Chapter 7: The Kingdom of Xylonia in Peril

Jotaro y Kira caminaban por las bulliciosas calles del reino de Xylonia. Mientras caminaban, Jotaro notó que Kira se estaba quedando atrás. Giró la cabeza hacia ella. 

-Oye, Kira, ¿qué pasa? ¿Por qué te quedas atrás? 

-Es por culpa de alguien llamado Jotaro -respondió Kira medio molesta-. Ayer me pegó muy fuerte en el pie izquierdo, y ahora me cuesta moverlo. 

Jotaro suspiró. 

-Eso está bien. 

Kira lo miró visiblemente molesta. 

-¿Cómo que está bien? ¿No vas a ayudarme a caminar? 

-¿Y por qué haría eso? 

-¡Porque tú eres quien me lastimó el pie! -exclamó Kira. Me golpeaste cuando huía de ti porque supuestamente dije que eras un semidiós frente a Aiko. 

-Admito que te lastimé, pero te lo merecías por mencionarlo-dijo Jotaro. 

Kira resopló. 

-¡Lo mencionaste tú primero! 

De repente, los gritos irrumpieron en la discusión. Jotaro vio a la gente corriendo aterrorizada. 

-¿Qué pasa?-se preguntó preocupado. 

Jotaro detuvo a un hombre que huía y le preguntó: 

-Oye, ¿qué pasa? 

-¡Monstruos! ¡Los duendes han invadido el reino! -exclamó el hombre con pánico en su rostro, antes de seguir corriendo. 

Jotaro miró a Kira. 

-Tenemos que ir a ver qué pasa. 

Ambos corrieron hacia la entrada del reino, donde se encontraron con una escena caótica: caballeros y aventureros luchaban contra una horda de goblins. Jotaro vio a un goblin atacando a un aventurero exhausto. Sin dudarlo, corrió hacia él, bloqueó el ataque del goblin con su espada y lo derribó con un golpe certero. 

-¿Estás bien?-le preguntó al aventurero ayudándolo a levantarse. 

-Sí, gracias-respondió aliviado. 

Mientras tanto, Kira lanzó un hechizo de fuego, incinerando a dos goblins que se acercaron demasiado a él. De repente, Kira notó que el suelo comenzó a temblar ligeramente, como si algo enorme se estuviera acercando. Alarmada, corrió hacia Jotaro. 

-Jotaro, ¡algo grande viene! 

Antes de que pudiera terminar de explicar, la entrada al reino explotó en pedazos. Apareció un orco rojo gigante, sosteniendo un árbol como si fuera una espada. Su presencia era imponente y aterradora. 

- ¿Qué es eso? -preguntó Jotaro nervioso. 

-Es un orco… pero rojo-respondió Kira. 

-¡Es un orco de fuego!-gritó el aventurero que Jotaro había salvado. 

El orco rugió ferozmente, haciendo temblar el suelo con golpes de su "espada". Provocando que todos los presentes cayeran al suelo desmayados por los golpes que recibieron en la cabeza al caer. Entonces, una bola de fuego lo golpeó en la cara. Jotaro que no se había desmayado se dio la vuelta y vio una figura con una capa de viajero que cubría todo su cuerpo y una máscara de gato que cubría todo su rostro. 

-Bueno, esto es un desastre -dijo el recién llegado con calma. 

El orco, furioso, intentó atacar a la figura enmascarada, pero esta saltó y, en el aire, conjuró un hechizo: 

-¡Gravedad aplastante! 

El orco cayó al suelo, incapaz de moverse. Jotaro, impresionado, preguntó: 

-¿Qué clase de hechizo es ese? 

Kira, recién despertándose de un desmayo, explicó: 

-It's a gravity spell. Very advanced and rare to see. 

As they spoke, the orc began to roar louder, increasing in intensity until the windows of nearby houses shattered. 

Jotaro watched in amazement as the masked figure began to approach the orc and stroked the orc's cheek. 

-You are very weak," he said, and immediately the orc began to roar louder and exploded, spilling its guts everywhere. 


-Was that real? -Jotaro asked, sweating. 

-Yes, it was real... and a bit exaggerated, don't you think? -answered Kira, still in disbelief. 

The adventurers and knights began to wake up, as the masked figure disappeared without a trace. Then, a commotion among the adventurers reached Jotaro and Kira's ears: 

-What's going on? 

-I don't know, but I think we should go check it out," said Kira. 

Jotaro and kira when they go to see what was happening, they see all the adventurers gathered in one place forming a circle. Jotaro and kira make their way to pass in the middle of the circle. 

When Jotaro and Kira are in the middle of the circle, they see an adventurer who had his left foot stuck in a rock. Two knights were trying to lift the rock, but they couldn't help because of their lack of strength, Kira noticing that the knights couldn't lift the rock offered to lift it. 

-Really? But it's too heavy," said one of the guards. 

-It doesn't matter, besides I'm not going to carry it. 


Kira, surprising everyone, broke the rock with a blow. 

