Chaper 02: "Call me Daddy"

258 AC: The Crossing, Lord's Sleeping Chambers

"haha..." having laughed for quite a while, Walder calms down, the initial joy subsiding and more pending questions came to mind.

"Hey System, how will I explain my new changes to other people? I've changed way too drastically to play it off, I've grown over half a meter for Christ's sake." Walder says, exasperated. Although he cares not of the consequences, as all he has to do is just silence them. It still would be quite inconvenient if not even his own subordinates and family know who he is. 'Do I need to kill everyone who is familiar with me...'Walder ponders gloomily.

*[Host, you do not need to worry about it, as although the system is not meant to directly interfer with reality of worlds, due to the original Walder Frey's cautious and calculating nature, he has not actually left the Twins for more that ten times in the last 30 or so years. All those familiar with the original Walder are either too old to remember properly or dead. Those who know Host know have only really ever corresponded via letter or are very few in number. Because since there weren't that many people, the system has directly altered their memory of the original Host to become vague, so when they see Host now, they will automatically accept this is how you have always been. Although the rumors of yourself have not been changed, so those that only know of you via rumors are in for a surprise]*

"That makes my life easier" Walder sighs in relief, as if he had to clean up all those familiar with himself, it would get messy.

"By the way, where is the spear that my status says I have equi-..." before Walder could finish asking, a gorgeous spear appears in his hand. As Walder grasps the shaft, a sense of familiarity kicks in, with numerous combat techniques flashing through his head, making it seem like he's trained all his life. 'This must be the Standard Asgardian Soldier Combat Techniques & Mastery skill I got from the lottery draws.' thought Walder 'It feels fantastic.'

10 minutes later...

After performing various sweeps and stabs to fully familiarize with the skill and new weapon, Walder stops, happy with the results. "System, where are the heroes that I got from the lottery draws?"

*[Host, the heroes will be summoned anywhere you designate them too, but the system suggests that you summon them a good kilometer or more away from the castle, due to the fact the heroes are over 250 in numbers with their horses and full equipment]*

"Great, I'll go summon them now" as Walder quickly puts on his robes and coat. 'But before that, let's see what we're working with down there' Walder quickly lifts his previously baggy braies, which are now quite tight after his transformation.

"Motherf*cker, now that's a tool for a real man" exclaims Walder as he gazes upon the magnificent holy sword that was his penis. 'That's got to be a foot long, yeah definitely, and it's thicker than a forearm! Plus it's freaking flaccid currently!!!'

After tweaking for a good minute or two. Walder remembers, "Ah yes, the summons! This baby can wait until later to do a test drive." Walder quickly composes himself and walks out of his chambers, which are located on the highest floor of one of the Twins' castles, even though Walder wasn't walking particularly fast, his long strides covered ground quickly. He quickly comes upon the dining hall, where he sees two guards standing at the doors, who quickly see him and hastedly bows deeply. "My Lord!" The shout in unison, all the while Walder gives them a brief look of acknowledgement, before pushing the heavy oak doors that usually take the two guards to open with ease, a little too much ease, as the doors flung open with a


This loud sound immediately startles the seven people, Walder's children who were dining together on a long table, with 3 servant girls attending them.

"Fa..ather!!! Goodmorning!" The eldest looking man quickly recovers and greets Walder as he walks in. "You look like you are in good health."

"Aye of course I am, what, do you wish for me to die quickly so you can take my seat as Lord of the Crossing." shoots back Walder, who just wants to fuck with the kid as he activates [INSPECT] on all the people in the room.



Name: Stevron Frey

Born In: 233 AC

Age: 25

Relationship: Eldest son (kin)

Loyalty: 97

Abnormal Status: None

Level: 25 (32%)

Job Class: Knight (Rare)

Talents: Administrator (Uncommon), Filial Piety (Common), Teachable (Poor)...

OP: 499

HP: 100/100


Height: 175cm (5'9)

Weight: 77kg (170lbs)


STR: 12

AGL: 19

DEX: 15

CON: 10

VIT: 10

STM: 19

PRP: 15

Skills: Swordsmandship (E Rank), Archery (E Rank), Accounting (F+ Rank)...

Equipment: Castle-Forged Steel Sword (E Rank)...





'Decent' thought Walder.



Name: Emmon Frey

Born In: 238 AC

Age: 20

Relationship: Second son (kin)

Loyalty: 99

Abnormal Status: None

Level: 15 (89%)

Job Class: Knight (Rare)

Talents: Oppress the Weak & Fear the Strong (Uncommon), Coward (Common), Cold-Blooded (Poor)...

OP: 369

HP: 70/70


Height: 160cm (5'3)

Weight: 61kg (135lbs)


STR: 5

AGL: 9

DEX: 8

CON: 7

VIT: 7

STM: 8

PRP: 5

Skills: Swordsmandship (F+ Rank), Archery (E Rank), Torture (E+ Rank)...

Equipment: Castle-Forged Steel Sword (E Rank)...







