Chapter 4: You just missed him

'While walking through the corridor, I realized how different the people are from Earth. Major difference was their hair and eye colors. But man I can feel their fear of me from their gazes alone."

Couple of maids just greeted him and escaped without even receiving greetings from him.

"Blessings upon Young lord, what are you doing here? I was about to go see you."

"Oh but the maid said that you called for me"

"My heavens, I'm just a lowly servant of this household. How could I summon the young lord to my office? It seems Rose made a little mistake. I hope you don't punish him too severely."

"It's fine. I also wanted to have some fresh air myself. So shall we talk about what you wanted to ask of me."

"Of course please follow me inside, Sky bring some refreshments"

' We entered the head maid's office which was similar to the Nineties office from earth.As soon as we sat down, Marisa started to speak.'

" Young lord, if you still remember, tomorrow night is the Family annual ball party. Many lords from different fiefs will be present. Even the royalty will come. So I was asking if you will join this party or not."

" Yeah sure. Isn't that my duty as son of duke to enter such functions"

" Wow….. I mean that's Gr..Great to hear."

' What happened here? Did he just agree to join the party function that easily? I even prepared some bribe for him. Well that saves some trouble for me. Looks like the Doctor's medicines worked.'

"May I ask? What are these paperworks?"

" Ohh these! I manage this

palace interior which includes all the worker management and stuff. You don't need to know about it right now. James"

A young boy around the age of seven, in black tuxedo, dark black eyes and black hairs, entered the office.

" Who is he?" 'I asked'

" He is the grandson of Duke's butler. James holland. James shows the young lord his room where all his function dresses are."

" Yes Madam head maid"

'As we were about to leave the office, the head maid spoke.'

" Oh I forgot to mention, you will be having a family dinner tonight. Lord Duke asked for you by himself. Make sure you attend it at least."

" When's dinner?"

" 8:00 p.m"

" Fine thanks for informing"

' What the hell did he eat today? I can't believe he is the same person who couldn't speak without throwing a tantrum at least ones. Thank God he grew up. Looks like my baby sitting was not nothing.'


Sky brought the refreshments

"Oh sky, you just missed young lord now and leave those at the table."

~ 7:50 p.m

' I left the head maid's office and entered a room which was filled to the brim with my clothes. James Holland was not much of a talker, so we both were silent during the whole process of dress selecting. Didn't know selecting dresses could be this tiring. Well this reminds me of Sung cheong, how long he takes to choose a dress and Kim hanwo who takes anything in front of him.'


'I forgot about them the whole day. How can that be possible?'

As soon as he remembered them, tears started to dwell in his eyes. As he was about to brust due to saddness knowing he wouldn't meet them again. Suddenly,

~ Knock knock

"My lord! It's time"

'Sky was standing, waiting for me.'

"I'm ready, let's go."

'The time I spent here, at least I was able to find out about my family members.'

Walking through the corridor, They stood in front of a giant door and as soon the door opened, a dinner table that could fit many people. And at the head of table

' The person who is sitting there is no other than The current head of family '