Unconventional means

In order for any operation to work, a team must exist, with a set of rules guiding actions, then a plan- for both advancements and countermeasures in a case of disruption- and finally, one of the most important piece; a goal to be achieved.

Of course, a central power needs to exist to coordinate every action and steer it to perfection, and naturally no one could just carelessly fit the role. But stunningly, the leader wasn't the most important piece of an operation, neither was the IDEA....

The most important piece was the most overlooked; the team.

Any one could put together an idea, or even formulate a set of rules and as a matter of fact, spearhead the activities.

But without a team, all that would inevitably crumble- unless of course you were a transcendental being or god with vast potentials - it simply would be impossible.