Oh, Tim~~!! 2

And yet there was a catch, the same thing he had not believed before. Even with the major downfall of it being pretty bad, she had retained every iota of knowledge she had gained, speaking in fluent Mandarin, at least according to what she could recall and recounting the intricate details of quantum physics with ease, even in her sluggish state. 

The pill had not just made her smarter, it had made her a human computer, capable of processing and storing vast amounts of data in a way that was both fascinating and terrifying. And then when it ended all that data stayed, just as his new business partner had said it would. 

With this pill in his life, could he not absorb data, and break it down in a terrifyingly efficient way, bettering his skills and abilities faster than every opponent of his? Would he not be making sure to become better than them in the long run?