The Art of Selling Yourself 1

Jason Cross adjusted his tie as he left the glass-panelled building. He had been getting assaulted by the smell of coffee and things like that the whole time, and now that he was back in the streets, getting assaulted by the smell of the rising sun that was going to be beating down on the street. He couldn't help but smile.

That meeting had gone well for him. If he got the job that was going to be the beginning of a new chapter in his life. This was an exciting time in his life. Smiling, Jason ordered a taxi, and as he got inside, smelling the stink of a cigarette, he chuckled. Just how long would it take him to get a car?

Probably not that long. Jason thought a bit more and decided to set a goal for himself. 1 month. In One Month he would get a car, and start driving. He already had a licence. All he needed was the car.