Awakening Ceremony

In the rugged embrace of the Yan Empire's borderlands, nestled among ancient, towering peaks, lay the humble Shi Clan. Each year, they offered tributes to the sprawling empire, receiving in return only a meager assurance of protection against the myriad threats that roamed beyond their mountain sanctuary. Yet, as the empire's vastness cast its indifferent shadow, the petty rivalries and strife among tribes like the Shi Clan seldom stirred the attention of those far above.

In this secluded village, a boy named Kellan, barely six summers into his life, found himself among his peers, gathered beneath the watchful eye of Elder Wei. The flickering sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow over the curious children.

"Elder Wei, what is cultivation?" one small voice piped up, brimming with innocent curiosity.

Elder Wei, with his flowing silver beard and eyes that sparkled with wisdom, smiled softly. "Cultivation, dear children, is the art through which we mortals can fortify ourselves against those who seek to harm our loved ones. It is the means by which we contend with the very heavens themselves."

"But, Elder Wei," another child interrupted, "how do we cultivate?"

"Ah, that knowledge shall be unveiled to you tomorrow during the awakening ceremony," he replied, his voice imbued with anticipation. "Once the awakening occurs, your bodies shall become vessels capable of absorbing the pure Qi from the heavens. The first step on this noble path is known as the Blood Solidification Realm. It is here that your blood shall be strengthened, bestowing upon you extraordinary physical prowess."

"By absorbing this heavenly Qi, our blood becomes purer, allowing us to draw closer to our revered ancestor, Shi Ming," Elder Wei continued, his voice resonating with reverence.

"Elder, how strong was our ancestor Shi Ming?" a child asked, eyes wide with wonder.

"I cannot say for certain, little one," Elder Wei replied, "but the tales tell of a time when no one dared to provoke our Shi Clan within a thousand Li, for he was a formidable force."

"Enough of such tales," he declared, shifting the mood. "Come, let us prepare for your awakening ceremony."

As the children rose, Kellan hesitated, feeling the weight of the moment. Elder Wei placed a gentle hand on his head, offering a reassuring smile. "Little Jian, do not be afraid upon the altar. Feel the presence of your ancestors; they will guide you."

"Yes, Elder Wei," Kellan nodded, determination shining in his golden hair that set him apart from the others. Despite the curious glances of his peers, who whispered among themselves, they treated him with kindness, for Kellan had always been there to lend a helping hand in times of trouble.

Once, during a hunting expedition, they had been ambushed by a monstrous boar. In a moment of bravery, Kellan had seized a sharpened stick and struck the beast, saving his friends from certain doom. After that day, they had looked upon him as their leader, following him with unwavering loyalty.

As they made their way to the ceremonial site, Big Bone, a stout boy with a heart as big as his name, turned to him. "Are you nervous about the awakening, Kellan?" he asked.

"A bit," Kellan admitted, "but Elder Wei said it wouldn't hurt. It will just feel... strange."

"But what if we can't awaken?" Big Bone fretted. "What if you end up as just a farmer? We won't be able to join the hunting party; we won't be able to cultivate!"

"It's fine, Big Bone. I'm sure we'll both awaken and join the hunting party together!" Kellan replied, his smile infectious.

From the shadows, a voice dripped with scorn. "Hmph, what can an orphan like you hope to achieve? You think you can join the hunting party? In your dreams!"

The other children turned to find Shi Lin, the brawny son of the hunting party's leader. His muscles rippled as he laughed derisively.

"Hey! Shi Lin, don't bully our little Jian!" one of the boys with Kellan and Big Bone exclaimed.

"Yeah! Just because you're bigger and stronger now doesn't mean it'll always be that way!" another chimed in.

"Hmph, in the real world, strength is all that matters. Who cares if you're younger than me? In the wild, it's every man for himself!" Shi Lin retorted.

"Just because you're the son of the leader of the hunting party doesn't mean you can boss us around. Just wait a few years, and we'll beat you up!" a boy shouted back.

"That's right!" the other children rallied, their voices rising.

Shi Lin, with his companions, prepared to fight, but their argument was cut short as Elder Wei raised a hand, silencing them. "Prepare yourselves for the awakening ceremony."

"Hmph! You're lucky Elder Wei is here; otherwise..." he trailed off, making a slashing motion with his finger.

The little children walked back towards the center of the tribe, and Kellan started to get nervous as more and more kids gathered around for the annual awakening ceremony. As they neared the center of the tribe, they finally caught sight of the sacred awakening platform—the one thing that would determine their potential for cultivation.

Shi Long stood before them. "It is now time for the Shi Clan's annual awakening ceremony. As the Shi Clan is but a small tribe on the fringes of the empire, we do not have enough resources to expend on ensuring each one of you can cultivate."

