Damn you, Zach

Ji Ho gave Min Ju a daring glance before leaving, but Min Ju's mind was reeling from the words Ji Ho said.

So, they aren't sisters at all? She has lived all these years, without knowing the truth, and her father never deemed it fit to tell her? This...this was just so shocking.

"How could he hide such a thing from me? Jist how,?? Who is to be trusted then? Why am I surrounded by those who lie to me. Even my own dad?" She said inwardly.

When she was about eight years old, her mother's warm presence suddenly vanished. Min Ju remembered the last night they spent together, her mother's soft voice whispering 'goodnight' as she tucked her in. The room was bathed in the gentle glow of the moon, casting a silver light on her mother's smiling face. The scent of her mother's perfume, a sweet blend of roses and lavender, still lingered in the air.