Chapter 6: The Alluring Power

Chapter 6: The Alluring Power:

A piercing alarm echoed throughout the research facility, replacing the previously quiet atmosphere with overwhelming noise. Red warning lights flashed from the ceiling, rotating beams of light, creating a sense of suffocating tension. The sound of chaotic footsteps and urgent commands heightened the anxiety in the air.

"Hurry! Someone has escaped from the facility! Everyone, get ready to intercept!"

"Shut down all internal systems and activate all the cameras! Find the escapees immediately!"

"Report!! There's a high-energy reading in the southeast section of the facility, possibly from the escapees!"

"Be alert! One of the escapees is Blaine, the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island. Proceed with caution!"

"Check all personnel! See if anyone else is missing besides Blaine!"


The once-chaotic voices grew more organized. These Team Rocket members were well-trained in military tactics, and they quickly began a systematic sweep of the facility, following standard operating procedures. The on-duty members of Team Rocket were the first to act, while those off-duty quickly woke up, dressed, and joined the search with their Pokémon.

Many researchers woke up in terror, watching as the fierce-looking Team Rocket members and their Pokémon stormed through the facility, questioning everyone they came across.

"Report: Based on our investigation, the escapees include Blaine, Professor Oak, and the boy who served as Mewtwo's research subject, Yulong Jie. Please provide further instructions, Captain!"

"Hmph. If Blaine had escaped alone, he might have been a problem. But since he's dragging two others with him, that changes things. Relay the order: the Mewtwo project is almost complete. Blaine, Professor Oak, and that boy are no longer of any use. Take them down, dead or alive! Be cautious of Blaine—he's a Gym Leader, and not easy to deal with!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The reporting member saluted and quickly left to relay the orders given by the research facility's highest-ranking officer.

"Did you think Team Rocket wouldn't prepare for this, Blaine? You've always been under close surveillance, and that hasn't changed!" the Team Rocket captain muttered as he removed his white researcher's coat, revealing the black uniform with the iconic 'R' symbol. He donned his cap, grabbed his Pokéball, and swiftly left the room.

"Damn! The plan's gone wrong! I didn't expect Team Rocket to catch on so quickly!"

In a corridor, Yulong Jie and Professor Oak rode on the back of a Rapidash, galloping at high speed. Rapidash's flaming mane glowed like fire, though it wasn't hot to the touch; instead, it gave off a warm, comforting heat. The horse's speed was incredible, and Yulong Jie, though inexperienced at riding, found himself feeling comfortable, not at all in danger of being thrown off despite the rapid pace.

Beside them, Blaine was clutching onto a massive two-meter-tall Arcanine, its muscular body bouncing along the floor of the facility. Compared to the comfortable ride of Rapidash, Arcanine wasn't exactly suited for riding, and seeing its colossal, powerful body confirmed to Yulong Jie that any data regarding Pokémon size was unreliable. With Arcanine's bulk and powerful limbs, Yulong Jie thought it could easily send an adult human flying with a single charge, likely breaking all their bones.

The situation had escalated unexpectedly, but Blaine remained calm. As a highly skilled Gym Leader, his strength was enough to protect an entire city. He said with confidence, "…It's fine. Not many people within Team Rocket know the full details of the Mewtwo project, and there are no high-ranking members stationed here. We still have a good chance of escaping!"

"When I was first captured and brought here, I noticed that this facility is built beneath a remote island surrounded by water. You specialize in Fire-type Pokémon, Blaine. What's the plan for that?" Professor Oak asked as he steadily held Yulong Jie on Rapidash's back. Despite being a researcher, Oak appeared to have extensive experience dealing with emergencies that required combat skills.

"Don't worry. I've already thought this through. Before I was fully detained, I managed to leave the facility and borrowed a powerful Lapras from the Cerulean City Gym Leader. Even though Water-types aren't my specialty, Lapras is strong enough to help us fight in the open ocean. I didn't call her for help right away to avoid suspicion, but she's waiting to pick us up. Once we meet her, no ordinary trainers will be able to stop us at sea!"

Hearing that Blaine had everything planned, Professor Oak's worries eased. He turned to Yulong Jie and said, "Jie-kun, hold on tightly to Rapidash. Don't worry, we're here to protect you, and we'll make sure you get out of this safely!"

Speaking to the 15-year-old boy, who had just reached the age to become a novice trainer, Professor Oak's tone was solemn and filled with a sense of duty. He felt a strong responsibility to protect Yulong Jie at all costs. The technique of injecting Pokémon cells into a human body had been taken from Oak's own research. He had only mentioned the possibility in passing, never imagining Team Rocket would be so ruthless as to actually attempt it, nearly costing an innocent boy his life. Oak felt deeply guilty for what had happened.

"Watch out! There's someone up ahead!" Blaine shouted.

In the corridor ahead, two Team Rocket members had blocked the path, ready for battle. Seeing them approach, the Team Rocket members quickly gave orders to their Pokémon, "Psyduck, Poliwhirl, use 'Water Gun!'"

A dazed-looking Psyduck opened its mouth, and the frog-like Poliwhirl raised its hands. The 'Water Gun' they fired was no ordinary splash of water—these were high-powered jets, strong enough to rival the water cannons on firefighting trucks!

"They've brought Water-type Pokémon to counter me! Ignore them—they're just stalling us until reinforcements arrive. Rapidash, charge ahead! Arcanine, use 'Flamethrower!'"

At Blaine's command, Arcanine didn't slow down. Its eyes were sharp and determined like those of a seasoned warrior. It opened its mouth, unleashing a scorching stream of flames.

The narrow hallway of the research facility instantly filled with steam and heat. Though Yulong Jie couldn't measure the exact temperature, he estimated it had to be over a thousand degrees. Even the air seemed to turn red-hot. If it weren't for Rapidash's protection, he imagined his skin would be burning in agony by now.

While Water-types were typically strong against Fire-types, that only held true when their power levels were evenly matched. In cases of significant disparity in strength, even water couldn't defeat fire. Besides, Yulong Jie had learned from the books he'd read that type matchups only mattered if an attack landed. Even if a Water-type had a huge advantage over a Fire-type, it didn't matter if it couldn't hit its target. In a battle of raw power, it was simply about who was stronger. This world wasn't like a game, where battles followed turn-based rules, with hit percentages and accuracy—here, strength was everything. Victory or defeat was decided in an instant!

In seconds, the intense flames from Arcanine's 'Flamethrower' vaporized the Water Guns of Psyduck and Poliwhirl, turning the water into steam. The blazing fire then surged forward, engulfing the two Pokémon. Both Psyduck and Poliwhirl cried out in agony as the flames washed over them, and the trainers behind them couldn't escape either. They screamed in pain as the scorching heat enveloped them. Although the water jets had dampened some of the flames' intensity, preventing them from being turned into charcoal, their skin still blistered horribly, covered in grotesque burns.

Blaine and Professor Oak, however, were unfazed. Rapidash and Arcanine leaped over the fallen bodies of the two trainers and their Pokémon, continuing their sprint forward.

As they rounded a corner, Yulong Jie glanced back. He saw the two Team Rocket members trembling as they pulled out syringe-like devices from their pockets, likely containing medication to treat their burns. But judging by their pitiful condition and the state of their Pokémon, Yulong Jie thought they were just a step away from death's door. Had Blaine not been concerned about getting surrounded, he likely would have finished them off without hesitation.

In that moment, Yulong Jie became even more certain: this world was incredibly dangerous.

But the power of Pokémon—it was utterly captivating.