Chapter 5: The Rhythm of Shadows

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the sprawling Von Schwarzenwald estate. The early morning light filtered through the tall windows of the grand dining hall, casting a warm, golden glow on the polished marble floors. The estate, as always, exuded an air of quiet elegance, with its towering stone walls and perfectly manicured gardens stretching out as far as the eye could see.

In contrast to the grandeur of the surroundings, the atmosphere within the estate's walls was often colder, much like the personalities that inhabited it.

It was still early when Seraphina Von Schwarzenwald descended the staircase, her steps light but purposeful. She was always the first to rise, preferring the stillness of the morning before the estate came to life with the day's activities. The faint clinking of china echoed from the kitchens, where the servants were preparing the day's meals.

As she entered the dining hall, she found it empty, as expected. The long mahogany table, large enough to seat more than a dozen, was set for the three remaining members of the Von Schwarzenwald family. Seraphina took her usual seat, second from the head of the table, where their father used to sit before his duties pulled him away from the estate.

She ran her fingers absently over the rim of her teacup, waiting. This quiet routine—breakfast in solitude—was something she found oddly comforting. It gave her time to think, to reflect on the day ahead. She was still mulling over her recent discovery of Elias's magic, unsure what to make of it.

The silence was broken by the arrival of Marcus, his heavy boots announcing his presence long before he entered the room. He strode in with his usual commanding air, his expression a mix of boredom and impatience.

"Morning," Marcus muttered, sliding into his seat at the head of the table, where their father once sat. He glanced at Seraphina, his sharp eyes briefly narrowing. "You're always up early."

Seraphina simply nodded, her gaze fixed on her teacup.

The servants arrived shortly after, placing plates of food before them: freshly baked bread, soft cheese, cured meats, and fruit picked from the estate's orchards. The quiet clatter of silverware filled the space as the siblings ate in near silence.

It wasn't unusual for their meals to pass without much conversation. Marcus, ever focused on his duties, seemed more interested in finishing quickly and moving on with his day. Seraphina didn't mind the silence. She preferred it, truthfully. Small talk had never been her forte.

"What's on your agenda today?" Marcus finally asked, breaking the silence. His tone was casual, but his gaze held an edge of authority. It was clear he saw himself as the head of the family in their father's absence.

"I'll be overseeing the trade reports from the southern markets," Seraphina replied, not looking up from her plate. "There's been a shortage of supplies in Unity City. I want to ensure it doesn't affect our profits."

Marcus nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer. "Good. I'll be handling the estate's defenses. We've had reports of strange activity near the borders of Tenebrous."

Seraphina didn't respond immediately, though her thoughts briefly flickered to Elias. Strange activity... Dark magic. Could there be a connection?

She pushed the thought aside. For now, she had to focus on the day ahead.

The rest of the meal passed in silence, and once it was finished, Marcus rose without a word, heading off to attend to his duties. Seraphina lingered for a moment longer, her mind still clouded with thoughts of the strange occurrences as of late

By midday, the estate was bustling with activity. Servants moved about the halls with purpose, tending to the upkeep of the mansion while guards patrolled the outer walls. The Von Schwarzenwald family, though dwindling in numbers, maintained a reputation of power and influence. The estate itself was a symbol of that legacy, and every inch of it had to reflect that prestige.

Seraphina stood in her private study, her eyes scanning over the trade reports spread out on the polished oak desk before her. The southern markets had indeed suffered a minor disruption, but nothing that couldn't be smoothed over with a few adjustments to their supply routes.

She made notes as she worked, her mind efficient and methodical. While Marcus thrived in matters of combat and estate defense, Seraphina handled the family's finances with a sharpness and precision that few could match. It was a role she excelled in, though it often left her isolated from the rest of the household.

As she finished her work, a knock sounded at the door.

"Enter," she called, her tone as cold and composed as ever.

A servant stepped inside, bowing respectfully. "Lady Seraphina, we've received a message from Unity City. It appears the supply issue is more serious than we initially thought. They're requesting further assistance."

Seraphina raised an eyebrow. "Further assistance? Elaborate."

The servant handed her a sealed letter. "It seems the merchants are concerned about a rival group that has been disrupting their shipments. They fear that without intervention, their goods may not reach the markets in time."

Seraphina's eyes flicked over the letter, her lips pressing into a thin line. This would require immediate attention. "Thank you. I'll handle it."

The servant bowed again before leaving the room, and Seraphina returned to her desk, her mind already working through a plan to deal with the issue. A rival group could mean trouble, and if they didn't act quickly, it could affect the estate's income.

But as she worked, her thoughts kept drifting back to the events of the previous night. To Elias. She had seen him perform dark magic with her own eyes, and yet... he had shown no signs of it since. She wondered what he was up to now.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the estate in a deep twilight. Seraphina sat in the grand library, her slender fingers trailing over the spines of ancient tomes as she searched for something to occupy her restless mind. The library had always been her sanctuary, a place where she could retreat from the world and immerse herself in knowledge.

As she pulled a book from the shelf, the sound of distant footsteps echoed through the hall. She paused, listening. It wasn't uncommon for servants to move about at this hour, but there was something different about these steps—quieter, more deliberate.

Her curiosity piqued, Seraphina set the book down and made her way toward the source of the sound. As she approached one of the lesser-used hallways near the servants' quarters, she saw a shadow dart around the corner.

Her eyes narrowed.


There was no response.

Seraphina quickened her pace, turning the corner just in time to catch a glimpse of her youngest brother slipping into one of the smaller rooms at the far end of the corridor. She followed silently, her mind racing.

What was he up to?

When she reached the door, she pressed her ear against it, straining to hear. There was a faint whispering—words spoken too softly for her to make out, but there was no mistaking the eerie sensation that crept up her spine.

Dark magic.

Without hesitation, she pushed the door open, stepping inside. The room was dimly lit, but she could see Elias standing in the center, his back to her, his hands raised as tendrils of black mist swirled around him.

"Elias!" she snapped, her voice cold and commanding.

He froze, the dark magic dissipating instantly as he turned to face her. His eyes, wide with surprise and fear, met hers, but he said nothing.

Seraphina's gaze hardened. "What do you think you're doing?"

For a moment, there was only silence between them, the weight of her question hanging in the air. Elias looked away, his shoulders slumping, but he didn't respond.

Seraphina took a step forward, her tone icy. "You're playing with forces you don't understand, Elias. If Father were here, he'd—"

"I know what I'm doing," Elias interrupted, his voice quiet but firm.

Seraphina's eyes widened slightly at his defiance, but she quickly regained her composure. "Do you?" she asked, her voice dripping with skepticism.

Elias didn't answer. Instead, he turned his back to her once more, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. Seraphina watched him for a long moment, her mind torn between disbelief and a growing sense of unease.

Something was changing in Elias, and she wasn't sure if it was for the better