him. 

He was tall, with short black hair that fell neatly over his forehead, and striking blue eyes that mirrored the young depths of Henry Blackwood's.

"Mr. Reed," the man said, his voice calm yet carrying a distinct edge. 

"You've been asking questions about me. I thought it was only fair to give you the answers directly."

Callian straightened, "Who are you exactly?"

The man stopped a few feet away, his hands casually tucked into his coat pockets.