Approaching the booth, Victor sees many rookie trainers and youngsters gathered around, discussing and watching a trainer making their attempt.
It was a type of obstacle course with a machine that tracked and launched balls at high speed. On the course was a Meowth, running at high speed in its Quick Attack state, covered in a white glow.
"Go, Meowth, you can do it."
Cheering for him was a girl who appeared to be about ten years old, dressed in a trainer outfit similar to the protagonist's from Pokémon Black, but with different colors: a blue shirt, white shorts, a sleeveless white jacket, and a black-and-yellow cap.
Encouraged by his trainer, Meowth began to run faster. But from a distance, watching Meowth's run, Victor noticed something strange.
'The way he's running seems off. He hasn't fully mastered Quick Attack, and it looks like he doesn't have enough coordination to maintain high speed. He'll probably get hit soon,' Victor thought as he analyzed Meowth's running style.
"Sentret, Sentret," Sentret asked, tilting its head in confusion.
"He's not like you, Sentret. Other Pokémon don't have as good body control and reaction speed as you do," Victor whispered to the Sentret on his shoulder.
One thing Victor had noticed while training Sentret was that its reaction speed and body control in high-speed states were incredibly precise; even at high speeds, it could coordinate its body with great ease—something not easily achieved.
In the battle against Kenta, if his Houndour had mastered the high-speed state of Sucker Punch, that fight might have ended differently. After all, without sufficient control in high-speed mode, a Pokémon can't distinguish when to stop, turn to attack, or pull back.
But Sentret never had these issues; it always moved effortlessly in high-speed mode, leading Victor to add a new aspect to Sentret's profile.
Sentret: Scout Pokémon
Gender: Male
Level: 18
Ability: Run Away
Potential: Green with Blue Flecks
Talent: Excellent Body Control and Quick Reflexes
Learned Moves: Scratch, Defense Curl, Quick Attack, Charm, Ice Punch, Hone Claws, Power-Up Punch, Shadow Claw, Fury Swipes, Helping Hand, Focus Energy (egg move), Tidy Up (egg move), Last Resort (egg move)
Reflecting on this, Victor decided to keep watching, and after Meowth was hit and fell, he heard someone beside him speak.
"Oh, what an interesting game!" said a tall, chubby boy with brown hair, brown eyes, an honest expression, and a big smile on his face.
He was accompanied by a boy and a girl. The boy was slim, about the same height as Victor, with gray hair, green eyes, slight dark circles under his eyes, and a neutral expression. The girl was short, with blue hair with pink streaks, green eyes, large glasses, and a cute appearance. She was curiously looking around.
Looking at the trio, Victor realized that they were the ones he had seen earlier when he arrived at the bazaar, but he still had doubts about why they were here.
After all, having lived in Purple City for a while, he had heard a lot about the three siblings from the orphanage, especially about the eldest brother. Yes, they were the three siblings from the orphanage.
The girl with blue hair and pink streaks was named Azami. She was the third sibling from the orphanage. Many liked her because of her cute appearance and calm, pleasant personality. Her Pokémon was also captured with the help of the eldest brother. Matching her hair color, her first Pokémon was a Water-type, a Poliwag, which had since evolved into a Poliwhirl.
The boy with the indifferent expression and gray hair was named Lakin. He wasn't as popular as Azami or the eldest brother because of his aloof personality, but he was still the second sibling from the orphanage.
Possibly influenced by the eldest brother, his first Pokémon was a Scyther, also captured with the eldest brother's help.
And finally, the tall, chubby boy, also known as the eldest brother, was named Tyson. He was highly respected by the children of Purple City, initially gaining their respect through his fists, defending the orphanage children, and later through his mastery in Pokémon battles. His first Pokémon was also a Scyther, which he found injured in the forest. After nursing it back to health and training it, that Scyther challenged the leader of its tribe. After defeating the leader, Scyther didn't take over the leadership but instead left the tribe and became Tyson's Pokémon.
At first, Tyson hadn't wanted Scyther as his starter, as he had a great love for Steel, Rock, and Ground types, earning him the nickname "The Mountain" due to his large, robust appearance and this preference. However, he had heard rumors of a new Steel-type evolution for Scyther, so he accepted it as his partner. Since then, they had formed an extremely strong team—at least by the standards of the kids in Purple City.
After recognizing them, Victor decides to greet them; after all, being from the same city, they'll probably interact a bit, at least until they all head off on their journeys.
