The Mystfall Forest

The air grew heavier as Kellan and Big Bone made their way through the winding paths of Mystfall Forest. Every step was careful, deliberate, as the thick vegetation around them rustled ominously. The deeper they ventured, the denser the trees became, their twisted branches forming a tangled canopy above, blotting out the sun's warmth.

"Are we even close?" Big Bone asked, his eyes darting between the shadows of the towering trees.

Kellan glanced at the map Elder Wei had given him before they left the village. "We're almost there," he said, his voice low but calm. "Clear Frost Grass usually grows near shaded riverbanks, so we should be close."

Big Bone grumbled something about hating bugs and continued trudging forward, his eyes now alert for any movement.

After another few minutes of silent trekking, they finally reached a clearing by the river. There, in the dim light cast by the overhanging trees, was a patch of pale, shimmering grass—Clear Frost Grass.

"We found it," Kellan said, a hint of relief in his voice.

But before either of them could move closer, a soft clicking sound echoed through the trees. Kellan froze. Big Bone's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his weapon.

From the shadows emerged three massive figures—giant spiders, each the size of a horse. Their hairy legs skittered along the ground, their black eyes gleaming in the low light as they moved to surround the patch of Clear Frost Grass.

"Of course," Big Bone muttered, his voice tense, "it couldn't be that easy."

Kellan clenched his fists. "Ready?"

Big Bone nodded, his grin returning despite the danger. "Let's squash some bugs."

The spiders lunged all at once, their venomous fangs gleaming in the dim light. Kellan's instincts flared to life as his eyes briefly flashed golden, the world around him slowing down in his heightened state of awareness. Time seemed to stretch, allowing him to see the spiders' every move as if they were mere shadows. His body reacted fluidly, enhanced by his cultivation, sidestepping just as the first spider's massive fangs slammed into the dirt where he had been. In one swift motion, Kellan channeled Qi into his fist, golden energy crackling as he drove a devastating blow into the creature's side.

The impact sent shockwaves through the spider's body, causing its legs to buckle, but it wasn't enough to finish it. The creature screeched in fury, its gleaming black eyes filled with rage as it recovered, raising its front legs high, ready to strike again. Kellan stepped back, his chest rising and falling with labored breaths, preparing for the next assault.

Meanwhile, Big Bone roared with the force of a thunderclap. Despite not yet reaching the first level of the blood solidification realm, his [Titan Refinement] cultivation technique, combined with his natural physique, made him an imposing force. With a single swing of his massive club, he sent the second spider crashing into a tree, the impact so powerful that the trunk cracked, raining down leaves and debris. The spider twitched, but stubbornly refused to die, venom dripping from its fangs as it struggled to stand.

"I'll handle this one!" Big Bone bellowed, though the sheer toughness of their foes tempered even his confidence.

The third spider, faster and more aggressive, dashed toward Kellan with terrifying speed. Even in his enhanced state, Kellan barely registered the blur of its legs as it lunged, venomous fangs aimed straight for his face. He twisted at the last second, golden eyes flickering, the creature's sharp fangs grazing his arm. Pain flared briefly, but Kellan numbed the sensation by channeling his Qi. Without hesitation, he retaliated, his palm glowing as he struck the spider's abdomen, sending a pulse of force rippling through its body. The creature hissed in pain but attacked again, legs thrashing wildly as it sought to land a deadly blow.

Kellan dodged, his eyes glowing gold once more. The world slowed around him, each of the spider's movements clear in his vision. He analyzed their relentless assault, his body moving with fluid precision as he ducked and weaved between their attacks. His fatigue was creeping in, but the golden glow of his eyes sharpened his reflexes, pushing him beyond his limits.

"Kellan, watch out!" Big Bone's voice boomed, but he had his own problems. The spider he'd sent flying had recovered and was now circling him, venom dripping as it looked for an opening. Big Bone swung his club again, but the spider darted low with unsettling speed, slipping past his defenses. For a brief moment, it seemed like the spider had gained the upper hand. It lunged, fangs poised to strike.

But Big Bone wasn't one to be easily overwhelmed. Planting his feet, he swung upward with every ounce of his strength. The club connected with a sickening crunch against the spider's underbelly, sending its massive body flying into the air. It crashed down in a heap, legs twitching in defeat.

"One down," Big Bone grunted, wiping the sweat from his brow. He turned just in time to see Kellan battling the last two spiders, locked in a fierce struggle.

The third spider lunged at Kellan with frightening precision, but he was ready. His palm met its attack head-on, the force of the impact knocking him back. His foot slid across the dirt, his body strained, but he didn't falter. The first spider, still recovering, charged from the side, aiming to overwhelm him. For a brief moment, Kellan felt cornered, but his golden eyes narrowed in focus.

With a burst of speed, Kellan dropped low, sliding beneath the first spider's legs. As he moved, he sent a surge of Qi into the ground, propelling himself into the air. Time slowed again as he hovered above the spiders, gathering all his energy into one final, devastating strike.

"[Temporal Fist]!" Kellan roared as his glowing fist came crashing down onto the first spider's head. The force was cataclysmic. The creature's exoskeleton shattered with a splintering crack, and it let out a final screech before its legs curled inward, lifeless.

The third spider, now furious, leapt at Kellan mid-air. But this time, he was prepared. Twisting his body, he landed with grace, dodging the creature's fangs by mere inches. With a swift, precise motion, he drove his palm into its side, sending it skidding across the ground.

Before the creature could recover, Big Bone charged in with a final, earth-shaking swing. His club connected with the spider, crushing it with a sickening thud. The forest fell silent once more, save for the labored breathing of the two warriors.

The spiders lay motionless, their massive bodies broken green blood filled the surroundings, their demonic cores faintly glowing in the dim light. Kellan wiped the sweat from his forehead, his golden eyes slowly fading back to normal.

Kellan wiped the sweat from his forehead, catching his breath. "That was... tougher than I expected."

Big Bone, panting heavily, grinned. "I told you, we're cultivators now. This kind of thing is normal, right?"

Kellan chuckled weakly, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Yeah... normal."

"Although, I don't think those were true demonic beasts." Big Bone stated, "If someone like me, who hasn't yet broken through the first level of the blood solidification realm can beat them it must mean they were just mutated beasts"

As they picked up the demonic cores from the spiders, a sudden loud noise echoed from deeper in the forest. Both of them froze, their eyes snapping toward the source of the sound. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and from the shadows emerged a spider far larger than the ones they had just fought—its massive body towering over them, its legs thicker than tree trunks, its fangs dripping with venom.

Kellan's heart pounded in his chest. "That... that thing's bigger than all the others combined!"

Big Bone swallowed hard, gripping his club tightly. "Kellan... we've got a serious problem."