The Vet

The monitoring room was almost empty, the glow from the wall of surveillance screens providing the only illumination. The Scientist stood with his arms crossed, his face creased in a worried frown as he watched the flickering images. Beside him, the blonde man sat in a rolling office chair, leaning back with a casual arrogance."Is she going to be a problem?" Birkin asked, his voice tight.The Blonde smiled, the expression not reaching his cold blue eyes. "Relax. A few million in the right hands and her accusations disappear. Besides, she'll be dead by dawn. "The Scientist tensed, his frown deepening. "Can we trust this mercenary you hired? Will he actually do the job?" The Blonde scoffed."Of course. Unlike the other disposables, this one is committed. Believe me, he always delivers."The Scientist shook his head, clearly unconvinced. "And if he doesn't?""Why don't you go back to the lab, William?" The Blonde suggested, a patronizing lilt to his voice. "Maybe it'll help occupy your mind.""All this nonsense won't let me work properly," William grumbled even as he turned towards the door.The Blonde called after him, "Like I said, don't worry. Let me handle this." He paused, lowering his voice. "In the worst case, we have Plan B."William hesitated, glancing back over his shoulder. "Plan B?"The Blonde met his gaze evenly. "Blow the place to smithereens."A chill went down William's spine at the nonchalant words. Without responding, he left the monitoring room, the door hissing shut behind him. The Blonde watched him go, then swiveled his chair to face the screens once more. His icy blue eyes narrowed, glinting in the monitor's glow like those of a patient predator.An elongated room illuminated only by the yellow of a single lightbulb hanging from the center of the ceiling. Shadows danced in the corners, concealing most of the cylindrical cages stacked precariously in the back. Billy crouched down beside the body of a fallen soldier with a hole in his head, he snatched a shotgun and colt 45. from the dead man's limp hands."You went your own way huh?" Billy mumbled, pocketing extra ammo and shotgun shells off the corpse.As he rose, dizziness overcame him. Billy staggered, clutching his throbbing temple. Blinking hard, his vision blurred for a few seconds. He checked his left shoulder, noticing a dark splotch on his skin."Fuck" Billy cursed through gritted teeth. The wound must have come from his skirmish with that monstrous arachnid.Billy stumbled to the electronic door. He tried the handle to no avail before realizing he needed a keycard. Desperate, he grabbed Dr. Shaun Everett's ID card and swiped it through the sensor pad. A high-pitched beep sounded, followed by a red light. Locked. Billy swiped again but met the same result."Come on, fucking garbage!" Billy slammed his fist against the cold, metal door.A sudden noise drew Billy's attention to the stacked cages. Squinting into the darkness, he cautiously approached them. A label reading "For Elimination" came into view. Without warning, a rabid baboon crashed against the bars, baring its fangs as it tried to break free. Billy leapt back as more agitated shrieks erupted from the other cages. More infected primates crawled into view, clawing and slamming themselves against their confinements."Wow, sorry to bother" Billy said, swiftly backing away. The deafening sound of the denting metal bars urged him into action. He rushed out through a different door just as one of the cages burst open.The veterinary room had seen better days. Double doors with an electronic lock stood opposite Linda. A large metal table cluttered with magazines and anatomy textbooks occupied the center. Jars of organs suspended in formaldehyde lined the shelves, interspersed with sharp surgical tools.Linda grimaced at a human brain displayed in a jar on the shelf. Meanwhile, Rebecca was thoroughly reading over some blueprints laid out on the table."Can you read them?" Linda asked nervously, glancing back at the sealed exit."I think's harder to decipher than a map," Rebecca mumbled, tracing her finger along the technical sketches. "We should be able to access the communications room through there." She tapped her finger on the double doors across from them. Carefully rolling up the blueprints, Rebecca tucked them into her medical kit.She gave the handle an unsuccessful jiggle before noticing the electronic lock panel. "I don't suppose you have any access cards on you, do you?" Rebecca turned to face Linda with a sheepish smile.Linda shook her head solemnly right as a loud banging noise erupted from behind her followed by a man's voice."Who's there?" Rebecca called out, her muscles tensing."I'm not infected, open the damn door!" The male voice shouted from behind the locked door, his words oozing with desperation."Billy?" Rebecca blinked in surprise.A brief pause. "Rebecca?"Linda shifted her wide eyes between Rebecca and the door. "Do you know him?"Rebecca rushed to the door, as soon as the lock disengaged, Billy came bursting in. His shoulders heaved as he caught his breath, leaning against the metal table for support."Are you alright? What happened?" Rebecca asked, her voice laced with concern."I'm fine, I just need a...shit." Before Billy could finish his sentence, his knees gave out from under him."Billy!" Rebecca cried out, dropping down beside his limp body. She gently smacked his cheeks, trying to rouse him. "Billy!"Linda crept towards the open door Billy had stumbled through moments earlier. An ominous feeling crept over