Name: Aenys Frey

Born In: 239 AC

Age: 19

Relationship: Third son (kin)

Loyalty: 95

Abnormal Status: None

Level: 38 (19%)

Job Class: Knight (Rare)

Talents: Commander (Rare), Decent Tactician (Uncommon), Cruelty (Poor)...

OP: 675

HP: 200/200


Height: 191cm (6'3)

Weight: 95kg (210lbs)


STR: 19

AGL: 13

DEX: 18

CON: 20

VIT: 20

STM: 18

PRP: 17

Skills: Swordsmandship (E Rank); Archery (E Rank); Spearmanship (F+ Rank)...

Equipment: Castle-Forged Steel Sword (E Rank)...







Name: Perriane Frey

Born In: 241 AC

Age: 17

Relationship: Eldest daughter (kin)

Loyalty: 95

Abnormal Status: None

Level: 2 (19%)

Job Class: None

Talents: Child-Bearing (Common), Frey Blood (Common), Maternal Love (Poor)...

HP: 15/15


Height: 160cm (5'3)

Weight: 52kg (115lbs)

Skills: Embroidery (F Rank)...








Name: Walder Rivers

Born In: 243 AC

Age: 15

Relationship: Eldest Bastard son (kin)

Loyalty: 97

Abnormal Status: None

Level: 10 (99%)

Job Class: Squire (Common)

Talents: Fighter (Common), Cruel (Poor), Sinister (Poor)...

OP: 329

HP: 50/50


Height: 175cm (5'9)

Weight: 75kg (165lbs)


STR: 4

AGL: 5

DEX: 4

CON: 5

VIT: 5

STM: 4

PRP: 3

Skills: Swordsmandship (E Rank), Archery (F+ Rank), Torture (F+ Rank)...

Equipment: Castle-Forged Steel Sword (E Rank)...







Name: Jared Frey

Born In: 248 AC

Age: 10

Relationship: Fourth son (kin)

Loyalty: 99

Abnormal Status: None

Level: 3 (19%)

Job Class: None

Talents: Arrogance (Uncommon), Student (Poor), Cruelty (Poor)...

OP: 25

HP: 10/10


Height: 140cm (4'7)

Weight: 30kg (66lbs)


STR: 1.2

AGL: 1.3

DEX: 1.5

CON: 1

VIT: 1

STM: 2

PRP: 2

Skills: Spearmanship (F+ Rank)...







Name: Luceon Frey

Born In: 253 AC

Age: 5

Relationship: Eldest daughter (kin)

Loyalty: 100

Abnormal Status: None

Level: 1 (19%)

Job Class: None

Talents: Intelligent (Uncommon); Student (Poor); Faithful (Poor)

HP: 5/5


Height: 102cm (3'4)

Weight: 17kg (35lbs)


'Huh, better than I thought.' Walder thought, as he remembers the descriptions of the Freys from his previous life, they weren't known to be outstanding warriors, so it surprised him when he say that four of his sons have over 300 OP, albeit it's due to their equipped sword of their waists.

While looking over the character windows seem to take a long time, no more that 5 seconds have passed in reality, the rest of Walder's children were still speechless from what Walder just said previously to Stevron.

"Get up kids, we are going to the gates!" Walder suddenly announces in a booming tone.

All of Walder's children look confused, with the youngest of the children, Luceon and Jared completely lost. "Yes Father, as you command." Stevron, Emmon, Aenys and Perriane, being older and more sensible, immediately respond and stand up, despite each having their own doubts.

"Good." Walder spins on his heels and heads out of the dining hall with his family, heading straight to the castle gates.

Stevron quickens his pace to catch up with Walder and asks "Are the Lannisters arriving so soon Father? The ravens say they should only arrive 2 days from now."

"Lannisters?" Walder replies inquisitively, unaware what his eldest son is referring to.

"Yes Father, the Lannisters. They are escorting Lady Genna Lannister along with her dowry to be wed to Emmon" replies Stevron

'Ah, I remember now, Emmon Frey was engaged to Genna Lannister, the younger sister of Tywin Lannister. So she is coming two days from now, that's great! Maybe I can finally take my cock for a spin. She's supposed to be quite the beauty.' Walder thought evilly, already deciding to cuck his second eldest son and make his wife his own whore. "No, I am not going to the gates for the Lannisters."

"Then who Father?" Stevron asks, puzzled. Walder can clearly see the rest of his children catching up to hear what he was going to say.

"We're going to meet my personal knight order, all of whom are elite knights. Lead by one of the best warriors in the realm who also happens to one of the people I trust most." relies Walder with a tone of stating something trivial.

"Father, you have your personal knight order?" asks Jared, a small boy of only ten name days old, who was craning his neck to see his father's face. And it wasn't just him, but the rest of the children as well, faces full of doubt.

"You do not think that I waste my days away doing nothing do you. These knights have been cultivated by me since their birth, each have gone through rigorous trials to just survive and become what they are today" Walder says, lying flawlessly through his teeth.

Suddenly a guard rushes towards the Frey family, shouting "MY LOOOORRDDD, WE HAVE A SITUATION!!!! A group of over 200 mounted knights are heading towards the gate!!!!" The guard clearly panicked.