"Hey, everyone. You're pretty far from Purple City, huh," Victor says calmly with a smile as he approaches them.
"Hm? Who are you?" Tyson looks at Victor curiously, wondering who he is and how he knows they're from Purple City.
Azami also observes Victor curiously, much like Tyson, while Lakin looks at Victor suspiciously, quickly thinking about why he approached them.
"Relax, I'm from Purple City too. I'm Victor, a friend of Hannah and Kinji. I was just curious about what brings you here," Victor explains, raising his hands to clarify his reason for approaching them.
Tyson's eyes widen as if remembering something.
"It's none of your business, kid," Lakin replies in a slightly hostile tone.
"Lakin-nii, calm down, please," says Azami, trying to calm Lakin.
Victor feels confused by Lakin's sudden outburst, wondering if his question was too intrusive.
Sensing the tension, Tyson tries to ease the mood, saying calmly with a chuckle, "Calm down, everyone, what's the fuss about? We're all from the same city. Besides, Lakin, the kid is friends with the brats, so there's no problem with him knowing why we're here; they'll find out soon anyway."
Hearing Tyson, Lakin huffs and falls silent.
With everyone quiet now, Tyson starts a conversation with Victor.
"So, you're Victor, huh. Hannah and Kinji talked a lot about you and your Sentret; they said he's very strong and incredibly fast," Tyson says, glancing at Victor and the Sentret on his shoulder. His gaze shifts down, noticing the Marill in Victor's arms. "But they didn't mention this little one."
"I'm honored they talked about me to the famous 'eldest brother,' hehe. As for this little one, I just caught her," Victor replies, showing Marill to them.
"They said you're pretty strong and have some unusual battle strategies, hahahaha," says Tyson, laughing as he recalls Hannah and Kinji complaining about how Victor's Sentret uses its tail to punch in battles.
"Hehehe, I try to innovate my strategies in battle to catch opponents by surprise," Victor says with a laugh.
"So, Victor, we came to Violet City to sell some things we found in the forest and then buy some proper training resources. At higher levels, you can't train with just berries anymore. But what about you? What brings you here?" Tyson explains why they're in Violet City and asks curiously why Victor is there.
"I was adventuring in the forest and ended up in a situation that made me jump into the river. I was carried downstream until I ended up near Violet City," Victor explains, scratching his head a bit embarrassed.
"Wait! You went to explore the forest?" Azami exclaims, a little shocked by Victor's courage, as they only dare to explore the forest as a group, always relying on Tyson's Scyther's strength.
"Huh? Yeah, but as you can see, it went a little wrong," Victor replies with a nervous laugh.
"Not too wrong; you're in one piece," Lakin says indifferently, looking Victor up and down.
"Staying in one piece while exploring the forest is either strength or luck, hahahaha," Tyson says in good humor, letting out a big laugh.
"For me, it's more luck, hehehe," Victor replies, also laughing.
After chatting a bit more to get to know them better, Victor manages to draw some conclusions about the personalities and goals of the three siblings.
Azami is calm but a bit shy, wanting to become a Pokémon breeder, open a shop in Purple City, and help the orphanage's caretaker, Mrs. Rosa. From the trio's interactions, Victor could see that she seems to have a bit of a crush on Tyson, even if she doesn't show it much. But, having lived two lives, he was able to notice it.
Lakin is a bit concerning; he tends toward an indifferent personality, but he occasionally has fits of anger, making him unstable. This is worrisome when combined with his goal of becoming a strong trainer and his apparent obsession with power and control. It doesn't help that he seems to be interested in Azami, but he may not realize that she's interested in Tyson. If Victor had more free time, he'd actually be intrigued to watch the drama of this future love triangle unfold.
'Hehehehehehehe,' Victor chuckles internally as he thinks about it.
As for Tyson, he's a good person to have as a friend. He's calm and playful, honest, and very protective of his younger siblings. He seems a bit oblivious to anything that doesn't involve Pokémon, as he hasn't noticed Azami's feelings toward him. But, Victor considers, that might just be due to his age. According to the other kids at the orphanage, Tyson and the others had just turned ten.
After reflecting on the three of them, Victor comes to a mischievous conclusion with a grin on his face: 'This love triangle is going to cause a lot of trouble in the future.'
Hey, everyone! Just dropping by to let you know that, even though my hands aren't 100% yet, I'll try to stick to a schedule of at least one chapter every two days. Big hug, and thanks for your support!
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