Chapter 1 --- Star Hunters ----

"Huff! Huff!" The young woman named Tessalin panted while trying to catch her breath. Tessalin was average height and weight with bright blonde hair that stood in contrast to the blue armor of the hunter.

 "Would you slow down! We aren't even on patrol today!" Tessalin yelled to her hot headed twin brother named Medo as he sprinted through a field. Medo was an inch shorter than his sister with the same blonde hair and face. 

 "Tessa! Cmon! We talked about this! We graduate in a few days! You know how bad I want the fire wolves regeneration ability! The wolves only spawn here! It's my last chance!" Medo yelled as he reached the treeline. He looked back to make sure Tessa was following, then disappeared into the thick foliage of the forest. 

 The twins were Star hunters in a world where monsters could literally fall from the sky. Giant meteorites containing pure energy fell everyday but great energy barrier walls broke them up into smaller pieces. When these stones touch the earth they begin to produce elemental energy monsters than run on instinct. They will attack and consume anything with a magical energy source, especially those like the twins who contain a spirit core. Those born with a core can produce mana making them a huge target for these beasts. Hunters were also the only hope for the world to fight back against this constant threat. 

 Tessa knew her brother refused to slow down so she decided to speed up. Focusing on her legs she performed a partial spirit form transformation. The blue armor that hunters wore was made of a special material called armorite. This substance provided moderate protection in human form and would allow for transformation to spirit form without the loss of clothes. 

 As her legs turned into pure lightning she focused on building power and then released it in a great leap. She shot forward with a speed that very few could handle, dodging trees and brush with ease. In less than a second she had reached her brother who had suddenly stopped.

 A few feet in front of him was the star that they had seen fall a few minutes ago. Red energy crackled around the smoldering rock becoming larger and larger until it formed the image of a wolf. 

 "What took you so long?" Medo said grinning at her. Tessa's lighting form was the fastest in their class so Medo was always messing with her. 

 "Alright." Tessa said ignoring his jab at her, "There's your wolf. Take it out and let's go home and get some sleep. "

 "I'm sorry Tessa. I can't just beat it. It needs to get stronger. I was talking to o dude the other day.." Medo began but Tessa interrupted him. "DONT CALL HIM THAT! His name is Odade. Why are you hanging out with him anyway he is super weird and kinda creepy. You know what they say about his parents, how they were performing illegal experiments. "

 "I don't care what they say, he is my friend. O dude might be weird but he knows a lot about everything. Like the wolves. I have defeated a thousand of them but have never gotten the regeneration ability. O dude says the wolves have to be level 2. "

 "Level 2? What does that mean?" Tessa questioned. 

"It's what o dude calls the monsters reaching the next stage. It's like how we call them 'Chu'(second stage)or 'Oki'(third stage). Though it seems much simpler. We just have to follow it until it gains enough energy and then defeat it. " Medo claimed with confidence. 

 "That is a terrible idea! What if it gets away and hurts someone! " Tessa argued, with her hand on her hip. 

 Medo looked at his sister and couldn't help but be reminded of their mom. They hadn't seen her in over ten years so Tessa had taken to acting like a parent. Medo had long since grown used to it. 

 "That's why you are here. There is nothing faster than you around. " Medo stated while sporting a huge grin.

 Tessa frowned. "Maybe so but that is putting a lot of pressure on me. Not to mention, you have no guarantee that the wolf will absorb fire energy if it runs into another monster. I have seen an electric bird take on a fire wolf easily. "

 Medo nodded, " Yeah ,that's true, but I have a plan. "

 Turning quickly Medo looked his sister in the eye as he spoke with a serious tone, "But you have to promise that you won't rat me or o dude out. It will only be this one time. "

 Tessa sighed heavily , "Fine. I promise. Tell me. "

 Medo grinned his token mischievous smile, " I'm gonna feed the wolf my fire energy until it gets big enough." 

 Tessa couldn't stop the gasp from escaping her lips. " You can't! You know it's illegal! If they catch you you will be expelled or worse! "

 Medo shook his head non chalantley, "Naw you worry to much. It will be easy. O dude says it puts the monster in a sleep state. I promise, just this one monster. " Medo pleaded. 

 "How do I get roped up in these things?" Tessa wondered out loud. " Fine. Hurry up though cause a compressor could show up any minute for the star. " 

 Tessa looked around with a worried expression.

 Not all people have a core. There are those called "compressors" whose job is to compress the energy from the stars into gemstones that are used to power the shields and also serve as the nation's currency. These compressors were typically sticklers for the rules, not that they had a choice. Since they do not have a core they serve as the governments lackeys. They train the newest generation and watch everything they do. Each team of hunters is assigned a compressor who is basically in charge. Despite not having a core they are untouchable. Any hunter could defeat a compressor with little to no thought but the consequences would be dire. There were some exceptions to this, though. Compressors could weild magical artifacts, and sometimes they were exceptionally good at it. 

 "Your right sis. Irving hates all hunters. If he shows up I'm dead meat. Thankfully, he is slow and likes to sleep. " Medo commented as he began to focus. 

 Tessa watched as Medo closed his eyes and began to control his breathing. 

 A second later a red energy appeared in his hand which began to snake its way towards the wolf. The energy stretched out like a long rope or tendril as it drew closer and closer to the flame wolf. 

 At the last second the wolf noticed the energy and tried to bite it. As soon as it did the wolf stopped moving. Tessa looked at her brother and saw that his eyes were rolled into the back of his head. 

 "You look creepy. " Tessa said. "Can you hear me? I guess not. Well at least the wolf is in a trance too. "

 Tessa realized that she had spoken too soon. The wolf opened its eyes and began to move, but Medo remained silent and still. 

 Tessa felt a pit in her stomach. Something was wrong. 

 The fire energy was steadily pumping into the wolf which seemed to grow with every second. 

 The wolf took a step towards Medo. 

 Tessa's heart jumped. Something was definitely wrong. 

 She tried to shake her brother but he stayed still. "Medo! Wake up! Somethings wrong! You have to stop! "

 The wolf continued to walk forward, growing larger with every step. 

 Tessa contemplated taking the wolf out before it became any more of a problem but she couldn't betray her brother. She told herself that she would get through this and make sure he never did it again. 

 Every step created more and more anxiety within Tessa as she witnessed the wolf's abnormal growth. She couldn't say for sure but it seemed to have reached the next stage(what is known as Chū ) already but it was not stopping. 

 "You have to break the connection or he will die. " A voice said from behind Tessa, causing her to jump in fear. 

 She recognized the voice as Medo's friend, the compressor Odade. The one everyone calls o dude. 

 Odade was a small man with dark black hair who wore the typical brown robes of the compressor. His features were plain and unremarkable but his eyes held an intelligence that spoke of his quick wit. 

 "Odade! Thank goodness you are here. You have to help him! Something has gone wrong. " Tessa pleaded.

 "I will be no help. You just need to wake him up. A small shock should do. " Odade said as he leaned non chalantley against a tree. 

 "Ok...if you say so..." Tessa said unsure. 

 Focusing on her core she channeled her energy into her hands and partial transformed them. Her fingers became lightning and with a thought she sent 1000 volts into her brother. " Medo gasped as the connection broke with the wolf mere feet away. 

 "Uhh Sis... what happened? OW! OWW! Would you stop hitting me!" Medo questioned as he regained consciousness only to have his sister slap him on the head incessantly. 

 "I thought you were gonna die! DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!"

 Odade interuppted them, " You should prepare to fight. It seems that Medo had a lot of energy. The wolf has become level 3 or as you call it, Oki. "

 The wolf loomed before them, easily three times it's original size.