Alone Into The Unknown

"Hey! What's yer damn problem?" Gaston asked, spitting out in anger towards the armored man. 

"My problem? Ask your friend there—I don't think he understands he's out of this depth here," Attila scoffed, pointing his onyx gaze directly towards the hooded adventurer now. 

Against the scathing doubt, Bastian didn't shy away, instead stepping closer as he asserted his intentions against the discrediting words of the Invictus, "I'm not trying to prove anything here. Thing is, when it comes to scouting out unexplored parts of Yggdrasil, I'm better than all of you." 

Such a claim wasn't well-received by the darkly-clad Invictus, who held a smile wrapped in viciousness, presenting his sharp teeth like that of a shark, "Is that so? Maybe I'll find out for myself how much "better" you are."