Exploring rewards

Chapter 4: Lin Fan the explorer

Immediately after I said activate the ground started to vibrate on the mountain that I was in, the shaby buildings that looked desolate started to disappear and in their came newer and bigger and fancier buildings. Trees were transformed from scattered into beautifully organised land scales. The air around became fresher and clearer, I could actually feel the density of the overwhelming Qi around me. It was like all the carbon dioxide was replaced by Qi, the more wind the trees blew was the Qi around me increased.

The n all of the sudden a pill appeared in front of me and I know what it is,so I decided to eat it because if it is what I think it is then I'm supposed to eat it. After eating the immortal marrow cleansing pill I passed for an hour or two I really don't how long it was but when I work up all the pain that I was feeling was gone. It was placed a new feeling I didn't recognize it was like my body was constantly absorbing Qi. The absorption was fast and vast one would think that it was impossible if I explained it.

The all of the sudden I felt something strange inside my spatial ring. Something that was calling towards me. When I decided to take it out of the spatial it was a sword the likes I have never seen before it looked like it was designed by the heavens specially for me. Then I thought 'what kind of OP weapon is this?'. [....]