- Since when did Kira become so strong? -Jotaro muttered nervously. 

Kira bends down and starts touching the adventurer's left foot. The adventurer, feeling his foot being touched, shouts: 

-Ah, what's wrong with you, why are you touching it so roughly? 

-I'm sorry, I was just making sure your leg is okay, but I can tell by your reaction that your leg is broken. 

-My leg is broken? Does that mean I won't be able to walk properly from now on? 

-Yes, unfortunately all the eggs in your left leg are broken and the veins are in pieces, so we are going to have to remove your left leg. 

The adventurer hearing what Kira said starts to draw tears and says: 

-It's not possible -says the adventurer while crying. 

Kira seeing that the adventurer was crying stands up and says: 

-Oh, that's what the doctors would have said -said Kira with a smile. 


-Your foot is going to recover completely, thanks to him," said Kira pointing at Jotaro. 

Jotaro confused asks Kira: 


Kira nods her head at Jotaro with a smile. Jotaro sighs as he approaches the adventurer. 

-Okay, I'll give it a try. 

Afterwards, Jotaro miraculously healed the wounded adventurer's foot, earning the respect of everyone. 

-Very good, I knew you would make it," said Kira putting her arm around Jotaro's neck with a smile. 

-And, why didn't you? -said Jotaro confused. 

-You know that healing magic is not my thing, besides as you are a demigod I knew you could heal his leg," said Kira whispering. 

-Then you're saying that I'm useless for other types of magic," said Jotaro looking at Kira. 

Just as Kira was about to answer Jotaro, Princess Kumiko arrived on the scene with her guards. 

All the adventurers and knights knelt down at the sight of Princess Kumiko. Princess Kumiko looked at the injured adventurers and asked them: 

-Are you all well? -Princess Kumiko asked with a serious face. 

-Yes, we are fine, princess," said the adventurers kneeling with their heads down. 

-That's good. 

Princess Kumiko stopped looking at the adventurers and turned her eyes to Asia and asked them angrily. 

-And you are not ashamed to have lost against some simple goblins," said Princess Kumiko with a serious face. 

-We are very sorry," said the knights at the same time. 

-You think that just an apology will be enough to fix all this damage, which you let happen because of your lack of strength. 

-We are very sorry. 

Despite harshly reprimanding the knights who failed to protect the entrance of the kingdom, he completely ignored Jotaro and Kira, leaving both of them confused. 

-What, why didn't he say anything to us? -Jotaro wondered. 


-What's wrong Kira? -asked Jotaro. 

-Is something wrong? -asked Kira worried. 

-Why do you ask? 

-Because you suddenly became thoughtful," said Kira showing a worried face. 

-It's nothing, I just got to thinking, because the princess didn't tell us anything. 

-So that's what it was," said Kira less worried. 

While Jotaro and Kira were talking, the adventurer that Jotaro had cured approached him and said. 

-Hey, I wanted to thank you for healing my foot. 

-You're welcome," said Jotaro with a smile. 

-And you too, for freeing my foot from that rock. 

-You're welcome," said Kira with a smile. 

-Well, that was all, goodbye. 

Jotaro, seeing that the adventurer was leaving, decided to stretch his arms and suggested Kira to go to the adventurer's guild to do missions. Kira accepts, but just when they were leaving Kira noticed that something was missing, Jotaro's sword was not there. 

-Jotaro," said Kira. 

-What's wrong, Kira? 

-Where is your sword? -said Kira pointing to Jotaro's waist where the sword should be. 

-My sword, that's right, and my sword?! 

Jotaro noticing that he didn't have his sword asked Kira to help him look for it, Kira agreed to help his friend look for his sword. When Jotaro found his sword it was already broken, because of a rock that had fallen on it. 

-Why did this have to happen, and only today, I had the chance to use it," said Jotaro clutching the only thing that was left of his sword while crying. 

-Ya, don't be sad, we can buy a new one and we can use it much better," said Kira while patting Jotaro's back. 

-Oh, that's right," said Jotaro wiping away his tears. 

-He's over the sadness now," thought Kira. 

After the talk, Jotaro and Kira decided to go to a nearby sword store, hoping to replace Jotaro's sword for future fights. When Jotaro and Kira arrived at the store they noticed that the gentleman who was tending the store was a dwarf. 

Jotaro upon entering the store is greeted by a dwarf who introduces himself as Akiyama, the store owner. Jotaro and Kira introduce themselves and tell him that they are looking for a sword, the Akiyama points out the place in the store where he has common and rare swords, 

Jotaro begins to look at the common swords, but none of them catches his attention so he decides to go to Asia for the rare swords. There he starts to grab the swords to see which one he likes the most. 

Kira seeing Jotaro picking up swords and putting them down, and picking up others reminds him of a little boy. 

-You look like a child choosing his toy," said Kira with a smirk. 

-You're so mean," said Jotaro. 

Jotaro sees a sword in a corner of the store and curiously asks Akiyama: 

-hey Akiyama, why is that sword away from the others? -asked Jotaro pointing at the sword. 

