chapter 3:The first trial

The First Trial

The air was dry, almost suffocating, as Wang Lei stepped deeper into the ruin. Unlike the crumbling stone corridors he had expected, the ground beneath him shifted with each step—sand. He realized with a start that the ruin wasn't a cave or a dungeon. It was an ancient, sunken desert, buried beneath the surface of the slums.

A faint blue light flickered in the distance, but the silence was unnerving. Every instinct screamed at him that this place was dangerous. He kept moving, his senses sharp. Then, without warning, the ground beneath him trembled.

Suddenly, the sand exploded, and a massive, segmented creature burst from the ground—its scales glistening like glass under the dim light. It was a desert worm, its mouth lined with rows of sharp, jagged teeth, twisting toward him with terrifying speed.

Wang Lei barely managed to roll to the side, his body reacting purely on instinct. The worm's jaws snapped shut where he had stood seconds earlier, and the ground shuddered under the force. His heart raced, but his mind was calm, analyzing the situation. Before he had lost his leg, he had been a skilled street fighter, quick on his feet and used to dangerous situations. But with one leg, dodging was almost impossible.

"Stay calm," he reminded himself, breathing heavily. He pushed himself up just as the worm circled around for another strike. This time, I need to be faster.

As the creature lunged again, Wang Lei jumped back, narrowly avoiding the worm's head as it burrowed into the sand once more. His body screamed in protest, but he forced himself to keep moving. He couldn't keep this up for long.

Just then, a familiar voice echoed in his head.

"Recommendation: Purchase a weapon from the system store."

Wang Lei's eyes widened. A weapon? From the system? He didn't even know that was possible. A translucent screen appeared before him, offering a simple combat knife for 100 coins. He quickly tapped on it, but another message flashed before him.

"Insufficient coins. Current balance: 0."

"You've got to be kidding me," he muttered, glancing nervously as the worm's shadow moved under the sand, circling him like a predator.

"You can apply for a loan," the system offered coldly. "However, interest will accrue daily. 200 coins are available for a loan. Would you like to proceed?"

A loan? Wang Lei clenched his fists. It felt like a trap, but he didn't have time to argue. If he didn't get a weapon now, he'd be dead. He tapped "Yes," and instantly, the system responded.

"Loan approved. 200 coins added to your balance."

A second screen popped up: Purchase successful. Combat knife delivered to your inventory.

Before he could react, a sharp, steel blade materialized in his hand. He gripped it tightly, feeling a surge of confidence. The worm erupted from the sand once again, jaws wide open. This time, Wang Lei was ready. He dodged its initial strike, rolling under its body, and slashed at its exposed belly. His knife sank into the creature's flesh, and the worm let out a guttural screech, writhing in pain.

But Wang Lei knew one strike wasn't enough. The worm was enormous, and the shallow wound wasn't fatal. It dove back into the sand, preparing to strike again, faster and more aggressive this time. His mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. He couldn't keep dodging forever, and his attacks were barely scratching the monster.

Then, another system notification flashed across his vision:

"Alert: Due to unforeseen circumstances in the ruin, an opportunity to restore your leg has arisen. However, this will cost your sense of smell. Do you agree?"

His heart skipped a beat. A chance to restore his leg? But losing his sense of smell? Wang Lei didn't hesitate. He couldn't afford to hold back anymore.

He clicked "Yes."

A sharp pain shot through his body. His leg, the one he had lost in the accident, began to regenerate. Bone, muscle, and tissue reformed in a matter of seconds, but the searing pain was almost unbearable. He gritted his teeth and pushed through it. When it was over, he stood on two legs once again.

But something was off—his sense of smell was gone, just as the system had warned.

No time to think about it now, he reminded himself. The worm was already charging at him again, angrier than before. Wang Lei gripped his knife tightly, his movements more fluid and precise now that both of his legs were functional again.

The worm lunged, but this time, Wang Lei sidestepped with ease. He slashed at its side, carving a deeper wound. The creature howled, thrashing violently, but Wang Lei was relentless. He leapt onto its back, driving the knife into the creature's thick hide over and over.

The worm bucked, trying to throw him off, but Wang Lei held firm. With one final, powerful stab, he drove the blade deep into its head. The worm let out a final, agonizing cry before collapsing into the sand, its body twitching as life drained from it.

Wang Lei panted heavily, his body trembling from the exertion. He looked down at his regenerated leg in disbelief. The system had kept its promise, but at a cost. He couldn't smell the blood, the sand, or the air around him anymore. But that didn't matter now.

"Mission complete. 150 coins earned." the system announced.

Wang Lei wiped the sweat from his brow, smirking coldly. He had survived, but he knew this was just the beginning. The real trials were yet to come.