Unquantifiable Existence

"Yeah? What're you reading then?" Alcides curiously asked, folding his arms over his chest. 

Khalida shook her head, "...Not much. I'd be better off using a larger sample–one that had suffered the effects of this substance already. Like…"

The gaze of the inquisitive woman lingered towards the mangled corpse of Aegenwulf, though the suggestion was met with a scrunched look from Alcides. 

"Oh, come off it. A body is no more than a shell–what's important is gaining information that may save those that still breathe," Khalida said with a flick of her hair. 

"I didn't say anything," Alcides conceded with a shrug, "Do what you must."

The Invictus of Hel carefully traversed the field of bones as the brittle remains crunched beneath her boots, stopping just before the broken-and-battered body of the Eviscerator leader. It was a regretful sight, but she didn't let it stop her as she waved her hand, commanding a black bubble to encapsulate the corpse.