her as faint noises echoed from the dark passage beyond."Rebecca?" Linda's voice quivered slightly.Rebecca's focus remained on Billy as she examined his shoulder, peeling back the torn, bloodied fabric of his shirt. An inky bruise surrounded two small puncture wounds. Billy's eyelids fluttered open and he let out a pained groan."No, no, how did you get this?" Rebecca questioned urgently, rummaging through her medical kit. She shined a flashlight into Billy's eyes, checking his vitals."I fought...a giant fucking spider." Billy's words came out slightly slurred."Did it bite you? Can you tell me what it looked like?""No, and it looked like a giant fucking spider." Billy snapped, his face contorting into a scowl."Are you sure it didn't bite you?" Rebecca pressed, her brows knitted together with unease.The noises from the hallway were increasing in volume and frequency, putting Linda further on edge. "Rebecca?" She called out again, her voice cracking."Give me a minute, Linda!" Rebecca responded impatiently, not bothering to look up."I'm sure!" Billy barked. "I was in contact for a few seconds at most."With a trembling hand, Linda reached closer to the door. The cacophony of shrieks and bangs was almost upon them. "Rebecca, something's coming!"At Linda's panicked warning, Rebecca's concentration finally broke. Her shoulders stiffened as the noise registered."Shit, those monkeys." Billy grimaced, clutching his still-swimming head."Monkeys?!" Linda squeaked in disbelief.Billy collapsed to the floor, his legs giving out beneath him as he struggled to stand. He leaned heavily against a nearby shelf, his face etched with pain."Hold on, I'll take care of this and then I'll treat you," Rebecca Chambers said, her voice calm yet insecure. She turned to Linda. "Lock the door."Linda hurried to comply, the lock clicking loudly in the tense silence. Billy gritted his teeth and pushed himself up once more, clutching at the shelf for support. He pulled his colt from its holster and held it out towards Rebecca, arm shaking with the effort."Just cover me while I get-"Rebecca cut him off, pushing the weapon back towards him firmly. "No, YOU cover ME while I take care of this." She met his gaze. "Can you move?"Billy's jaw clenched but he gave a slight nod."Linda, take him with you in the back," Rebecca instructed.Linda moved to Billy's side and offered her shoulder. He leaned on her heavily as she helped him hobble away.Rebecca turned her attention back to the task at hand. She hefted the old trench shotgun, checking the ammo with quick, but novice movements. This was what she had trained for, even if nothing could have prepared her for the hellish reality of this night.Behind her, Billy called out, "Rebecca"She spun around to see him holding out a handful of shotgun shells, Linda still supporting him. Rebecca snatched them up with a grateful nod. As she loaded the rounds into the chamber, Billy grasped her wrist, his fingers smeared with blood."Don't...miss" he said through ragged breaths."I won't" Rebecca promised.The three took cover behind the veterinary table, across from the door. Billy sat slumped in the corner, pistol resting in his lap. Linda crouched next to him, pressed between Rebecca and Billy."You know, if you're feeling real bad maybe I can..." Linda trailed off meaningfully, glancing at Billy's gun.Disgust flashed across Billy's face. He shoved the weapon further out of Linda's reach. "Go sit down, lady" he muttered.A thunderous pounding against the door made them all jump. The thin wooden barrier shook under the assault. Rebecca's knuckles turned white from her viselike grip on the shotgun. Billy cocked his gun, the sharp sound echoing in the small room."Ready?" Rebecca asked tersely, wiping sweat from her brow with the back of her hand.Linda covered her ears tightly. They watched the door, waiting. The pounding grew more frenzied, the wood beginning to splinter. It seemed as if at any moment the creatures would come crashing through.Just when it appeared the door was about to give way, gunshots rang out in the hallway. Rebecca and Billy exchanged startled looks as the scramble outside shifted, the screeches fading as if the creatures were retreating.In the abrupt silence that followed, Billy gestured to the door with his gun. Rebecca nodded and crept forward cautiously, shotgun at the ready."Hey, any luck with that electronic door?" Billy called out in a hoarse whisper.Linda shook her head, face pale.Billy fished an ID card out of his pocket. "Try this one" he said, holding it out to Linda.She took it from him with a suspicious look. "Where did you get this?""From some idiot who didn't make it," Billy responded flatly. "Now go"Rebecca reached the door and peered through the narrow window. It was too dark to make anything out. She pressed herself flat against the wall and slowly pulled the door open a crack, just enough to stick her head out into the shadowy hallway."So? Who's there?" Billy asked tensely.In a flash, a knife sliced through the gap in the doorway, grazing Rebecca's cheek. She recoiled with a hiss, slamming the door shut once more."I don't know, but it's not friendly" she bit out, touching the stinging cut."You, the door" Billy ordered Linda tersely.She hurried to swipe the stolen key card. A welcoming beep sounded as the lock disengaged."It worked!" Linda cried."Come on, let's go!" Rebecca said. She scooped up the shotgun shells from the table as the three slipped out of the veterinary office, closing the ominous door firmly behind them.