The Web

The acrid stench of chemicals burned Rebecca's nostrils even through her protective mask. Her hands trembled as she filled the third container, watching the iridescent liquid cascade into the glass vessel. The rhythmic thudding against the door made her pulse quicken - the leech zombies were growing more aggressive.She secured the containers' lids with methodical precision, each click of metal against plastic punctuated by another thunderous impact. The towel went into her pocket, a security blanket she hoped she wouldn't need. Outside, the creatures' relentless assault continued.Rebecca positioned the first container atop a metal shelf near the door, its contents sloshing ominously. The glass vessel, precious cargo glowing with an otherworldly shimmer, found its place in the room's center. Working swiftly, she distributed the final mixture across the floor, creating a trail from the doorway to where the shelving units ended.Metal groaned as the door's lock began to give way. Rebecca's breath caught in her throat as she emptied the last drops, tossing the empty container aside. The familiar weight of her handgun provided little comfort as she verified its ammunition, barrel trained on the plastic container perched above."You can do it, you can do it," she whispered, her voice wavering.The door burst inward with a deafening crash. Three leech zombies lurched through the opening, their grotesque forms silhouetted against the hallway light. Rebecca squeezed the trigger. The shot rang true, puncturing the elevated container. Liquid rained down on the advancing monstrosities, soaking their corrupted flesh.As they shambled over the glass vessel, Rebecca lined up her second shot. "Nothing goes!"The canister exploded in a shower of crystalline shards. The mysterious liquid within sprayed outward, meeting its counterpart on the floor. For one heartbeat, the mixture bubbled and frothed. In the next, flames erupted across the entire surface, racing upward to engulf the creatures.Their screams - inhuman, guttural sounds - filled the chamber as fire consumed them. Rebecca pressed herself into the far corner, chest heaving as she watched her plan unfold. The leeches detached from their hosts in a frenzied dance, bouncing off walls before shriveling into char. One whizzed past her head, drawing a startled cry from her lips.The zombies collapsed with a sickening thud, their bodies rigid in death. Through their charred flesh, Rebecca could see the remaining leeches writhing in their final moments. She gulped air into her burning lungs, the acrid smoke mixing with the chemical stench as victory and horror warred within her.Billy and the trio of janitors made their way through the chaotic cafeteria, stepping over upturned tables and chairs scattered across the tile floor stained with blood. Leftover food rotted on broken dishes amidst the aftermath of some violent event. The employees gripped mops and brooms like weapons, eyes darting warily."So what exactly is this place?" Billy asked, scanning the carnage."They didn't tell us much, just that it's kind of like a military base and we weren't supposed to say anything about it," Sam said nervously, mop handle trembling in his sweaty hands.Danny chimed in, "They made us sign non-disclosure agreements and told us if we even talked to our family they would find out.""I heard about a guy in tech who talked in a bar about what they were doing here and disappeared," Sam whispered.George scoffed dismissively, "Bullshit.""That's right man, his name was Steven, or Stephen? Or was it Esteban?" Sam murmured, straining to remember the ill-fated man's name.Billy's eyes narrowed as he scanned the walls, "Do you know where the armory is in this place? It's not marked on the maps."Danny shook his head, "They're very secretive in this place, most of them don't know what the guy next door is working on.""We're new yet, we don't quite know our way around. This place is bigger than it looks," Sam added.George leaned on his broom handle, "All the staff is practically new, there was a wave of layoffs and we came in along with a lot of others."Billy paused, staring intently at the janitors. "On a train?" he asked pointedly.Danny's eyes widened in surprise. "Yes, how do you know?""Let's just say I had the same trip you did," Billy replied cryptically.Billy pushed open the door to the cafeteria kitchen, where the chaos intensified. Blood was splattered up the walls in macabre patterns. Shattered glass, broken pots and pans littered the floorboards. The storeroom door stood half-open, pure darkness emanating from within."Where is everybody?" Sam whispered nervously."Do you want to meet someone?" Danny quipped, attempting to mask his own unease."I mean the bodies, I see blood, but there's no.... people," Sam clarified, gesturing at the abattoir.Billy grabbed a thin, long knife from the sink, testing its edge. "Better than an empty gun, I guess," he muttered pragmatically. "You guys gonna fight with brooms?"Sam and Danny exchanged uneasy glances before selecting knives from a butcher block. George chose a menacing cleaver."That's the door to the warehouse," Danny said, pointing with his knife towards the ominous doorway.The door frame was painted with bloody handprints. Beneath the door, a thick pool of clotted gore was visible. Billy tightened his grip on the knife and reached for the handle."Ready or not..." he said tersely, yanking open the door.Pure darkness greeted them. The room was utterly lightless, with no visible walls or dimensions. Billy peered inside but could not even gauge its depth."I don't suppose any of you are smokers?" Billy asked."Why, do you want to start smoking now?" Sam joked, trying to mask his fear."He's asking for a lighter, Sam," Danny explained, rolling his eyes."Oh," Sam murmured, chagrined.George craned his neck to see inside the void. "Oh, dear Lord," he gasped."Guys...?" Sam said uneasily, pointing at the warehouse floor.As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they could see the first few inches of floor were covered in thick cobwebs."Spider webs?" Billy asked, repulsed."I don't like this, man. I have a phobia of them bugs," Danny said anxiously, gripping his knife tighter.Sam crouched down, squinting at the webs. George shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot."I'm more worried about the dark. I can't see shit," George complained irritably."Are you sure it's not the cataracts?" Danny joked nervously.Sam slowly brought the tip of his knife towards the cobwebs, mesmerized. As the blade made contact, something inside the lightless warehouse snapped to life. Spindly legs flashed out and snatched Sam into the darkness. Neither Sam nor the thing that took him made a sound. Danny and George gasped in shock. Billy slammed the door shut, resting his palm against it."That is what's going on here," he said.