The little kids began to feel nervous. Kellan clenched his fists, yet his eyes filled with resolve.

"Therefore, we must only pick the best of the best. This may sound unfair, but when you grow older, you will realize that this world follows the law of the jungle—only the strongest can walk the path to the end. The strong will only get stronger, while the weak are left for dead. This is the ironclad rule of the cultivation world."

Shi Lin looked at his father with awe, reveling in his strength. "One day," he stated, "I will also be as strong as Father and lead the hunting party for the glory of the tribe." The other kids also looked towards Shi Long with admiration.

Kellan clenched his fists even tighter. "The hunting party—that's the only way for me to get stronger and get closer to finding out who I am. In my dreams, I see visions of war and of people dying. Is that related to who I am? Where I came from? Who am I? Where are my parents? Am I... really alone?"

Shi Long's voice cut through his thoughts. "Enough of that. It is now time for the awakening ceremony. Each of you who are qualified to be tested by the Sphere of Awakening, line up one by one. Each of you will place your hand on this sphere. Depending on how bright the light from the sphere is, it will determine your potential as a cultivator. Now, first, put your hand on the sphere."

A little boy came up and put his hand on the sphere. It glowed with a soft light but eventually dimmed.

"Fail. Next," Shi Long said.

The little boy felt like he was about to cry, yet he left without saying anything. Kellan, from the far end of the line, was scared, but he trusted in his own potential.

"Kellan, don't worry. If you're not able to cultivate, I'm gonna lead the hunting party and protect you in the future," Big Bone said, patting his chest with pride from behind Kellan.

Kellan smiled. "I'm gonna count on you, Big Bone!"

As the ritual commenced, cheers erupted from some children while others wept in disappointment, their dreams of awakening dashed. Kellan stood at the end of the line, watching as child after child placed their hand on the glowing sphere. Some left with smiles, while others walked away with tears in their eyes. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a reminder of how much was at stake.

"Next," Shi Long's voice echoed, making Kellan's stomach churn.

Big Bone nudged him from behind. "Don't worry, Kellan. Even if you don't awaken, I'll protect you, I promise."

Kellan forced a smile, but fear gnawed at him. What if I don't awaken? What if I'm... nothing?

He stepped forward, his hand trembling as it hovered over the glowing orb. The light within swirled, waiting. His fingers brushed its surface, warmth spreading through his palm. For a moment, time seemed to stop. All sound around him faded away as the sphere pulsed beneath his hand, brightening with an intense light.

Golden radiance erupted from the sphere, illuminating the faces of those around him. But just as quickly, the light dimmed, leaving behind a faint glow.

Kellan was petrified. Suddenly, everything felt like it was going wrong; all his dreams of becoming stronger seemed stifled, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Shi Long was silent, while the crowd was left in stunned disbelief, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. Kellan himself was lost, not understanding what had happened.

Shi Long finally spoke, his voice calm yet firm. "It seems you have failed." Kellan's face paled; he looked like he had lost all hope.

"Hmph, of course that orphan would be just average. He's not even really part of the tribe!" Shi Lin exclaimed, a mocking grin plastered on his face.

"You shut up, or I'm gonna beat you up!" Big Bone shouted back.

"I'd like to see you try, farmer," Shi Lin sneered, staring at him with disdain.

Shi Lin's father shot him a disapproving glance, grumbling something under his breath. Shi Lin kept his tongue in check. Kellan remained silent and clenched his fists. He bowed slightly and didn't say a word. The other kids tried to comfort him, but he simply smiled.

"It's okay, guys. This isn't the end. I'm still gonna try my best and work hard so I won't be left behind," Kellan stated, forcing himself to remain positive.

Shi Long stared at the boy, thinking to himself. Before the sphere went dim, it had first shown a glaringly bright light. Could there have been something wrong with the sphere? Yet before he could ponder it further, the next child stepped forward.

Kids kept moving forward, waiting for their turns. Yet by the end of the day, only a total of ten people were deemed worthy of cultivating. Big Bone, in particular, when he placed his hand on the sphere, glowed with a glaring red light.

"That ends this year's awakening ceremony. You guys can try again next year, but under clan rules, you can only take the awakening ceremony a maximum of three times."

When Kellan heard this, his eyes twinkled. He clenched his fists. That's right; this isn't the end. There's still next year. But… I'm gonna be left behind.

From behind him, Big Bone put his hand around his shoulder. "Hehe, Kellan, don't you worry. Your big brother here is gonna take care of you. You can just be a scholar or something, and I'll protect you and your family!" He smiled.

Kellan laughed. "Yeah, I guess I can only rely on you, Big Bone."