-It's because that sword is special. 

-Special? -asked Jotaro curiously. 

-Yes, it is a special sword not only because of the material that has been used for its creation, but also because that sword can take different shapes," said Akiyama. 

-Different shapes, like what? -asked Jotaro in amazement. 

-Like a sword, a bigger sword, a whip, a spear and a scythe. 

-Incredible, but why haven't people bought it with how incredible it is? 

-Yes, it's very strange that they haven't bought it, with all that it can transform," said Kira curiously. 

-Well, the truth is that people haven't been able to buy it because the sword doesn't allow them to. 

-What do you mean, the sword doesn't allow it? -asked Jotaro. 

-The sword was created for a hero 200 years ago," said Akiyama seriously. 

-A hero? -asked Jotaro in surprise. 

-Yes, it was created by a dwarf who had been rescued by the hero from being killed by the demons' attack. 

-Demons? -said Jotaro whispering. 

-The dwarf, grateful to the hero, decided to create a very powerful weapon that only people who were worthy of it could pick it up and draw it, of course the hero was more than worthy so he could pick up the sword without any problems. When the hero died in combat against the demon king the demons tried to take the sword as a trophy, but since the sword did not consider them worthy of it, it did not allow them to lift it. In the end the demons left it forgotten in the territory of the battle where it is now a forest full of life, near the village of the dwarves. 

-Wait! So the sword does not allow unworthy people to lift it," said Kira pointing to the sword. 

-That's right. 

-Then how come the sword is here? -asked Kira in confusion. 

-That's right, how come it's here if it was left behind? -asked Jotaro also confused. 

-La razón por la que la espada está aquí es que, cuando iba a la aldea de los enanos en busca de unos minerales raros que necesitaba para crear espadas, encontré una espada cerca del camino que conduce a la aldea de los enanos. Cuando la recogí, me di cuenta al instante de que era la espada del héroe de hace 200 años. 

-Espera un momento, ¿dijiste que recogiste la espada?-preguntó Jotaro. 


-Pero si dijiste que sólo el héroe podía coger la espada, ¿cómo es posible que tú pudieras cogerla? 

-Bueno, creo que fue porque el creador de la espada era un enano, por lo que hizo la espada para que pudiera ser levantada por enanos -respondió Akiyama. 

-Eso tiene sentido -dijo Jotaro. 

-Entonces ya sabes qué espada vas a comprar. 

-Entonces, quiero esta- dijo Jotaro mientras agarraba una extraña espada. 

Oye, ¿no vas a comprar la espada que cambia de forma? 

-Es solo que, por más increíble que suene esa espada, no creo que pueda levantarla -respondió Jotaro. 

-Pero ni siquiera lo intentaste –exclamó Kira. 

-No lo intento porque sé que no seré digno", dijo Jotaro. 

-Pero si no lo intentas no sabremos si eres digno o no. 

-Entonces, ¿por qué no lo intentas?-preguntó Jotaro. 

-¿Eh? Bueno, realmente no creo merecerlo -respondió Kira evitando el contacto visual con Jotaro. 

-Entonces ¿por qué crees que soy digno? 

-¿Eh?.... -No lo sé. 

-Tenías que ser tonto. 

-¡De ​​todas formas, eres digno! 

-¡Te dije que no lo soy! -¡Te dije que no lo soy! 

-Jajaja, ¿qué tal si te guardo la espada, para que cuando sientas que eres digno puedas intentar recogerla? -dijo Akiyama sonriendo. 

-¿En serio?-preguntó Jotaro. 

-Sí, así que no te preocupes por si alguien más lo toma, aunque creo que será imposible que alguien más lo tome. 

-Bueno, creemos en ti -dijo Kira. 

-Sí, ahora pásame esa espada que tienes en la mano-dijo Akiyama mientras miraba a Jotaro. 

-Aquí tienes. 

-Muy bien, veamos- Akiyama comenzó a mirar la rara espada que Jotaro agarró. 

-Está bien, el precio de esta espada es de 50 monedas de bronce, pero como me gustas te la daré a cambio de 20 monedas. 

-Oye, ¿hablas en serio? 

-Sí, hablo en serio. 

-Está bien, aquí tienes- Jotaro comienza a darle las 20 monedas de bronce a Akiyama. 

Jotaro y Kira luego de comprar una nueva espada salen de la tienda, y se dirigen al gremio de aventureros. A hacer recados para ganar más dinero, mientras camina Jotaro nota que el pie de Kira ya no le duele. 

-¿No te dolía el pie?-preguntó Jotaro. 

-Ah, es cierto, pero ya no duele. 

-¿No lo estabas fingiendo? 

-Por supuesto que no-dijo Kira. 

-¿En serio?-preguntó Jotaro vacilante. 

-¡Es verdad!-dijo Kira. 

-Está bien, está bien, te creo -dijo Jotaro con una sonrisa. 

Jotaro y Kira continuaron su camino hacia Asia, el gremio de aventureros, ya que pensaron que habían tenido un día loco.